Wanted: Organ Transplant Recipients Who Have Been Hit By a Car

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Feb 26, 2018

"Are there any transplant recipients of any organ who have been hit by a car? How did you recover? What helped you to recover from the multiple injuries?
I am posting this discussion question on behalf of one of our members,
@glinda who has recently been hit by a car and asked me to do it for her. Due to multiple injuries, she may not be able to respond right now and can read your messages.
Your support and encouragement will be appreciated as she recovers.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


@glinda Glinda, Safe travels tomorrow. We will be thinking of you. Rosemary

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@glinda, Oh! that sounds like it will be a lot better for you. I thought maybe you were going to see your heart specialists for heart monitoring, too. So that sounds like a really good thing because that would have been a long day, and a bumpy road trip.
It sounds like you are being well cared for and your best interests are being considered.
I hope that the surgeons agree with your wishes to get rid of those stitches.

I am going to try to teach a friend how to crochet. I hope I can remember enough, myself because I prefer knitting, but I can do both.


@glinda Glinda, Safe travels tomorrow. We will be thinking of you. Rosemary

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Rosemary, I will be going in April on the 16th to see my transplant team and orthopedic surgeons and hopefully the doctors who can put my intestines back together also


@glinda Glinda, Safe travels tomorrow. We will be thinking of you. Rosemary

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@glinda sounds like a smart decision. I cannot imagine them saying no. I hope it all goes well.


@glinda Glinda, Safe travels tomorrow. We will be thinking of you. Rosemary

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@rosemarya I have never been able to crochet, I could knit some very basic things. When I was younger I did a lot of crewel work and a little needlepoint but I had to do it while watching TV to keep occupied but now my vision won’t let me do that.


@glinda Do you have PT on the weekends as well? How delightful to have a supportive family. Family means a lot. My 3 year old grandson is my biggest admirer for now. His 10 year old sister tells me I am weird and old. Typical.
Although I am not a recipient of a transplant I have been transplanted many times and somehow continue to bloom. I read your journey in previous posts and admire your drive, determination and good ol' spunk.
I finished another watercolor yesterday morning. Getting prepared to start another. Knit and crochet? My brain cannot grasp thus and I wind up in knots on several levels.
I am thankful to share your journey with you.
Have a Blessed day.


@glinda Do you have PT on the weekends as well? How delightful to have a supportive family. Family means a lot. My 3 year old grandson is my biggest admirer for now. His 10 year old sister tells me I am weird and old. Typical.
Although I am not a recipient of a transplant I have been transplanted many times and somehow continue to bloom. I read your journey in previous posts and admire your drive, determination and good ol' spunk.
I finished another watercolor yesterday morning. Getting prepared to start another. Knit and crochet? My brain cannot grasp thus and I wind up in knots on several levels.
I am thankful to share your journey with you.
Have a Blessed day.

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@parus, no I don't have p.t.on the weekends just every day during the week love the painting I love horses I have never given up on anything and never will I actually don't know how to give up thank you so much for the horse picture I love all your pictures and enjoy talking to you all thanks for listening


@glinda, I want to drop in and let you know that we are thinking of you. I hope that yesterday was not too difficult for you. I hope you are having a relaxing day today. I am imagining you being in your 'wheeled recliner' hopefully napping and enjoying some sunshine.

I just came inside from clearing a tiny part of garden area, and when I scrolled thru the recent posts, I saw @parus iris drawing. I knew immediately why I do this every spring!
( Parus, as I looked at those accumulated leaves, I also thought of your leaf picture that you shared with us! The pile that I had raked was not so attractive!)

That is all that I have to add to this conversation for now;-)


@glinda Mornin' girl. I have always been a John Wayne fan w/ Rooster Cogburn being among my favorites. Just for fun I did a painting of the Duke as Rooster. And I did have fun doing this one!!!

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@parus I immediately thought of you when I read this article (not the grandmother part - just the artistic part and using a computer to do it).

Her mouse is her paintbrush! Talented 87-year-old grandmother creates incredible works of art using Microsoft Paint, after giving up oils because they aggravated her husband's health issues:
-- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-5524495/87-year-old-grandma-makes-art-MS-Paint.html



Hello @glinda

Wanted to stop by for a visit and say hello. How are you doing? Is your PT progressing and is everyone (including you) happy with your progress?

How are you filling up your days when PT is over.

I look forward to hearing from you.



Hello @glinda

Wanted to stop by for a visit and say hello. How are you doing? Is your PT progressing and is everyone (including you) happy with your progress?

How are you filling up your days when PT is over.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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I am very happy with my progress with p.t. I sat up for 11 minutes and 15 seconds on the edge of my be the day before yesterday it was hard but not painful I have sat in a reclining wheelchair that I will use next Tuesday when I go to see about getting my stitches out at the local orthopedic surgeons office here in Eau Claire am hoping when they take the out of my left leg and right hip that I can start putting weight on my left leg I plan on walking in 3 months even if it's with assistive devices I will be walking one way or another I 3 mmonths

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