Does CBD oil help you with your depression and/or anxiety?

Posted by lalyfa @lalyfa, Feb 24, 2018

I am curious to know if anyone has had success with CBD or Hemp oil helping with depression/anxiety? I’ve been reading a lot about it and am curious.
I've been reading about this and am very interested but would like thoughts/opinions from anyone who has actually tried it or knows someone who has. TIA

Thank you,

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@stephanieann I’m so happy your son is doing better. That is great news. how many mg of cbd oil does your son take. How long before you started seeing results.

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about 10mg CBD to 1 mg THC. I started seeing results in the first week. First I tried the CBD and then slowly started lowering the other meds. Nurse practitioner has told me to raise the CBD level as I lower the psych med. It all needs to be done slowly INMHO.


Does the THC mix make him high?


No, the THC is so little that this combination is not psychoactive I have heard that a tiny amt of THC helps with the CBD effectiveness


No, the THC is so little that this combination is not psychoactive I have heard that a tiny amt of THC helps with the CBD effectiveness

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Thanks again.
Happy Thanksgiving!


I was on effexor wellbutrin abilify clonapin/ lorazepam and cymbalta over the course of 15+ years. Ive been off the meds now for 1 yr 9 mos. dont really want to go back on but im not great --- maybe healing ... was on a variety of supplements (i think the naturopath was making money but i did manage to get off the antidepressants with them) . I finally decided i needed to go low and slow --- ive been reinventing my wheel for a while now ---- cpl more visits to the naturopath ..
the recent problem is traumas (car accidents etc) and anxiety -- sometimes it rolls into a bit of depression as i feel im going this alone ...
docs want to put me back on meds cuz that seems to be what they know ---
i do have a new therapist its not as effective yet as my old therapist --- wish i could go back ... its so hard to find a therapist that has some effectiveness and that you can click with ...

tried a bit of cbd recently and it seems to help with the anxiety --- has anyone been able to get off everything? cbd included ...
and has discontinuing the cbd after a time caused any repercussions?


How have others been successful finding doctors that will work with alternatives (supplements/cbd)


Do we NEED to be on cbd or supplements --- is it possible to go off all of it and survive be happy and functional ...??


I was on effexor wellbutrin abilify clonapin/ lorazepam and cymbalta over the course of 15+ years. Ive been off the meds now for 1 yr 9 mos. dont really want to go back on but im not great --- maybe healing ... was on a variety of supplements (i think the naturopath was making money but i did manage to get off the antidepressants with them) . I finally decided i needed to go low and slow --- ive been reinventing my wheel for a while now ---- cpl more visits to the naturopath ..
the recent problem is traumas (car accidents etc) and anxiety -- sometimes it rolls into a bit of depression as i feel im going this alone ...
docs want to put me back on meds cuz that seems to be what they know ---
i do have a new therapist its not as effective yet as my old therapist --- wish i could go back ... its so hard to find a therapist that has some effectiveness and that you can click with ...

tried a bit of cbd recently and it seems to help with the anxiety --- has anyone been able to get off everything? cbd included ...
and has discontinuing the cbd after a time caused any repercussions?

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Welcome to Connect, @k777. You ask a good question. Can depression and anxiety be managed without medications, including without CBD? I don't think there is one answer that fits all. Do people do it? Yes. Can all people? No.

You may wish to join this discussion where @stressedmesseddepressed asks for similar thoughts from members about getting off meds.
- Yearning to be Addiction-Free ASAP but ask for helpful Ideas Thx!

@k777, did I understand correctly: Currently you are not taking any medications or supplements for depression or anxiety. However, with recent traumas you have been experiencing anxiety again and occasionally bouts of depression. CBD oil has helped the anxiety a bit, but you would like to return to med-free and not use any medications, including CBD. Did I get that right?


How have others been successful finding doctors that will work with alternatives (supplements/cbd)

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I use 300 mg Brighten Pure CBD oil 2 drops under the tongue twice a day. No prescription is needed anymore. Bought it online.


I have been on 75 efexor for 4 years for anxiety. I have physical symptoms from my anxiety, but I feel I don't want to continue with a synthectic drug if a Hemp oil (cbd) can keep it curbed. I want to come off efexor slowly and wondering if anyone has gone through using CBD oils as they withdraw.? I am a teacher and cannot risk the crabby/crying episodes I am reading about occurring in front of 14-17 yr olds!

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