Does CBD oil help you with your depression and/or anxiety?

Posted by lalyfa @lalyfa, Feb 24, 2018

I am curious to know if anyone has had success with CBD or Hemp oil helping with depression/anxiety? I’ve been reading a lot about it and am curious.
I've been reading about this and am very interested but would like thoughts/opinions from anyone who has actually tried it or knows someone who has. TIA

Thank you,

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@gingerw- What ifs... are very dangerous - we play mind games with ourselves too. Everyone does this after a loss- be it a divorce, crazy family, leaving a job, etc. Rogue thoughts are abundant at this time of year. We do what we can with the memories that we have and maybe make new ones to over shadow the old ones.


Thank you everyone for hearing me. Everyone on here is so kind and offer so much.


Awww. We all try


@gingerw- What ifs... are very dangerous - we play mind games with ourselves too. Everyone does this after a loss- be it a divorce, crazy family, leaving a job, etc. Rogue thoughts are abundant at this time of year. We do what we can with the memories that we have and maybe make new ones to over shadow the old ones.

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Rogue thoughts. Excellent comparison. Will remember this!!


@parus The Great Spirit is playing games again. The post I typed out was lost to cyber space, so there must have been something for me to say but read only to myself. Yes this is a rough time of year. I have 3 siblings who are out of my life because I refuse to play their games. That's their loss. But sometimes my mind goes rogue this time of year and wonders, "what if..."

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@gingerw Appears I am not alone in the not wanting to play in the game of pretense. Those rogue thoughts can be so uncomfortable. 😔


Rogue thoughts. Excellent comparison. Will remember this!!

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On the topic of CBD, I quickly want to share my current experience. BUT PLEASE, nobody gets the idea to replace their meds with CBD based on my report!! So, I am off high dose antidepressants for 1.5 years and have been coping well with life. Now, 2 weeks ago I had to deal with a major life event that sent me straight back into a full blown depressive episode. What to do? Go back to the hated meds for just this event? No thank you. Then my daughter of all people suggested her CBD oil to me. It took me a minute to get over the fact that she has anything related to weed oh her but she convinced me to quickly read up on it. And then I tried it and nothing happened...until it all the sudden hit me a while later, that I was on the phone with a friend and talking like a normal person...what happened?...very subtle but without noticing it, I regained total control of emotions and thought...strange, like wellbutrin laced with ritalin...that was unreal for something I can buy in store around the corner...I took 1ml of 50mg/ml (so duh, I took 50mg of CBD) - it worked wonders. I start the day with 50mg and then add 20mg in the afternoon and a small dose before sleeping (! this is a lot but I am a big man)...honestly, for me the results were amazing...I am continuing to use it and will lower the mg once the significant event fades a little bit into the all stay well! C


@nodepression- How wonderful for you! You must be taking the capsules. I think that the tincture only comes in 10mg/dropper. May I ask what meds you were taking before and how did you wean off of them?


@nodepression- How wonderful for you! You must be taking the capsules. I think that the tincture only comes in 10mg/dropper. May I ask what meds you were taking before and how did you wean off of them?

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Hi Merry, actually it was a tincture (I could give you the brand name but not sure if appropriate) that comes in a 15ml bottle with 50mg/ml and costs $40 for the isolated one with flavor and $35 for full spectrum unflavored - they also have larger bottles (and yes, this is Mr. NoWeedEVER becoming an expert!)
Regarding the meds, this was in a different country (Europe) so I am not sure if the names work here. Over a period of 10 years I have had about every kind of different meds for depression, social anxiety, one time for bipolar and all the time for ADHD, all depending on doctor but at the end (end of 2016) I was on maintenance with 200mg Wellbutrin and Ritalin LA (ext.release) 30mg...we weaned the Wellbutrin off and I just kicked the Ritalin...both was not easy but I must admit that at that time I was relatively OK because my life circumstances had became so much easier over time and I was kind of "naturally" better if that makes sense...


Hi Merry, actually it was a tincture (I could give you the brand name but not sure if appropriate) that comes in a 15ml bottle with 50mg/ml and costs $40 for the isolated one with flavor and $35 for full spectrum unflavored - they also have larger bottles (and yes, this is Mr. NoWeedEVER becoming an expert!)
Regarding the meds, this was in a different country (Europe) so I am not sure if the names work here. Over a period of 10 years I have had about every kind of different meds for depression, social anxiety, one time for bipolar and all the time for ADHD, all depending on doctor but at the end (end of 2016) I was on maintenance with 200mg Wellbutrin and Ritalin LA (ext.release) 30mg...we weaned the Wellbutrin off and I just kicked the Ritalin...both was not easy but I must admit that at that time I was relatively OK because my life circumstances had became so much easier over time and I was kind of "naturally" better if that makes sense...

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@nodepression Welcome to Connect! Every person is different and how well CBD works, or doesn't, varies widely. Very happy to hear you found a dose that works for you, and are cognizant that you can taper off after a while.

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