fighting off a minor condition, like a cold

Posted by JK @contentandwell, Mar 31, 2018

I have had a miserable cold for almost a week now with no improvement whatsoever -- my throat is sore, I have a headache, I cough all night. It occurred to me that taking immunosuppressants means I have no defenses to fight this cold off like regular people.
This may seem very minor, but what do people do when they have something like this? Antibiotics don't help with a cold of course so what can a person do to lessen the severity and length of time of the cold or whatever else a person may have? I think it may be premature to call my transplant team but my head is killing me. Things do tend to improve in the afternoon, as typical with a cold, and then they worse again at night.

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@contentandwell I can so relate with you today. Happy Easter and remember we are at church virtually in our thoughts and hearts. Best to you on this sunny Easter Sunday.

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@gaylea1 it's finally sunny here. It was cold, 27 degrees, on our way home from our daughter's. There is snow not far from us today. I'M READY FOR SPRING!


I caught Influenza B this last February , only 4 weeks after transplant. I think my family was freaking out because they just got me back and then I catch this deadly flu. I started with symptoms that I thought were allergies...runny. Law and excessive watery eyes. The minute my throat started to tickle, I went immediately to my PCP for a flu swab as well and respiratory panel and chest X-ray. I had influenza B. But they didn’t take any chances and I was started on a 10 day. Purse of Tamiflu and a 5 day Z-pack. I made sure to get plenty of rest. It when I was awake I made sure to keep moving so nothing would settle into my lungs. I stayed super hydrated and had orange Airborne twice a day. Also had Throat Coat Tea and Breathe Easy Tea by Traditional Medicines. Also tried to keep my protein levels up by making mixed berry smoothies with Greek yogurt and protein powder and orange juice. (felt great on my throat and has lots of vitamin c and antioxidents) took about 2 weeks to get over it since I was on such high doses of immunosuppressants. I was also on an additional antibiotic for some cellulitis that developed under my incision. Despite all that I survived. The key for me was nutrition, rest, gentle exercise, and proper medical management! Feel better soon. I also took OTC sudafed, Tylenol, Claritin, and mucinex.

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@jodeej Thanks. I just googled it and it's available at Target and Walmart, both not too far away. I will try to get one of them in the next day or two.


I caught Influenza B this last February , only 4 weeks after transplant. I think my family was freaking out because they just got me back and then I catch this deadly flu. I started with symptoms that I thought were allergies...runny. Law and excessive watery eyes. The minute my throat started to tickle, I went immediately to my PCP for a flu swab as well and respiratory panel and chest X-ray. I had influenza B. But they didn’t take any chances and I was started on a 10 day. Purse of Tamiflu and a 5 day Z-pack. I made sure to get plenty of rest. It when I was awake I made sure to keep moving so nothing would settle into my lungs. I stayed super hydrated and had orange Airborne twice a day. Also had Throat Coat Tea and Breathe Easy Tea by Traditional Medicines. Also tried to keep my protein levels up by making mixed berry smoothies with Greek yogurt and protein powder and orange juice. (felt great on my throat and has lots of vitamin c and antioxidents) took about 2 weeks to get over it since I was on such high doses of immunosuppressants. I was also on an additional antibiotic for some cellulitis that developed under my incision. Despite all that I survived. The key for me was nutrition, rest, gentle exercise, and proper medical management! Feel better soon. I also took OTC sudafed, Tylenol, Claritin, and mucinex.

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@contentandwell I get it at Target or one of our grocery stores I shop at here. I'm sure it's on Amazon, too! Lol


@contentandwell and @gaylea1 I think rest, tea and some homemade chicken noodle soup do wonders for healing, no matter if you are pre or post transplant.

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@contentandwell I've got so much to learn. It is so overwhelming at times.


@contentandwell I'm home today too. I woke up with an upset stomach this morning. I just had some tea and toast. Everyone else is at church. I am so sad to miss it, but a nap is sounding really good.

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And now I just took my temp and I have a low grade fever. Crud!


