Wanted: Organ Transplant Recipients Who Have Been Hit By a Car

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Feb 26, 2018

"Are there any transplant recipients of any organ who have been hit by a car? How did you recover? What helped you to recover from the multiple injuries?
I am posting this discussion question on behalf of one of our members,
@glinda who has recently been hit by a car and asked me to do it for her. Due to multiple injuries, she may not be able to respond right now and can read your messages.
Your support and encouragement will be appreciated as she recovers.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


@glinda Yes, now the hard work begins. Here is a little something to help your eyes feel happy. Things like you are experiencing only happen in the movies-unfortunately, they do occur in real life. Too early here for flowers other than some painting I have done from last summer's flower garden. Will keep you close in thought.

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@glinda Thinking of you and hoping that each day brings improvement. I hope it gets warm soon where you are so you can get out a bit and experience some nice weather. It's sunny here today but it looks like it must be darned cold out there. I hate having to go out but I want to get to my 9:00 aqua class, I really need it for my knee. My ortho (from having had a knee replacement) advocates my recumbent bike and water exercise more than PT for me. Those things really do help to increase the bend in your knee.


@glinda Yes, now the hard work begins. Here is a little something to help your eyes feel happy. Things like you are experiencing only happen in the movies-unfortunately, they do occur in real life. Too early here for flowers other than some painting I have done from last summer's flower garden. Will keep you close in thought.

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Here it's only 9degrees wish it would warm up soon though don't know how long it will be before I can get to go outside as my legs are non weight bearing right now so no sitting in a wheelchair just laying in bed for now gets kind of boring glinda


@glinda Yes, now the hard work begins. Here is a little something to help your eyes feel happy. Things like you are experiencing only happen in the movies-unfortunately, they do occur in real life. Too early here for flowers other than some painting I have done from last summer's flower garden. Will keep you close in thought.

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Hi @glinda

If your device has a speaker perhaps you will enjoy this music interlude from a Youtube video, https://www.facebook.com/ScienceNaturePage/videos/1284891671643088/



@glinda Yes, now the hard work begins. Here is a little something to help your eyes feel happy. Things like you are experiencing only happen in the movies-unfortunately, they do occur in real life. Too early here for flowers other than some painting I have done from last summer's flower garden. Will keep you close in thought.

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@contentandwell You are right about the recumbent exercise bike - I've just started using it at my health club. Prior to that I used the treadmill and had a lot of pain - but with the bike the pain is not there in the same way. Teresa


@glinda Yes, now the hard work begins. Here is a little something to help your eyes feel happy. Things like you are experiencing only happen in the movies-unfortunately, they do occur in real life. Too early here for flowers other than some painting I have done from last summer's flower garden. Will keep you close in thought.

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@hopeful33250 I have used the treadmill a lot and found that my footwear makes a big difference. Surprisingly I had an expensive pair of athletic shoes (@ $120) and I had pain. I also had a pair of Sketchers that I got on sale at Marshall's for $30. They have memory foam. With them I feel no pain on the treadmill. My ortho says I can do the treadmill and elliptical for cardio, etc., but it does not really help with your quads. I checked that out and it's true. The article I read said if you want to help your quads on the treadmill to put it at a slight incline and go backwards, not something I am about to attempt.
By the time I get done with my 30 minutes on the bike, increasing the resistance as I go, I am dripping sweat. I have the seat as far forward as possible (as far forward as possible for me) for maximum knee bend. I really want this knee to do well, the other one never got to 120 flex which is the minimum they think you should get to.


@glinda Yes, now the hard work begins. Here is a little something to help your eyes feel happy. Things like you are experiencing only happen in the movies-unfortunately, they do occur in real life. Too early here for flowers other than some painting I have done from last summer's flower garden. Will keep you close in thought.

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@glinda that must be boring. I am surprised that you can't even be in a wheelchair, I would think that would not be considered to be weight bearing.
I hope you enjoy reading or using a laptop or tablet. Those are my preferred diversions. I wish we all lived closer to each other, we could visit you in the rehab. How far is the rehab from your home? Is it close enough for friends and relatives to visit?


@glinda Yes, now the hard work begins. Here is a little something to help your eyes feel happy. Things like you are experiencing only happen in the movies-unfortunately, they do occur in real life. Too early here for flowers other than some painting I have done from last summer's flower garden. Will keep you close in thought.

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Thanks for that information @contentandwell

I probably would not walk backwards on an incline either - need to see where I'm going. From what you say it sounds like the bike is good for the quads. Am I right?



@glinda Yes, now the hard work begins. Here is a little something to help your eyes feel happy. Things like you are experiencing only happen in the movies-unfortunately, they do occur in real life. Too early here for flowers other than some painting I have done from last summer's flower garden. Will keep you close in thought.

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@contentandwell, I cannot even imagine going backwards!


@glinda Yes, now the hard work begins. Here is a little something to help your eyes feel happy. Things like you are experiencing only happen in the movies-unfortunately, they do occur in real life. Too early here for flowers other than some painting I have done from last summer's flower garden. Will keep you close in thought.

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@glinda Glinda, On several occasions, I had my bone density scan at Mayo Rochester. They have outline images of maple leaves etched on the ceiling tiles! It was awesome for a bedridden patient like me.
I know you were at Mayo for transplant - Did you see it?


@glinda Yes, now the hard work begins. Here is a little something to help your eyes feel happy. Things like you are experiencing only happen in the movies-unfortunately, they do occur in real life. Too early here for flowers other than some painting I have done from last summer's flower garden. Will keep you close in thought.

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@hopeful33250 that is what my ortho tells me. He is rather unorthodox in some of the things he favors, not this one, but for instance he does not want patients to ice for the first six weeks because it constricts the blood vessels so less healing can occur. It does help with discomfort but not with healing. He also does not want aggressive PT. You can’t beat his track record though, people come from all over to go to him.

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