Stop smoking panic attacks.

Posted by littleonefmohio @littleonefmohio, Mar 28, 2018

I am hoping someone can help me with this. I have been trying to stop smoking again. I thought I was doing good, like I always do. I was wearing the smoking patch and have been on them for over 2 weeks. Yesterday I had a panic attack. This seems to happen every time I try and quit smoking which takes me right back to smoking. I thought for sure I would make it this time. Does anyone have any suggestion as to what to use to help me with these panic attacks while trying to quit? I was on Wellbutrin before and it help me to quit but a month hit of being on it and I started getting very mean and bad thoughts so had to get off of it. Any and all suggestions appreciated.

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@trellg132- Good morning and good for you! Oh boy do I know what this Man means. It is so tough. After my surgery which was 1 week after I quit I went home post op and couldn't exercise for a while to help with cravings. They certainly pull your strings, and test you beyond endurance sometimes. There are no rhythm or rhythm to the cravings. Smelling smoke never set me off. I was surprised that drinking coffee didn't either.
What are you doing to off set the cravings? Did you have a plan before hand or set a quit date?

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No I just up and quit I just fight through the craving it be hard


@alamogal635- Hey- Thanks for pinch hitting for me when you had the time! That was certainly a hard trip for you. I'm so glad that you quit and I'm sure that you can smell and taste everything better. Thank you for sharing your story. I'll never plan to go back- but I still dream sometimes that someone catches me with cigarettes or smell smoke on me 🙁

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Me too

In reply to @trellg132 "Me too" + (show)

@trellg132- Please hang in there. Also as others talk about the withdrawal would you mind chiming in and tell others that I have quit too?


@merpreb Great articles, Merry. Thanks for sharing them. (By the way, Merry, you are not "butting in" but adding to the discussion.)

@trellg132 Wishing you well as you battle the nicotine habit! It will be worth it, I'm sure.


@trellg132- Please hang in there. Also as others talk about the withdrawal would you mind chiming in and tell others that I have quit too?

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That's rite merry great job also it can't be hard but worth it


I smoked over 30 years, even through hard chemotherapy, I tried to quit so many times! I would last 3 days, a week, or a month. Then when I crushed my right side in an accident, I was in the hospital for two weeks, and I promised myself when I got out all I had to do was not start again. Easier said than done, I just had to keep reminding myself, I wanted to quit, now is my chance. Six years down the road, I am still reminding myself occasionally, especially when I have pain from something. Pain somehow reminds my brain to smoke, go figure. So far so good!


I smoked over 30 years, even through hard chemotherapy, I tried to quit so many times! I would last 3 days, a week, or a month. Then when I crushed my right side in an accident, I was in the hospital for two weeks, and I promised myself when I got out all I had to do was not start again. Easier said than done, I just had to keep reminding myself, I wanted to quit, now is my chance. Six years down the road, I am still reminding myself occasionally, especially when I have pain from something. Pain somehow reminds my brain to smoke, go figure. So far so good!

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It is hard this is my first time trying to quit I know its gonna be hard


It is hard this is my first time trying to quit I know its gonna be hard

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It is hard but just keep telling yourself I quit because I wanted to quit, and when the cravings are bad go for a walk or do something with your hands that requires your full attention. Kudos for quitting!


It is hard but just keep telling yourself I quit because I wanted to quit, and when the cravings are bad go for a walk or do something with your hands that requires your full attention. Kudos for quitting!

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Thank you have to find something else to do besides eat lol


If at first you don’t succeed try and try again

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