Have to start the big three

Posted by Jo Ann K @jkiemen, Nov 28, 2017

I just got the results of my CT done yesterday. There are now enough changes that I am being asked to start the Big three. I have an eye exam tomorrow and then I guess I start. I really don't cough much mostly feel like I have junk in the back of my throat only. Sputum inductions have not been successful so it will be hard to see if there is any improvement. I am really sad that I am advanced now to this stage. Many of you have already been there and beyond. Please share any advice on tolerating the medications.
JoAnn K

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I do have and ID person. I am also going to get a second opinion and to ask about things like silent aspiration and GERD. No one has been willing to discuss this with me thus far. I have lots of throat congestion but no cough


Sorry for u,JoAnn. I have been on the big 3 over a month now, and feel terrible. I am trying several things to get some relief —. MSM, curcummin, blueberry extract and others. If I find help, will let u know.

Chin up, pray and keep the faith




I have been on the big 3 since March with no problems until 2 weeks ago. Now off the big three due to severe diarrhea, just in time for the holidays. Will know more on Friday, I hope, after seeing ID doc. Also, having an endoscope Wednesday. Getting a little sick of being sick.


They took me off Rifabutin and put me on Rifampin, which I am tolerating better. I do feel that I get tired quickly on the Antibiotics. Have you all be taking them 3 times a week? I have been trying to space them so there is not such a big gap when there are 2 days without such as if I take them on Monday, Wed and Friday. I feel like I don't want my levels to fall to low by Sunday. Maybe I am worrying too much.


Sorry for u,JoAnn. I have been on the big 3 over a month now, and feel terrible. I am trying several things to get some relief —. MSM, curcummin, blueberry extract and others. If I find help, will let u know.

Chin up, pray and keep the faith



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So you are pretty new to them also. It is scary. I am afraid of some supplements because they are also processed by the liver and I don't want it to be overworked. Will the curcummin cause bleeding?


I have been on the big 3 since March with no problems until 2 weeks ago. Now off the big three due to severe diarrhea, just in time for the holidays. Will know more on Friday, I hope, after seeing ID doc. Also, having an endoscope Wednesday. Getting a little sick of being sick.

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It seems that just the process of taking antibiotic has made me feel like an invalid. I am afraid of being around anyone that is coughing or sneezing. Afraid of getting a GI virus that seems to go around so often this time of year and now I hear the Flu Shot has missed the mark again this year. I feel like I need to be in a bubble.


They took me off Rifabutin and put me on Rifampin, which I am tolerating better. I do feel that I get tired quickly on the Antibiotics. Have you all be taking them 3 times a week? I have been trying to space them so there is not such a big gap when there are 2 days without such as if I take them on Monday, Wed and Friday. I feel like I don't want my levels to fall to low by Sunday. Maybe I am worrying too much.

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@jkiemen I took them every day and yes, they made me tired. I would often nap in the afternoon and I am NOT a napper and I'd be in bed by 8:30 every night.


I have been on the big 3 since March with no problems until 2 weeks ago. Now off the big three due to severe diarrhea, just in time for the holidays. Will know more on Friday, I hope, after seeing ID doc. Also, having an endoscope Wednesday. Getting a little sick of being sick.

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@jkiemen , I know the feeling. I lived like a shut-in for a long time. I am feeling so much better these days; that I am risking having a Christmas party this year. I hope that I do not regret doing so.


Sorry for u,JoAnn. I have been on the big 3 over a month now, and feel terrible. I am trying several things to get some relief —. MSM, curcummin, blueberry extract and others. If I find help, will let u know.

Chin up, pray and keep the faith



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@charlie999, Hello Charlie. Welcome to our forum. I am glad that you found us. Would you want to share more about your story with MAC?


I have been on the big 3 since March with no problems until 2 weeks ago. Now off the big three due to severe diarrhea, just in time for the holidays. Will know more on Friday, I hope, after seeing ID doc. Also, having an endoscope Wednesday. Getting a little sick of being sick.

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@bschaper, Hi Barb. It does get to that point doesn't it? Sick and tired of being sick and tired. I felt that way for years. I feel like a normal person again, even though I am not. It is possible to get there. Hang in there!

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