Mysterious shortness of breath: What has helped you?

Posted by Gabe, Volunteer Mentor @gabrielm, May 31, 2018

I will try to make this as short as possible, but this has been going on for over 5 years, so it might be farily long. 

Beginning in summer of 2012, I began having shortness of breath (SOB) with no other symptoms. I felt a constant need to yawn, and every few breaths wouldn't satisfy the SOB. I would take a deep breath, and felt like it would get "stuck" before satisfying the air hunger feeling. About every 3-5 deep breaths would satisfy it, only for it to return a minute later. 

I got an endoscopy and other tests done, which revealed that I had some esophageal erosion due to acid reflux and a slight hiatal hernia and was diagnosed with GERD. I had always have bad heartburn, so I was prescribed with Prilosec, which I have been taking daily since them. I've tried stopping it a few times but the reflux always comes back a lot worse. 

Lung tests and x-rays were normal. Heart tests normal. Blood test revealed a slight anemia but otherwise pretty normal. 

I did some research reading forums where someone suggested taking vitamin B-12. Strangely, I took it and the SOB disappeared almost instantly. However, it only lasted a few days for it to return just as bad. I then started taking an iron supplement, which again made the SOB disappear quickly- same thing; symptom returned days later. 

After further research, I came across a breathing exercise method called the Buteyko method. Essentially you do a lot of breath holding to build up CO2 and reduce breathing as the theory is that I had chronic hyperventilation causing too much CO2 to exit my body. After applying the method and reducing my breathing, the SOB disappeared after only 2 days and I felt completely normal. I continued the method a few more days then no longer felt the need to pursue the exercises. I was normal for a whole year when the SOB once again returned with some chest tightness. I applied the method again and the symptom went away, this time with a little more effort; after about 3 weeks. I included physical exercise which also helped with my breathing. 

After that, I was normal for about 2 years. I mistakenly stopped or at least slowed down exercise and the SOB returned once again. I applied the method and began running for exercise but the SOB kept getting worse. It got so bad, I had multiple panic attacks and the feeling of completely empty lungs with the inability to satisfy it with deep breaths. I had to stop exercise altogether, apply the Buteyko method and do breathing exercises very carefully with very light and slow exercise. This helped, but it took many weeks for the SOB to improve. Then, it was almost normal when over a year ago as I was running, I couldn't get a deep breath to satisfy exercise-induced SOB. I have had SOB continuously since then (a year and a half). 

I once again started doing breathing exercises and slowly building up physical exercise, but I can't do any prolonged cardio activity because the SOB gets to a point where deep breathing will not satisfy it. While the breathing exercises have helped, they have had very little effect compared to previous efforts. It seems that every time the symptom returned, greater effort yields few results.

I suspect there is something, some underlying cause that is causing the SOB that has alluded me this entire time. 

So for the past few months to a year, the SOB is worse on some days, better on others, but never gone. There's no rhyme or reason or pattern for it. It's just there, sometimes affecting my sleep. I sometimes can't get a deep breath to satisfy it every now and then, but for the most part, a big gulp of air will satisfy it. But it returns seconds to minutes later. It's as though every breath doesn't deliver what it's supposed to, the SOB builds up, and then I have to take a big gulp of air to get rid of the feeling, pattern repeats. My breathing pattern is normal, however. I don't feel like anything physical is happening, but sometimes it feels like my airways and nostrils are slightly inflamed due to allergies, but when I don't feel inflammation the SOB is still there. 

Recent lung function tests show normal- I don't have asthma, or any other problems with my lungs. Heart tests are normal though I did have about a two week bout of heart palpitations which came and went. Haven't had any for a while- it just mysteriously started happening then stopped. Blood tests are normal, though tests always show a slight elevation of biliruben which my doc thinks is Gilbert's disease. 

I don't have sleep apnea (normal test), bloody oxygenation is normal, heart rate normal. 

I recently saw local naturopath (since mainstream docs aren't able to help) who immediately suspected a liver problem when I described my SOB, possibly liver inflammation. He used an electrodermal testing machine to test his theory which did seem to show a problem with my liver and gallbladder. He gave me digestive enzymes and a gallbladder formula to help clear a bile duct clog, thus reducing liver inflammation. He also determined with the machine that I have an egg sensitivity so I've been avoiding eggs. 

Been taking this and avoiding eggs for a couple of months, but there has been no noticeable improvement. Everything else is normal. Emotionally I'm normal- no anxiety, depression, etc. The SOB seems to be the only symptom of something, but always comes back worse, until a year and half ago when it came back and has remained since. I feel like I shouldn't have to do breath holding exercises every day just to maintain my breathing well enough to do every day things. 

