Seizure watch-monitors: Any advice?

Posted by hermsenk @hermsenk, Apr 27, 2018

Now that my son is more mobile with activities, work, school, sports, etc. I am interested in getting him one of the watches that can link to Smartphones to alert us if he has a seizure. I would like one that can tell time also so it does not draw unneccisary(sp) attention. I have researched but costs are not well advertised for the device and the app, etc. Thanks in advance!

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Hello @hermsenk. Welcome to Connect.

Does the watch alert you if he's going to have a seizure or if he's had one?


Hello @hermsenk. Welcome to Connect.

Does the watch alert you if he's going to have a seizure or if he's had one?

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i believe they alert you if the movement is consistent with seizure activity?


i have grand mals and from what ive read the watches alert people after the seizure,for parents this helps but i would need one that gives a warning before ,since i dont get any aura.


hmm. I recently watched a PBS documentary on seizures and epilepsy and remember seeing the parent of the epileptic child who had had an electrode placed in the brain. The parents were wearing a watch/monitor stimulation device so when his son was about to have a seizure the parent would receive a notification and would push the stimulator and that would alert the sons brain to divert the seizure. Pretty amazing but I would assume a lot of thought goes into placing one in your child all depending on the severity of the seizures.


hmm. I recently watched a PBS documentary on seizures and epilepsy and remember seeing the parent of the epileptic child who had had an electrode placed in the brain. The parents were wearing a watch/monitor stimulation device so when his son was about to have a seizure the parent would receive a notification and would push the stimulator and that would alert the sons brain to divert the seizure. Pretty amazing but I would assume a lot of thought goes into placing one in your child all depending on the severity of the seizures.

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with the types of seizures so different ,the amount of time needed to be alerted and send a signal tothe brain might not be enough.My whole life i can be standing wide awake next second into aviolent grand mal.things happen so fast.


Hi @hermsenk I did a little poking around and found some information about watch monitors for epilepsy. Please note that I have no experience with any of these products.
Embrace by Empatica is the world's first smart watch to be cleared by FDA for people with epilepsy Price $249

The Epilepsy Foundation wrote an Update about the Smart-Watch Exploring the Smart Watch website I found prices range from $199 to $350

This article compares 3 different devices: Smart-Watch, SAMi and EmFit, including pricing Note that the article is dated 2015, so prices and features have likely changed, but it gives you a starting point.


Hello @hermsenk. Welcome to Connect.

Does the watch alert you if he's going to have a seizure or if he's had one?

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Most will alert you when they start having a seizure, around 30 secs.


Hi @hermsenk I did a little poking around and found some information about watch monitors for epilepsy. Please note that I have no experience with any of these products.
Embrace by Empatica is the world's first smart watch to be cleared by FDA for people with epilepsy Price $249

The Epilepsy Foundation wrote an Update about the Smart-Watch Exploring the Smart Watch website I found prices range from $199 to $350

This article compares 3 different devices: Smart-Watch, SAMi and EmFit, including pricing Note that the article is dated 2015, so prices and features have likely changed, but it gives you a starting point.

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I got my daughter a smart-monitor watch for $149 + $35 activation (which sometimes can be waved) & $30 a month


Welcome to Connect, @kerivb .
If you're comfortable sharing, can you tell us a bit more how the monitor works and helps you and your daughter?

What type of seizures does your daughter have? You said the monitor alerts you about 30 seconds into the start of the seizure. When you get the alert, what do you do? Does having the monitor give your daughter comfort knowing that someone is "there"?


Welcome to Connect, @kerivb .
If you're comfortable sharing, can you tell us a bit more how the monitor works and helps you and your daughter?

What type of seizures does your daughter have? You said the monitor alerts you about 30 seconds into the start of the seizure. When you get the alert, what do you do? Does having the monitor give your daughter comfort knowing that someone is "there"?

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My daughter has Tonic Clonic, she hasn’t had one since we got the watch but she shook her arm like she was having one and it took 30 secs to text me & 30 secs later to call me

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