Wanted: Organ Transplant Recipients Who Have Been Hit By a Car

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Feb 26, 2018

"Are there any transplant recipients of any organ who have been hit by a car? How did you recover? What helped you to recover from the multiple injuries?
I am posting this discussion question on behalf of one of our members,
@glinda who has recently been hit by a car and asked me to do it for her. Due to multiple injuries, she may not be able to respond right now and can read your messages.
Your support and encouragement will be appreciated as she recovers.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


@glinda Good day! Being in bed most of the time can be boring. I spent a month in one with the view of a ski slope in Jackson Hole, WY. A broken femur in a horse accident. Then a body cast for 2 months with home care. I was plastered!! Hey, you have us to keep you company and encourage you on your journey.
Today I am one tired grandma, new pains and aches as I was hit by my 3 year old grandson which is better than a car for sure. The little guy is most entertaining and my inner child comes forth to play, play, play. Our main adventure yesterday was stalking zombies.
Attaching another colored pencil drawing from my lovely flower garden last summer.

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@parus You sound like a great grandmother. Your grandchildren must love spending time with you. I'm not sure that I will ever have that opportunity, but maybe someday. Of course if I do have grandchildren they will probably be quite a distance away.


@glinda Yes, now the hard work begins. Here is a little something to help your eyes feel happy. Things like you are experiencing only happen in the movies-unfortunately, they do occur in real life. Too early here for flowers other than some painting I have done from last summer's flower garden. Will keep you close in thought.

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@glinda Being in the hospital and/or being incapacitated is an experience that shows us who our friends really are. I am happy that you are discovering that you have more than you realized.


It was 1 yr. after I had lost my 2nd kidney transplant when I was side swiped by another car back in 2014. The accident wasn't that bad and after giving the police our statements we all went our separate ways. I went home and told my wife about what had happened. After a shower I notice a thin abrasion over the area of the transplant. I told my wife that it was most likely from the seat belt. After a couple of hours a began to feel a very slight pain where the abrasion was and we decided that I should got to the ER. After a cat scan it was determined that my Gal Bladder had been badly damaged and had to be removed ASAP. After a 4 hour surgery and one week in the hospital I went home. I began to have some mild abdominal pain that got worse day after day. I told my wife that something wasn't right. After a week of this pain getting worse I ended up in the ER again. Another cat scan showed severe internal bleeding. Now the same surgeon that did the 1st surgery was doing this one. The 1st one was done Lapcriscopically, but not this time. This surgery was akin to a liver transplant as far as the incision goes. I was in the hospital for another 2 weeks. When having a transplant that goes anywhere in the abdomen you have to be vary mindful of seat belts whether you're the driver or passenger. There is no way to get around this other than not wearing a seat belt. I had a doctor give me a note stating that it was too dangerous for me to wear one. This was supposed to get me off the hook if I ever got pulled over, but I wouldn't recommend doing that. In the end the kidney wasn't damaged, but it didn't matter because I was back on dialysis anyway. I hope this helps, good luck......Andy

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You have been through so much. I'm going to have a kidney transplant in the next few months. I never even thought about a seatbelt issue. Do you think putting a pillow over the wound before putting on your seat belt will help. I'll I've to think of something because I don't feel safe driving without one. Goodness I hope you will start to recover and feel better soon. Thank you for letting us know.


It was 1 yr. after I had lost my 2nd kidney transplant when I was side swiped by another car back in 2014. The accident wasn't that bad and after giving the police our statements we all went our separate ways. I went home and told my wife about what had happened. After a shower I notice a thin abrasion over the area of the transplant. I told my wife that it was most likely from the seat belt. After a couple of hours a began to feel a very slight pain where the abrasion was and we decided that I should got to the ER. After a cat scan it was determined that my Gal Bladder had been badly damaged and had to be removed ASAP. After a 4 hour surgery and one week in the hospital I went home. I began to have some mild abdominal pain that got worse day after day. I told my wife that something wasn't right. After a week of this pain getting worse I ended up in the ER again. Another cat scan showed severe internal bleeding. Now the same surgeon that did the 1st surgery was doing this one. The 1st one was done Lapcriscopically, but not this time. This surgery was akin to a liver transplant as far as the incision goes. I was in the hospital for another 2 weeks. When having a transplant that goes anywhere in the abdomen you have to be vary mindful of seat belts whether you're the driver or passenger. There is no way to get around this other than not wearing a seat belt. I had a doctor give me a note stating that it was too dangerous for me to wear one. This was supposed to get me off the hook if I ever got pulled over, but I wouldn't recommend doing that. In the end the kidney wasn't damaged, but it didn't matter because I was back on dialysis anyway. I hope this helps, good luck......Andy

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Yes that's my question too. Why dud you have to go back on dyalisis?


