Does CBD oil help you with your depression and/or anxiety?

Posted by lalyfa @lalyfa, Feb 24, 2018

I am curious to know if anyone has had success with CBD or Hemp oil helping with depression/anxiety? I’ve been reading a lot about it and am curious.
I've been reading about this and am very interested but would like thoughts/opinions from anyone who has actually tried it or knows someone who has. TIA

Thank you,

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@mamacita When I first considered using CBD oil, I started doing research. There were a couple of people at the gym who used it, and I got their feedback on possible issues. Also got their feedback on where they did the purchase. I have used that source since then; it was in the same town where I was. I am fortunate that the same location will ship to me now that I moved, and they ship all over the country. I have been pleased with their product, their support, and their education to customers.

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@gingerw , thank you for responding regarding this! I really put myself out there this week and I had to pay for it yesterday. Had some actual grunt work placed upon me by circumstances beyond my imagination or control. I got through it with no food, no water, no medicine, just flying by the seat of my pants as I love to do. A quick response was necessary and that's exactly what happened.

Oh vey! The muscles in my body are still so tight and painful. But yesterday's work to help someone else in real time, and an innocent child at that, was exhilerating. There's no better place I would rather be than to follow the Universe's leading. To listen to that and feel that it is exactly where you should be and what you should be doing is heavenly. The relief to know that someone in power actually listened to what I was saying and would act on it.

Today will be therapeutic home care (ie, cleaning! Ha!) And resting, using my bag of tricks to get through this flare. I just live you, lil sistah!



Merry, in my state it is legal only if you have a medical card from your doctor. I believe I qualify, according to the information I previously researched online. I don't honestly know how I feel about using it though. Is it abused? Do people get high on it? I would not want that. As I have gotten older, my Fibromyalgia has gotten incredibly worse. I can go for months with not a sign nor a symptom. Then, out of the blue, I am mowed over with horrid pain. If it is not addicting, I would consider it. Thank you!


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Mamacita- CBD oil does not make you high. I don't want that either and I stay away from THC altogether. I think it's worth a try, call your doctor. You can also say that you are stressed, maybe ptsd?


@rascal1 - I have gastro problems and also suffer from depression and anxiety. Along with antidepressants I use cbd oil to help calm me down. It does very well. The usual dose is 10 mgs. from a 1 oz bottle. What is available to you I would think would depend on the oils that your dispensary carries.

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Thank you so very much but I don’t know how to locate a reputable dispensary.


raascal- Ask your doctor! Google it for your state.


My dr isn’t fond of the idea of CBD oil as we don’t yet know the ramifications of its use with rx drugs. I ordered some CBD oil through the internet but haven’t taken because I’m not sure of their purity.
Does it help your gastro problems?


@gingerw , thank you for responding regarding this! I really put myself out there this week and I had to pay for it yesterday. Had some actual grunt work placed upon me by circumstances beyond my imagination or control. I got through it with no food, no water, no medicine, just flying by the seat of my pants as I love to do. A quick response was necessary and that's exactly what happened.

Oh vey! The muscles in my body are still so tight and painful. But yesterday's work to help someone else in real time, and an innocent child at that, was exhilerating. There's no better place I would rather be than to follow the Universe's leading. To listen to that and feel that it is exactly where you should be and what you should be doing is heavenly. The relief to know that someone in power actually listened to what I was saying and would act on it.

Today will be therapeutic home care (ie, cleaning! Ha!) And resting, using my bag of tricks to get through this flare. I just live you, lil sistah!


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@mamacita no need for me to tell you to be gentle on yourself! We know that you will do that today. The adrenaline rush of yesterday will catch up with you today and leave you probably pretty sensitive to everything. We know that that is normal after that kind of an output of energy and emotion. What a good thing to be in place for a young child who needed help. As for the CBD oil I was careful when I was researching this has almost no THC in it, so that there would be no issue "getting high". I use a strength that is 10 mg / 1/2 dropper full. Have fun cleaning your house -when you get done you can come up to mine and help me. Just kidding!


rascal- I'm not sure if it does. All I can say about this is your have to follow your doctor's advice or change doctors. I take two antidepressants and if I feel overly anxious I take one dropper of oil. It is organic and naturally grown, which to me is better than another pill. I can only go by the assurance of my compassion center's that the oil they sell is pure. What company did you order it from?


Mamacita- CBD oil does not make you high. I don't want that either and I stay away from THC altogether. I think it's worth a try, call your doctor. You can also say that you are stressed, maybe ptsd?

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Merry, being Autistic with my ability to hear, see, feel, and otherwise experience all the information around me at a whirwinds pace, yes, I would definitely say there is stress. I have learned through the years different ways to cope with this constant flood of information. To redirect, as one might re direct a stream out in the countryside. To make something good out of what was bound to defeat me. But as I have gotten older, the intensity of pain in my literal nervous system, muscles, tendons, etc may require greater interventions. Thank you again for your support and helpful information. I owe you one!



Mamacita- I am new here so I had no idea that you have Autism. Good for you in striving to deal with everything that is overwhelming. Support is always and you do not owe me anything. Just be well.


@mamacita no need for me to tell you to be gentle on yourself! We know that you will do that today. The adrenaline rush of yesterday will catch up with you today and leave you probably pretty sensitive to everything. We know that that is normal after that kind of an output of energy and emotion. What a good thing to be in place for a young child who needed help. As for the CBD oil I was careful when I was researching this has almost no THC in it, so that there would be no issue "getting high". I use a strength that is 10 mg / 1/2 dropper full. Have fun cleaning your house -when you get done you can come up to mine and help me. Just kidding!

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@gingerw I would absolutely LOVE to come and help you with your housework! It is actually very therapeutic for me. I have ADHD as you may remember, so once I am on a roll, nothing but God Himself can stop me.

As much as I preach to everyone on here and all my groups on Facebook about self care, you'd best believe I will be pampering myself and soothing my soul with time, love, peace, and kindness. I may even take an Epsom Salts Bath!

You all have a restful day this weekend. Rest at least one day! Both if you can! Find something that refreshes your spirit and go for it.

Love and light, me lovelies,


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