Wanted: Organ Transplant Recipients Who Have Been Hit By a Car

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Feb 26, 2018

"Are there any transplant recipients of any organ who have been hit by a car? How did you recover? What helped you to recover from the multiple injuries?
I am posting this discussion question on behalf of one of our members,
@glinda who has recently been hit by a car and asked me to do it for her. Due to multiple injuries, she may not be able to respond right now and can read your messages.
Your support and encouragement will be appreciated as she recovers.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


I will add an article on here:
And since this article I am doing some public speaking and swimming a few miles a week, pursing my American Physical Therapy Association Aquatic Specialist Certificate since I will be returning to the pool as the supervising PT in September. Also started a book with my first donor’s mom as well as one on my faith and my perspective as a patient and practitioners. It’s a lot but I finally have unlimitless energy to do all this and take care of my family and plan for another baby! God is so good!

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All is good! Thank you for your help!


I will add an article on here:
And since this article I am doing some public speaking and swimming a few miles a week, pursing my American Physical Therapy Association Aquatic Specialist Certificate since I will be returning to the pool as the supervising PT in September. Also started a book with my first donor’s mom as well as one on my faith and my perspective as a patient and practitioners. It’s a lot but I finally have unlimitless energy to do all this and take care of my family and plan for another baby! God is so good!

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@teresatopeka, You have quite a story to share! The first word that comes to mind is that you have been blessed with multiple miracles!
I also was diagnosed with primary sclerosing cholangitis. I can identify with many of your symptoms. I was 60 when I transplanted, also at Mayo Rochester. Thank you for sharing. It is amazing, when energy returns after transplant:-)
How long before your 2nd transplant did you experience the accident? Did the accident have any thing to do with needing the transplant?


@glinda, I know you said that you might be busy doing what needs to be done for healing and moving. Remember that we are here and we are rooting for your continued progress!
How is your pain level since the stitches are gone? Are your arms and hands working better? And are you still watching the squirrels? Have you given them names yet;-)


I will add an article on here:
And since this article I am doing some public speaking and swimming a few miles a week, pursing my American Physical Therapy Association Aquatic Specialist Certificate since I will be returning to the pool as the supervising PT in September. Also started a book with my first donor’s mom as well as one on my faith and my perspective as a patient and practitioners. It’s a lot but I finally have unlimitless energy to do all this and take care of my family and plan for another baby! God is so good!

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Yes! My bili was sitting around 30 at the time. I was severely ill but not a high enough MELD score to be at the top of the list. I was covered in sores and extremely anemic. My hepatic encephalopathy was getting severe. I would sleep all day and only get up to go to appointments or to take my son to and from school. I was hardly alive but trying my best to be a good mom because I could no longer work and my husband needed to work to support us and provide health insurance. Our son also goes to Catholic school so we had that to pay for as well. Faith and hope are very important to my family! I recently started a blog to help me write my book. I have only blogged 9 times (?) I think so far but thoughts on how this series of health events has occurred and how it relates to my faith flood my mind daily so I want to keep posting and ultimately hope it will cummulate in a book or speaking of some sort for those who need hope the most. I know you can’t post links but my blog site is http://cupoftea690793898.wordpress.com
Copy and paste to browser if you would like to read!
Also on Caringbridge under Teresa Tostenrud Hoff

My phone and computer will be off the next few days for the celebration of Good Friday and Easter. God Blessings to you all and I will keep all who have suffered and conquered as well as those still suffering in my prayers! God Bless!


@glinda Sure hope you get those stitches out tomorrow! Itching is a worrisome thing. My thyroid medication makes me itch until around this time in the afternoon. I have started having several side effects from it. I have to take it and waiting for a call from endo doctor.
My day lilies are popping through as well as the yarrow and irises. The Red Wing Blackbirds have returned.
This is a photo of my favorite wrangle horse Top Cat whilst I was working in WY-in the 70's. Some wonderful memories from those years.
Take care and keep that positive attitude!!!

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@glinda Great progress, a wonderful step forward, literally and figuratively.
Oooh, getting the stitches hurt? Arrrghhh. I'm sure you must have had many too.
Keep us informed, we are with you.