Does anyone have any idea of a possible underlying cause?

2021/2022 UPDATE:
Since my original post about 3-1/2 years ago, a lot has happened, so I’d like to update the post to share with others who come across this what I’ve done since then.

I have maintained a weekly Buteyko method breathing exercise regimen where I do a few of these breathing exercises 3-4 times a week in the morning. This, in combination with daily light to moderate exercise (specifically weight lifting, with 1 or 2 days a week of walking and light jogging), I feel has kept the air hunger symptoms tolerable and manageable. I have mostly good days with some not-so-good days, but doing a breathing exercise and knowing that it’ll get better again helps me get through those times.

I also have sinus inflammation which can exacerbate the symptoms, but I’ve also managed this, which in turn reduces the severity of the air hunger symptoms.

So, while I haven’t found a cure nor is the problem completely gone, I have been able to maintain normalcy in daily life and manage the symptoms through the strategies I described.

This discussion remains active, alive and well through the comments section where others who have similar symptoms have shared what has helped them as well as suggestions for possible solutions to explore.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Health Support Group.


That link made me have worse SOB. Js
It’s a list of the worst things in the world that can happen or be the cause. Which I’m sure everyone here at some point seen before and doesn’t want to go back to that page again.

The 5lbs over thing was very interesting though. Because at 173 I didn’t have any where near the problem I have now, but at 180 I can’t breath every day all day and just want to sleep because it’s the only time I’m ok..

And my business life requires me to be awake so that give me more anxiety and more sob.

If I had a magic genie and 3 wishes all
If then would be to be able to breath normal

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@dantona1977- Welcome to Mayo Connect. Please don't take my 5 lbs to the bank as a norm. I was giving it as an example of how weight affects my breathing. It might not be the same for you. I was mentioning it because I asked my pulmonologist what the main cause of SOB was in his opinion and he said obesity. He also suggested life changes (exercise, and better, cleaner eating). SOB oftentimes isn't caused by the worst-case scenario. But they are certainly something to tweak your mind and question if you have symptoms that should be investigated thoroughly. I'm sorry that the link made you feel worse. I try and give as much information that could possibly help us understand more or lead to better self-care. Does this make sense?


I feel you should not dwell on the underlying cause, and just zero in on the symptoms, like the running...sounds like it was a bad idea in the first place. Then i noticed you took vitamins and they helped, then they didnt...I do that also...Its power of suggestion that makes it work...Sounds like you have a powerful mind, which can be good or bad...what I mean by that is, you can talk yourself into thinking you are not bothered by anxiety,,,and maybe you are...I am constantly saying,,I am fine, and I really think I am, til my doctor increases my anxiety dose....and I feel better and more relaxed. I would continue to be a good doctor to yourself...forget about a cause, and just try a mild anxiety pill, low dose...You are doing excellent so far.


Hi Colleen, I have a medical specialist degree (an FRACP) and am a practicing doctor. I love medicine and all things medical fascinate me but I come to this group because I have experienced over many years the mysterious breathing anomaly being repeatedly described here. Despite being medical (or maybe because of it) I am acutely aware of the difficulties doctors have in dealing with symptoms with no clear answer.
My own sense is that this 'condition' causes more morbidity than medicine recognises but that because it has now been labelled "panic" and "anxiety" no one is bothering to consider it more closely.
I really don't want to be here giving anyone medical advice, but I understand that on a site like this there is always a risk that anything i say will be taken as "medical advice". It is always difficult being medical regarding declaring that you are. If you don't then it can be hard to explain why you know what you know, but if you do you risk all that goes along with that.
Please if you want to speak with me more (eg about my medical field, which is one of the big medical specialities), use my provided email to contact me as I prefer not to put too much out publicly which could identify me specifically.