@glinda Mornin' girl. I have always been a John Wayne fan w/ Rooster Cogburn being among my favorites. Just for fun I did a painting of the Duke as Rooster. And I did have fun doing this one!!!


@glinda Mornin' girl. I have always been a John Wayne fan w/ Rooster Cogburn being among my favorites. Just for fun I did a painting of the Duke as Rooster. And I did have fun doing this one!!!

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John Wayne has always been my favorite I watch every one of his movies when I can thank you for the picture of him as rooster cogburn that has always been a favorite of mine love it


@glinda Mornin' girl. I have always been a John Wayne fan w/ Rooster Cogburn being among my favorites. Just for fun I did a painting of the Duke as Rooster. And I did have fun doing this one!!!

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That is a great painting of the Duke - I just love it!



Good morning @glinda, do you have a window close by? One of my favorite pastimes is watching out windows to see what ever is provided in frame of the moment. I've always been an early riser and rarely sleep later than 5am. I was reminiscing yesterday about the photo I missed out of my window when I was about to drive into the office for what else – morning coffee with the office techs which is my networking time. Just when I got up and looked out the window along comes mama possum no more than 4 feet from the window. I fumbled trying to get the camera turned on and focused on her and got nada. As slow as she was walking I was even slower trying to take a picture. Well low and behold looking out the Window yesterday afternoon I see her under the bird feeder and I got the camera on and was again fiddling with the focus and she started to meander away. I was able to catch a shot of her plodding through the snow which made me smile. Unlike the nasty woodchuck, I like having a possum around because they are good neighbors:


Hoping you have a great day...



Good morning @glinda, do you have a window close by? One of my favorite pastimes is watching out windows to see what ever is provided in frame of the moment. I've always been an early riser and rarely sleep later than 5am. I was reminiscing yesterday about the photo I missed out of my window when I was about to drive into the office for what else – morning coffee with the office techs which is my networking time. Just when I got up and looked out the window along comes mama possum no more than 4 feet from the window. I fumbled trying to get the camera turned on and focused on her and got nada. As slow as she was walking I was even slower trying to take a picture. Well low and behold looking out the Window yesterday afternoon I see her under the bird feeder and I got the camera on and was again fiddling with the focus and she started to meander away. I was able to catch a shot of her plodding through the snow which made me smile. Unlike the nasty woodchuck, I like having a possum around because they are good neighbors:


Hoping you have a great day...


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I love the picture of the possum yes I do have a window by me and I watch the squirrels run and Chase each other on a garage roof or they lay flat on the roof and sunbathe for a little while thank you so much for the picture I am an animal lover even though I can't have any where I live hope you have a great day thank you again glinda


It was 1 yr. after I had lost my 2nd kidney transplant when I was side swiped by another car back in 2014. The accident wasn't that bad and after giving the police our statements we all went our separate ways. I went home and told my wife about what had happened. After a shower I notice a thin abrasion over the area of the transplant. I told my wife that it was most likely from the seat belt. After a couple of hours a began to feel a very slight pain where the abrasion was and we decided that I should got to the ER. After a cat scan it was determined that my Gal Bladder had been badly damaged and had to be removed ASAP. After a 4 hour surgery and one week in the hospital I went home. I began to have some mild abdominal pain that got worse day after day. I told my wife that something wasn't right. After a week of this pain getting worse I ended up in the ER again. Another cat scan showed severe internal bleeding. Now the same surgeon that did the 1st surgery was doing this one. The 1st one was done Lapcriscopically, but not this time. This surgery was akin to a liver transplant as far as the incision goes. I was in the hospital for another 2 weeks. When having a transplant that goes anywhere in the abdomen you have to be vary mindful of seat belts whether you're the driver or passenger. There is no way to get around this other than not wearing a seat belt. I had a doctor give me a note stating that it was too dangerous for me to wear one. This was supposed to get me off the hook if I ever got pulled over, but I wouldn't recommend doing that. In the end the kidney wasn't damaged, but it didn't matter because I was back on dialysis anyway. I hope this helps, good luck......Andy

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@glinda, @rosemarya, @andtridd63, @rose999, @contentandwell,
This is an interesting exchange on the importance of seatbelts. I asked our abdominal transplant surgeons if there's anything special they would recommend considering seatbelts and transplant recipients. They didn't have any special recommendations other than to say that they strongly recommend wearing your seatbelt even if you are concerned about damaging your new organ in an accident. The damage caused by not wearing one could be much, much worse. If you use one of the sheepskin covers or anything else to cushion your seatbelt, just be sure they don't interfere with proper use and fit of the seatbelt.
Stay safe everyone!

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