24 Hr PH test for GERD - question for those who have had this done

Posted by Jen_b @jenblalock, Sep 2, 2017

Tuesday morning I'm going to have a tube inserted for 24 hours to test for GERD. I went to National Jewish who diagnosed GERD as the cause of my bronchiectasis and cavitary lesions. I'm getting this test to confirm this diagnosis. Anyway, I am wondering if I should take someone to drive me home afterward. There is no anesthesia used so I should be able to drive myself, right?

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Results: Motility - Normal! GERD - mild that I probably don't feel. Take two chewable Gaviscon daily. Wow! Totally different than the dire diagnosis I received from NJH. I'll send results to NJH and see if I get any feedback.

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98%? where does that come from?


Results: Motility - Normal! GERD - mild that I probably don't feel. Take two chewable Gaviscon daily. Wow! Totally different than the dire diagnosis I received from NJH. I'll send results to NJH and see if I get any feedback.

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@jenblalock, I had the tilted table test too. My results found severe erosion at the bottom of my esophagus from the reflux and mild hiatal hernia. My motitily test from the tube test (ugh) showed normal swallowing. What your doctor said about almost guaranteeing that you have GERD is not a sweeping generalization, it is extremely common for MAC patients to have GERD. More do, than don't. It is called 'co-morbid' as it goes hand-in-hand with MAC infections as well as bronchiecstasis. Most MAC sites will state this as well.


Results: Motility - Normal! GERD - mild that I probably don't feel. Take two chewable Gaviscon daily. Wow! Totally different than the dire diagnosis I received from NJH. I'll send results to NJH and see if I get any feedback.

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@windwalker Inn studies I've looked at there is a correlation but I've not seen anywhere where it is a certainty or even an almost certainty. Can you direct me to some pages where I can read more about this? Thanks.


Results: Motility - Normal! GERD - mild that I probably don't feel. Take two chewable Gaviscon daily. Wow! Totally different than the dire diagnosis I received from NJH. I'll send results to NJH and see if I get any feedback.

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@jenblalock , Jen, I cannot tell you exactly what sites to tell you to find this exact figure because I have read SO many articles & publications from the experts and from reputable clinics like Mayo, NIH, NJH, etc. Also watched hours of videos from NTM conferences.
The exact figure really doesn't matter, it is up there for number of incidences of co-morbidity, especially for those who also have bronchiecstasis too.


Thank you all for this info/discussion! I just went to a new pulmonologist & he said the areas of bronchiectasis in the front, midsections of my lungs are consistent with GERD. I've taken 40 mg Famotidine twice daily & have had my esophagus dilated twice due to strictures (scarring) narrowing the esophagus making it tough for food to get through. I just ordered a wedge pillow & a book about GERD. Sounds like it is a BIG factor with MAC!

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I have a question about GERD. I have never been diagnosed with GERD. But I have been reading a lot about it here. For those of you who have been diagnosed with it, do you experience symptoms, like heart burn? Or is that not always the case?


Results: Motility - Normal! GERD - mild that I probably don't feel. Take two chewable Gaviscon daily. Wow! Totally different than the dire diagnosis I received from NJH. I'll send results to NJH and see if I get any feedback.

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@windwalker Unfortunately, for someone like me, the exact figures do matter. I've watched the conferences and ready tons of articles also. I'll need to do more research obviously. Best to you.


Results: Motility - Normal! GERD - mild that I probably don't feel. Take two chewable Gaviscon daily. Wow! Totally different than the dire diagnosis I received from NJH. I'll send results to NJH and see if I get any feedback.

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jenablalock....l did bring to NJH the results of an esophagram l had had locally and within less than a year that showed food does not empty correctly into my stomach....takes its time.So they did have that test to apply. tdrell


Results: Motility - Normal! GERD - mild that I probably don't feel. Take two chewable Gaviscon daily. Wow! Totally different than the dire diagnosis I received from NJH. I'll send results to NJH and see if I get any feedback.

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windwalker i see my GI doctor in a few weeks....l respect him....l think he is not one to rush into things....is older but l think he keeps up so we will see his thoughts. tdrell


Ling123....l have had GERD for so many years l cannot recall what life was like prior....and have been on Nexium for that time and am trying to wean off it since it is showing to have a long list of evils on the body....also NJH said it Nexium... decreases acidity in stomach which the acid helps destroy the NTM I swallow in WIsconsin water....hence when l have reflux/aspiration from stomach to lungs....the NTM just go into lungs more alive...does that make sense???


Ling123....l have had GERD for so many years l cannot recall what life was like prior....and have been on Nexium for that time and am trying to wean off it since it is showing to have a long list of evils on the body....also NJH said it Nexium... decreases acidity in stomach which the acid helps destroy the NTM I swallow in WIsconsin water....hence when l have reflux/aspiration from stomach to lungs....the NTM just go into lungs more alive...does that make sense???

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@tdrell From what @windwalker Terri has said about GERD, I get the feeling that majority of the people with MAC have GERD. I was just wondering if I have it or not. I know I don't have the typical symptoms for GERD. But it would be helpful to know whether there are cases where GERD patient do not experience obvious symptoms. If I don't have symptoms, does that mean I don't have GERD or it only means that I need to go through tests to find out? You say you have reflux/aspiration from stomach to lungs, can you tell that is happening physically or is that the conclusion by your doctors after tests?

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