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Hi @felicityr, thank you for elaborating. Whenever someone mentions that they are a doctor, I like to clarify. Doctor does not always mean physician as you well know. We have several medical professionals who are using the Connect community in the same way you are - to connect with others with similar symptoms or conditions, but not to practice medicine or give medical advice. Members should not expect medical advice from you or any other member for that matter. However, it is appreciated that in additional to your patient knowledge and experience with shortness of breath, you have a formal education and practice in medicine. I bet participating as a fellow patient in forums like Connect makes you a better doctor too. 🙂


Hi Colleen, I have a medical specialist degree (an FRACP) and am a practicing doctor. I love medicine and all things medical fascinate me but I come to this group because I have experienced over many years the mysterious breathing anomaly being repeatedly described here. Despite being medical (or maybe because of it) I am acutely aware of the difficulties doctors have in dealing with symptoms with no clear answer.
My own sense is that this 'condition' causes more morbidity than medicine recognises but that because it has now been labelled "panic" and "anxiety" no one is bothering to consider it more closely.
I really don't want to be here giving anyone medical advice, but I understand that on a site like this there is always a risk that anything i say will be taken as "medical advice". It is always difficult being medical regarding declaring that you are. If you don't then it can be hard to explain why you know what you know, but if you do you risk all that goes along with that.
Please if you want to speak with me more (eg about my medical field, which is one of the big medical specialities), use my provided email to contact me as I prefer not to put too much out publicly which could identify me specifically.

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@felicityr I would like to offer some observations in my own experience and things that are easily overlooked that relate to breathing issues. I am a Mayo surgical patient. I have allergies and asthma and a physical problem that affects breathing because of thoracic outlet syndrome. I had a whiplash injury about 20 years ago and worked a high stress desk job. I developed TOS, but it was unrecognized for a long time. I had neck stiffness for years and eventually C5/C6 ruptured and collapsed with an osteophyte complex pressing into my spinal cord. I came to Mayo for spine surgery. I had been working with a physical therapist for several years before the spine problem was evident and continued again after recovery from surgery. My PT does myofascial release and has shown me how to self treat and I do. My pattern of fascial tightness is from the left side of my jaw and neck, through my chest and rib cage and into the left side of my pelvis. All of that affects my ability to properly move my ribs enough on the left side and can pull my pelvis out of alignment, and I was getting a repeating pattern of chest infections because of trapped phlegm. Stress can cause more tightness in these affected muscles. I have made a lot of progress, and I think my chest movements are better now. Previously, I have had muscle spasms that start in the neck and go into the chest near the sternum that can cause my heart to jump a little bit, but stretching out these spasms manually resolves this. The first time I experienced this, I was evaluated at the emergency room and found to have a chest infection, but no heart problems.

Recently, I also realized how much dental issues were affecting my breathing and the amount of phlegm that was my baseline. I have been doing allergy shots compounded specifically for me by my doctor for several years. I had the old silver amalgam dental fillings removed and replaced which improved my thyroid function. I have hashimoto's and the blood tests could not measure the level of antibodies because it was off the charts. After the fillings were gone, the blood tests could accurately measure the antibodies which were low, but still present, and my dosages of desiccated pig thyroid could be reduced.

As a kid, i broke my teeth which had resulted in a lot of dental work over the years with 4 root canals, crowns and bridgework. One of the root canals failed after my spine surgery, and the infection ate a hole in my jaw bone. I thought it was sinus problems, and it progressed pretty far before I realized what was happening. An oral surgeon cleared out he infection to save the tooth which was about a year after my spine surgery. Recently, a second of the root canals began failing and I realized this was just going to continue with the affected teeth. I made the decision to have the 4 teeth extracted in preparation for dental implants that will be bio-compatible zirconia. As soon as all of the root canal teeth were removed, I could breathe much easier, and my baseline of excess phlegm wasn't there any more. I still am affected by allergies and asthma, but not as badly, and I can get it under control much faster and get my lungs clear. I breathe at a slower rate now as my norm.

I mention this because physical problems in breathing are easily missed and a lot of doctors are unfamiliar with the benefits of myofascial release therapy which gets tissues re-hydrated and moving properly. No one ever questioned how a dental infection could impact chest congestion. TOS is aggravated by poor posture which tightens the front of the chest and the scapula wing out instead of staying where they belong and tight muscles tend to pull up on the first ribs holding them there. My pattern of breathing wrong is to try to use my neck and upper chest muscle rather than the diaphragm, and doing that does increase anxiety. I am one of those patients who likes to figure out how things work and I read medical information. My parents wanted me to be a doctor and I earned a pre med biology degree, but I chose not to go into medicine and I worked in research instead for awhile. When I came to Mayo for spine surgery it was after I found medical literature with cases similar to mine. All of the local surgeons who evaluated me missed understanding the problem and would not help me.