I caught Influenza B this last February , only 4 weeks after transplant. I think my family was freaking out because they just got me back and then I catch this deadly flu. I started with symptoms that I thought were allergies...runny. Law and excessive watery eyes. The minute my throat started to tickle, I went immediately to my PCP for a flu swab as well and respiratory panel and chest X-ray. I had influenza B. But they didn’t take any chances and I was started on a 10 day. Purse of Tamiflu and a 5 day Z-pack. I made sure to get plenty of rest. It when I was awake I made sure to keep moving so nothing would settle into my lungs. I stayed super hydrated and had orange Airborne twice a day. Also had Throat Coat Tea and Breathe Easy Tea by Traditional Medicines. Also tried to keep my protein levels up by making mixed berry smoothies with Greek yogurt and protein powder and orange juice. (felt great on my throat and has lots of vitamin c and antioxidents) took about 2 weeks to get over it since I was on such high doses of immunosuppressants. I was also on an additional antibiotic for some cellulitis that developed under my incision. Despite all that I survived. The key for me was nutrition, rest, gentle exercise, and proper medical management! Feel better soon. I also took OTC sudafed, Tylenol, Claritin, and mucinex.

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@jodeej I am sure it must be on Amazon also, but why pay shipping charges if I can buy it locally?


@contentandwell and @gaylea1 I think rest, tea and some homemade chicken noodle soup do wonders for healing, no matter if you are pre or post transplant.

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@jodeej Your husband is very fortunate to have you as his advocate. My husband always came to my appointments too. Sometimes we heard things differently but then I could send a message on the portal or call to make sure I was on track.
You know you can always turn here if you need anything explained. As I said to someone earlier, I sure wish I had been aware of this forum when I was waiting for a transplant, it would have been very reassuring. I don't remember if your husband is having HE episodes but if so that is the worst. I was pretty lucky overall, they were infrequent and non-existent for almost a year after I got on xifaxan. At that point, when I did another, I had to resume taking the dreaded lactulose along with the xifaxan.
After transplant when my husband was visiting me in the hospital and I was in some pain at some points in time, he would console me with "no more lactulose"!


@contentandwell I'm home today too. I woke up with an upset stomach this morning. I just had some tea and toast. Everyone else is at church. I am so sad to miss it, but a nap is sounding really good.

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@jodeej When I was in the hospital with Legionnaire's they told me they really do not consider it to be a fever if it's under 100.5. With this current cold/bronchitis I have gone about a degree high at times but I think it's been after I've been snuggled in my bedding.


I caught Influenza B this last February , only 4 weeks after transplant. I think my family was freaking out because they just got me back and then I catch this deadly flu. I started with symptoms that I thought were allergies...runny. Law and excessive watery eyes. The minute my throat started to tickle, I went immediately to my PCP for a flu swab as well and respiratory panel and chest X-ray. I had influenza B. But they didn’t take any chances and I was started on a 10 day. Purse of Tamiflu and a 5 day Z-pack. I made sure to get plenty of rest. It when I was awake I made sure to keep moving so nothing would settle into my lungs. I stayed super hydrated and had orange Airborne twice a day. Also had Throat Coat Tea and Breathe Easy Tea by Traditional Medicines. Also tried to keep my protein levels up by making mixed berry smoothies with Greek yogurt and protein powder and orange juice. (felt great on my throat and has lots of vitamin c and antioxidents) took about 2 weeks to get over it since I was on such high doses of immunosuppressants. I was also on an additional antibiotic for some cellulitis that developed under my incision. Despite all that I survived. The key for me was nutrition, rest, gentle exercise, and proper medical management! Feel better soon. I also took OTC sudafed, Tylenol, Claritin, and mucinex.

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@contentandwell I prefer local and Mom and Pop shops, too. I didn't know how close you were to one.


@contentandwell I'm home today too. I woke up with an upset stomach this morning. I just had some tea and toast. Everyone else is at church. I am so sad to miss it, but a nap is sounding really good.

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@contentandwell it just hit 101°. I'm worried about him getting sick! I wonder if this is what he had last week, but he didn't have a fever. We go to Rochester next Monday so I'm hoping he doesn't get whatever it is. Ugh!

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