Atrial Fibrillation (AFib): How can I manage it?

Posted by fred66 @fred66, Jun 13, 2018

I have a fib.. all the time. No blocked arteries. Can't see a dr for 3 months..

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I have supra ventricular tachycardia or SVT. It feels like my premature atrial complexes or PACs when it is happening. I also have very bad Anxiety and panic. I get scared because I am 72 years old and I wonder what's going to happen to me. I really need to get the anxiety and panic under control. When it's better, my heart feels better.

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Hi, @anniegk. Glad to have you on this discussion with us. Hope you have had a chance to review other postings in this discussion, including mine of 3 days ago when I posted a Mayo Clinic web site link that you may find very helpful in giving you some assurances: If you can check that out, we'll be glad to know what you think of the information it provides.


Hello Martin I am SO glad my posts are getting through to you. I was more worried than you can imagine. I think I may have gotten something mixed up in my post to you this morning. When my cardio ordered the Xeralto, I looked up side effects for ANTIARRYTHMICS, which do carry more side effects, but now I realize the Xeralto is an ANTICOAGULANT and all I've found for side effects of those are some concerns with bleeding. I'm not real crazy about THAT either, but I am no longer terrified of taking the Xeralto. I will look forward to hearing from you when you have time to find me hiding under my bed. Linda

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to Rubywitch67 - been reading your posts from late March. Perhaps you have gotten some help by now ? In case not, I wanted to offer some of my experience with Afib. First, my cardo, whom I like, was reccomending the anti-arrhythmic drugs. Like you, did my research on side effects, success rates and finally concluded wanted to go with an Ablation. If successful, might get off the meds and maybe even the blood thinner. Consider: Ablation is not a cure but may be a fix for several years? Drugs are not a cure either and stats show them less successful than Ablation. 2) Have been on Xarelto now for over a year. No problems. Bleeding can be an issue, so need to be careful. But unlike comudin, no dietary restrictions and no blood samplings. Once a day sold me over others like Eliquis. Expensive but can get a coupon from mfg if qualified. I now pay $10 for 3 months supply.
3) Stress and anxiety are highly rated triggers for Afib. As a natural worrier, this has been a major challenge for me - not easy - but finally have under control without meds. Sleeping so much better. A real mind challenge but can be done. I had to develop a kinda "couldn't care less" attitude; if not something I can control, forget it. I have a Karido Moble and was using it frequently - like daily. Keeping me in suspense and anxiety. My Ablation provider counseled : "I am not treating your Karido. I am not treating your brain. I am treating your heart"..... You need to throw the Karido away, don't take constant pulse ratings - forget it. Put it behind you.... De stress. Following his advice has been very helpful. Can you find the formula for you to relieve your stress?
Please see a Mayo electrophysoligist, if possible, and discuss Ablation as a remedy. Not for everyone but you need to have that discussion. Again, find a way to eliminate that stress, anxiety.
I wish you the best Ruby


to Rubywitch67 - been reading your posts from late March. Perhaps you have gotten some help by now ? In case not, I wanted to offer some of my experience with Afib. First, my cardo, whom I like, was reccomending the anti-arrhythmic drugs. Like you, did my research on side effects, success rates and finally concluded wanted to go with an Ablation. If successful, might get off the meds and maybe even the blood thinner. Consider: Ablation is not a cure but may be a fix for several years? Drugs are not a cure either and stats show them less successful than Ablation. 2) Have been on Xarelto now for over a year. No problems. Bleeding can be an issue, so need to be careful. But unlike comudin, no dietary restrictions and no blood samplings. Once a day sold me over others like Eliquis. Expensive but can get a coupon from mfg if qualified. I now pay $10 for 3 months supply.
3) Stress and anxiety are highly rated triggers for Afib. As a natural worrier, this has been a major challenge for me - not easy - but finally have under control without meds. Sleeping so much better. A real mind challenge but can be done. I had to develop a kinda "couldn't care less" attitude; if not something I can control, forget it. I have a Karido Moble and was using it frequently - like daily. Keeping me in suspense and anxiety. My Ablation provider counseled : "I am not treating your Karido. I am not treating your brain. I am treating your heart"..... You need to throw the Karido away, don't take constant pulse ratings - forget it. Put it behind you.... De stress. Following his advice has been very helpful. Can you find the formula for you to relieve your stress?
Please see a Mayo electrophysoligist, if possible, and discuss Ablation as a remedy. Not for everyone but you need to have that discussion. Again, find a way to eliminate that stress, anxiety.
I wish you the best Ruby

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@elwood. My doctor put me on zeralto too, but I can't get the coupon because they said Medicare recipients are not qualified. I have to pay over $100 for 3 months. Where do you get the coupon from?