Here are some links that may be of interest and my patient story. (there are lots of good articles on this website)


These are three days in a row that I have no symptoms and feel right. So I will timidly share my protocol and knowledge.
After 14 days of hard googling and a visits to many doctors, various tests in medical institutions, it was determined that all my findings were perfect and that I was perfectly healthy.
It turned out that in communication with several doctors from various fields, I managed to make a mosaic since most of them think exclusively with an emphasis on their field of specialization. I have 2 problems: ''raised stomach'' (the professional term is probably hiatus hernia) and anxiety with panic attacks
Before my problem appeared with symptoms (shortness of breath, then seizures like i will choke), I worked on my project for 10-15 hours a day 3 months in row (whole Covid isolation period). I literally burned my body even though my mind still wanted and could (one of the doctors told me that adrenaline junkies do same thing often). As a result, anxiety appeared, although my analytical mind did not experience it that way, and after that, the first panic attacks, which were repeated 3 days in row around 2 am every day and also i was unable to sleep to 7 am every morning.
First problem solution:
I don't know if it exists in USA (the professional term is probably hiatus hernia) in my country we have old women's which traditionally pass from generation to generation the technique of adjusting the stomach. My stomach was below my right rib and bothered my diaphragm. Procedure to set it up is very simply with a jar-vacuum system twice in three days. (if anyone needs more information about it, contact me)
Second problem solution:
• B12 methylcobalmin
• Vitamin D3 5000 UI
• Ashwaganda (very important)
• Vitamin E 200 UI
• Vitamin B1 and B6 combo
• B complex
• Passion flower tincture (maybe most important)
• CoQ10 50 mg
• Folic acid
• Lactobacillus acidophilus probiotic
• Selenium
• NAC 600 mg (very important)
For nigth panic attacks I used tehnique from Austin Gox (check on youtube)
Also I made myself drink suggested by one of herbalist - doctor with which i talked with next ingredients:
2 table spoons of moringa, curcumin, ginger and 1 tea spoon of cloves, cinnamon, cat's claw mixed all in one jaw.
Then i am adding 1 tea spoon of mix above in fresh ginger with water + lemon + honey drink (in 1 liter) and drink slowely during day.
Also i stopped all my work activities, lot of walk in nature. Best choice is 1 hour of pine forests. Meditate if you can or just lay down and watch the sky and think on nice things.
My apologies for bad English I hope it will be understandable.


These are three days in a row that I have no symptoms and feel right. So I will timidly share my protocol and knowledge.
After 14 days of hard googling and a visits to many doctors, various tests in medical institutions, it was determined that all my findings were perfect and that I was perfectly healthy.
It turned out that in communication with several doctors from various fields, I managed to make a mosaic since most of them think exclusively with an emphasis on their field of specialization. I have 2 problems: ''raised stomach'' (the professional term is probably hiatus hernia) and anxiety with panic attacks
Before my problem appeared with symptoms (shortness of breath, then seizures like i will choke), I worked on my project for 10-15 hours a day 3 months in row (whole Covid isolation period). I literally burned my body even though my mind still wanted and could (one of the doctors told me that adrenaline junkies do same thing often). As a result, anxiety appeared, although my analytical mind did not experience it that way, and after that, the first panic attacks, which were repeated 3 days in row around 2 am every day and also i was unable to sleep to 7 am every morning.
First problem solution:
I don't know if it exists in USA (the professional term is probably hiatus hernia) in my country we have old women's which traditionally pass from generation to generation the technique of adjusting the stomach. My stomach was below my right rib and bothered my diaphragm. Procedure to set it up is very simply with a jar-vacuum system twice in three days. (if anyone needs more information about it, contact me)
Second problem solution:
• B12 methylcobalmin
• Vitamin D3 5000 UI
• Ashwaganda (very important)
• Vitamin E 200 UI
• Vitamin B1 and B6 combo
• B complex
• Passion flower tincture (maybe most important)
• CoQ10 50 mg
• Folic acid
• Lactobacillus acidophilus probiotic
• Selenium
• NAC 600 mg (very important)
For nigth panic attacks I used tehnique from Austin Gox (check on youtube)
Also I made myself drink suggested by one of herbalist - doctor with which i talked with next ingredients:
2 table spoons of moringa, curcumin, ginger and 1 tea spoon of cloves, cinnamon, cat's claw mixed all in one jaw.
Then i am adding 1 tea spoon of mix above in fresh ginger with water + lemon + honey drink (in 1 liter) and drink slowely during day.
Also i stopped all my work activities, lot of walk in nature. Best choice is 1 hour of pine forests. Meditate if you can or just lay down and watch the sky and think on nice things.
My apologies for bad English I hope it will be understandable.