@glinda Sure hope you get those stitches out tomorrow! Itching is a worrisome thing. My thyroid medication makes me itch until around this time in the afternoon. I have started having several side effects from it. I have to take it and waiting for a call from endo doctor.
My day lilies are popping through as well as the yarrow and irises. The Red Wing Blackbirds have returned.
This is a photo of my favorite wrangle horse Top Cat whilst I was working in WY-in the 70's. Some wonderful memories from those years.
Take care and keep that positive attitude!!!

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@rosemarya I almost always bring something that will keep me warm, almost anywhere I go. I often find myself cold in restaurants so I bring a shawl along there and to a couple of friends' homes who tend to keep the temp low. I hate being cold.
We went to Italy a few years back and one of the places we stayed at was a B&B in a small town. The breakfast building was FREEZING. I would keep my coat on the whole time. I hate being cold.


I was not hit by a car but was driving while I’m a state of severe hepatic encephalopathy and waiting on my second liver transplant. I will attach the grizzly details of the accident if requested. I should not have survived but I did. When you look at the picture, I was in the gray Honda Pilot. I hit a parked Sherrif’s car going 55 mph because I lost consciousness at the wheel. I narrowly missed hitting a rookie officer on his first day on the force. Everyone survived. I had the worst injuries and was life delighted to University of Kansas Medical Center’s trauma ICU. Also just received my second transplant at Mayo Rochester on December 28, 2017.

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@teresatopeka Thank God you are alive. What a horrific accident. I am so thankful that any HE episodes I had had a forewarning so I was never driving when one came on. I can only imagine how difficult this must have been for you.

I read the article that Colleen posted for you. I consider it to be a miracle that I am here but you have gone through so much more than I ever did. I am sure you must thank God for every day you have been given. I am truly happy for you that your husband and son have you.


@glinda Sure hope you get those stitches out tomorrow! Itching is a worrisome thing. My thyroid medication makes me itch until around this time in the afternoon. I have started having several side effects from it. I have to take it and waiting for a call from endo doctor.
My day lilies are popping through as well as the yarrow and irises. The Red Wing Blackbirds have returned.
This is a photo of my favorite wrangle horse Top Cat whilst I was working in WY-in the 70's. Some wonderful memories from those years.
Take care and keep that positive attitude!!!

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@contentandwell, I don't like being cold either. As I get older, I find I do get cold more easily, though.
I also wear a sweater in restaurants in summer. And always carry some kind of cover when going to outdoor gatherings on summer evenings - just in case. My son's house is colder than I like, so always dress for it when we visit granddaughter:-)

I can appreciate your BB experience. When we were overnight in Fairbanks Alaska on the night before our flight home once, the temperature in late August was in the mid 40's. My husband and I were both tired and freezing - so we fumbled with the heater and it didn't come on. When it did not come on, we were told by the desk clerk that they don't turn the heat on until it gets cold.

I'm getting anxious for spring to arrive!


@glinda Sure hope you get those stitches out tomorrow! Itching is a worrisome thing. My thyroid medication makes me itch until around this time in the afternoon. I have started having several side effects from it. I have to take it and waiting for a call from endo doctor.
My day lilies are popping through as well as the yarrow and irises. The Red Wing Blackbirds have returned.
This is a photo of my favorite wrangle horse Top Cat whilst I was working in WY-in the 70's. Some wonderful memories from those years.
Take care and keep that positive attitude!!!

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Aren't we all ready!
@glinda Outside on my patio the 1st day after spring. Have a good and restful weekend.


I was not hit by a car but was driving while I’m a state of severe hepatic encephalopathy and waiting on my second liver transplant. I will attach the grizzly details of the accident if requested. I should not have survived but I did. When you look at the picture, I was in the gray Honda Pilot. I hit a parked Sherrif’s car going 55 mph because I lost consciousness at the wheel. I narrowly missed hitting a rookie officer on his first day on the force. Everyone survived. I had the worst injuries and was life delighted to University of Kansas Medical Center’s trauma ICU. Also just received my second transplant at Mayo Rochester on December 28, 2017.

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Hi @teresatopeka! 🙂

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