Janssen CarePath Savings Program. 888.927.3586
I have Medicare part B. But not part D
Good luck


I have had afib with aarythm for 7 yrs. three years ago I came across an interestingl article. That talked about afib usually has a trigger. Alcohol in any form and any amount. Caffine including tea and some soft drinks also stress, and getting too hot. I began to systematically element each from my diet. Now my doctor tells me that I have afib less than 0.7 percent of the time. To show how fickle afib is, one evening I had.chicken marcell cooked with wine sauce that night I had arrhythmia for over an hour.


@exboater thanks for the tip. I had a loop recorder implant because sometimes my HR goes really high for 2 to 3 minutes and then went back down. I don't really feel it. It usually when I am walking or busy doing housrwork. It's been 5 months now and no afib was noted. I do not drink alcohol or soft drink and I only drink decaf tea, an occasional decaf coffee. I guess I have to watch out for stress, which is especially difficult now. But I will keep this in mind. Two cardiologists said it's conditioning, one suggested I take up jogging. Ha! If only my back and legs cooperate. If ever this covid blows over, I'm going to need some serious PT.


I've just been diagnosed with AFIB and I'm terrified. I joined the Connect group but when I finally find my way to the AFIB discussion group, there doesn't seem to be a place for me to post. I REALLY NEED SOME SUPPORT. Thank you

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Hi Ruby.
I had an ablation in Jan 2020. It is a simple procedure and I felt better immediately. I am now taking 5 mg of Eliquis twice daily and weaned myself off 25 mg of Metoprolol with my doctors approval. It's a nasty drug stomach was bothering me, some of my joints were sore and I was without energy or appetite.
De stress as much as possible.
Let me know if you have any other doc also did an EET at the same time as ablation to look for any blood clots in my heart. All is well


Hi Ruby.
I had an ablation in Jan 2020. It is a simple procedure and I felt better immediately. I am now taking 5 mg of Eliquis twice daily and weaned myself off 25 mg of Metoprolol with my doctors approval. It's a nasty drug stomach was bothering me, some of my joints were sore and I was without energy or appetite.
De stress as much as possible.
Let me know if you have any other doc also did an EET at the same time as ablation to look for any blood clots in my heart. All is well

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Also, I am going to see Dr. KUSUMOTO at Mayo Jax to review my a fib treatment to date. I want a second opinion on my meds and his advice on how to proceed in the future.
Find a electro cardiologist you trust.


Also, I am going to see Dr. KUSUMOTO at Mayo Jax to review my a fib treatment to date. I want a second opinion on my meds and his advice on how to proceed in the future.
Find a electro cardiologist you trust.

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Hi -- From a fellow Afibber -- I've had Afib for around 4 yrs. My cardiologist prescribed metoprolol. Right now I take 25 mg ethyl succinate ER twice a day. I have seen a few brief comments here and there saying to "get off metoprolol" b/cuz it's a bad drug. I cannot readily find any research about it. Can you point me to any articles / studies about metoprolol?


Hi -- From a fellow Afibber -- I've had Afib for around 4 yrs. My cardiologist prescribed metoprolol. Right now I take 25 mg ethyl succinate ER twice a day. I have seen a few brief comments here and there saying to "get off metoprolol" b/cuz it's a bad drug. I cannot readily find any research about it. Can you point me to any articles / studies about metoprolol?

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I,too, have been on Metoprolol for about 2 years. I take 50 mg twice a day. I am very interested in learning about this drug too. I have read many comments on here about getting off of the drug and how difficult it is. Can someone explain why you have to wean off of it and what is the withdrawal?

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