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@noxext- Welcome to Mayo Connect. It looks as if you have things under control with supliments and not prescribed medications. I'm wondering why your hernia was not operated on. Also were you prescribed Omeprazole to help control the acidity in your stomach?


@noxext- Welcome to Mayo Connect. It looks as if you have things under control with supliments and not prescribed medications. I'm wondering why your hernia was not operated on. Also were you prescribed Omeprazole to help control the acidity in your stomach?

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Only symptom which I had with my stomach now was bloating and I was never hungry, i could avoid food whole day easy. I had same thing long ago so I knew it that i must position stomach on proper position again.
Long ago i had all standard symptoms bloating, acidity, even esophageal inflammation which i solved with Gastroperidon and Controloc drugs to put out the fire. Then my doctor/herbalist gave me to use Sempervivum tectorum herb mixed with honey in a jar lined with aluminum foil which I should take every morning on empty stomach. Finally docotor gave me combo of digesteodorn, hepatodoron (brand was german company Weleda) and wobenzym (800 caps which i used for more then 3 months!!) and all was cured permanently.


These are three days in a row that I have no symptoms and feel right. So I will timidly share my protocol and knowledge.
After 14 days of hard googling and a visits to many doctors, various tests in medical institutions, it was determined that all my findings were perfect and that I was perfectly healthy.
It turned out that in communication with several doctors from various fields, I managed to make a mosaic since most of them think exclusively with an emphasis on their field of specialization. I have 2 problems: ''raised stomach'' (the professional term is probably hiatus hernia) and anxiety with panic attacks
Before my problem appeared with symptoms (shortness of breath, then seizures like i will choke), I worked on my project for 10-15 hours a day 3 months in row (whole Covid isolation period). I literally burned my body even though my mind still wanted and could (one of the doctors told me that adrenaline junkies do same thing often). As a result, anxiety appeared, although my analytical mind did not experience it that way, and after that, the first panic attacks, which were repeated 3 days in row around 2 am every day and also i was unable to sleep to 7 am every morning.
First problem solution:
I don't know if it exists in USA (the professional term is probably hiatus hernia) in my country we have old women's which traditionally pass from generation to generation the technique of adjusting the stomach. My stomach was below my right rib and bothered my diaphragm. Procedure to set it up is very simply with a jar-vacuum system twice in three days. (if anyone needs more information about it, contact me)
Second problem solution:
• B12 methylcobalmin
• Vitamin D3 5000 UI
• Ashwaganda (very important)
• Vitamin E 200 UI
• Vitamin B1 and B6 combo
• B complex
• Passion flower tincture (maybe most important)
• CoQ10 50 mg
• Folic acid
• Lactobacillus acidophilus probiotic
• Selenium
• NAC 600 mg (very important)
For nigth panic attacks I used tehnique from Austin Gox (check on youtube)
Also I made myself drink suggested by one of herbalist - doctor with which i talked with next ingredients:
2 table spoons of moringa, curcumin, ginger and 1 tea spoon of cloves, cinnamon, cat's claw mixed all in one jaw.
Then i am adding 1 tea spoon of mix above in fresh ginger with water + lemon + honey drink (in 1 liter) and drink slowely during day.
Also i stopped all my work activities, lot of walk in nature. Best choice is 1 hour of pine forests. Meditate if you can or just lay down and watch the sky and think on nice things.
My apologies for bad English I hope it will be understandable.

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Did this work for you? Also what is Jar-Vacuum system?


Only symptom which I had with my stomach now was bloating and I was never hungry, i could avoid food whole day easy. I had same thing long ago so I knew it that i must position stomach on proper position again.
Long ago i had all standard symptoms bloating, acidity, even esophageal inflammation which i solved with Gastroperidon and Controloc drugs to put out the fire. Then my doctor/herbalist gave me to use Sempervivum tectorum herb mixed with honey in a jar lined with aluminum foil which I should take every morning on empty stomach. Finally docotor gave me combo of digesteodorn, hepatodoron (brand was german company Weleda) and wobenzym (800 caps which i used for more then 3 months!!) and all was cured permanently.

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@noxext- That's wonderful for you! Phew, what a relief this must have been for you. I'm not familiar with the herbs that you use. Nevertheless I'm glad that you are symptom free.


Yesterday was the worst day for me. Normally I've SOB for few hours in a day but yesterday I had SOB all day and at one point I couldn't even take deep breath. I didn't even get any sleep I guess because I was really scared. I'm just getting hopeless day by day.

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