24 Hr PH test for GERD - question for those who have had this done

Posted by Jen_b @jenblalock, Sep 2, 2017

Tuesday morning I'm going to have a tube inserted for 24 hours to test for GERD. I went to National Jewish who diagnosed GERD as the cause of my bronchiectasis and cavitary lesions. I'm getting this test to confirm this diagnosis. Anyway, I am wondering if I should take someone to drive me home afterward. There is no anesthesia used so I should be able to drive myself, right?

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Results: Motility - Normal! GERD - mild that I probably don't feel. Take two chewable Gaviscon daily. Wow! Totally different than the dire diagnosis I received from NJH. I'll send results to NJH and see if I get any feedback.

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Thanks. I am! So as uncomfortable as it was, it was worth it.


Results: Motility - Normal! GERD - mild that I probably don't feel. Take two chewable Gaviscon daily. Wow! Totally different than the dire diagnosis I received from NJH. I'll send results to NJH and see if I get any feedback.

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Jenablock....just now catching up on postings.....read the results you had for tests...congrats! Am thinking I will ask my GI Dr for test....shudder...cause I was told my issues at NJH were also from Gerd....no testing done there. Tdrell


Results: Motility - Normal! GERD - mild that I probably don't feel. Take two chewable Gaviscon daily. Wow! Totally different than the dire diagnosis I received from NJH. I'll send results to NJH and see if I get any feedback.

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@tdrell It's a rough test but it was worth it. I wonder why they don't do more extensive testing at NJH considering that is the diagnosis?


So....FYI...... although I have only mild reflux I had asked the doctor two questions via the portal. 1. Is mild reflux normal for someone my age? 2. Is there a possibility that I am aspirating stomach contents? Her reply: "It is not normal to have reflux and you may be Aspirating stomach contents." So I will still be following the GERD rules. Also will be making an appointment to go see her to discuss more.


Yes, I had that in Tulsa. It's a little bit more difficult than just the normal impedence. They did it first -- and then followed it with the 24 hour tubing. At Mayo's they just did the regular impedence but they did have my results of the manometry and they didn't consider doing it over. You will be fine. Where I was in Tulsa the tubing for the manometry was a little larger and felt a little bit harder to do but the nurse doing it had it done to herself every year just so she could remember each thing to tell the patient and she was very good. It is a smaller hospital than where you will be going and probably the equipment where you'll be will be newer. So...... be sure and let me know how you felt after you do it. You'll at least be glad you did and I hope they are able to do as Mayo's did with the overnight impedence and will be able to correlate any problem with reflux. I'll be anxious to know.

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Barbie46....l agree with everything Jenablalock has written to you. 71 by the way is "young" for two reasons...
AARP divided old age into 3 categories...
-65 to 75 young old age
-75-85 middle age old age
-85- old
I am about to be 73......my mother died at 101 and 7 months.....so l am hopeful l have years to go....and l want to be able to do what l want to do during future years. Hence l will continue to try to find answers.......and be thankful l am not restricted by insurance.....which is an important variable to health issues as we know.
the tests l have been thru really are not that bad.....l will ask the GI doctor in a few weeks about the confirmatory tests for GERD which Jenablalock just had and described and will not look forward to...but to be thorough ...l will go thru them.
being able to go thru MRI"s which l did for a hip issue assures me l can get thru anything (claustrophobic in MRI machines)
also...watching the PBS Ken Burn's special on Vietnam War and hearing about what the POW's went thru assures me l can get thru tests after their experiences)


Results: Motility - Normal! GERD - mild that I probably don't feel. Take two chewable Gaviscon daily. Wow! Totally different than the dire diagnosis I received from NJH. I'll send results to NJH and see if I get any feedback.

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jenablalock....see how analytical you are!wondering why NJH doesn't do testing of GERD....probably l am guessing they don't specialize in it....they are respiratory...immunology...cardiac.....and it would take more time....

it would have to include the lower GI tract...think colonscopy.....arrrgh....can you just see the issues with the Prep for that??

silly memory l have....years ago i was at Mayos. ...they did colonoscopies and upper GI tests frequently at Mayo's even thought that was not primary reason for going there....and after all the tests...and preparation and consequences of ingesting barium....one of the hotel workers or Mayo folks told me that Rochester Minnesota had a big issue in the sewer systems and the hotels in their pipes....from all the barium that ended up in piping and sewers.....can you blame any system for not wanting that mess!!!tdrell


Results: Motility - Normal! GERD - mild that I probably don't feel. Take two chewable Gaviscon daily. Wow! Totally different than the dire diagnosis I received from NJH. I'll send results to NJH and see if I get any feedback.

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Actually the same thing happens at NJH because my roomie had more extensive testing than I did and the cleaning people mentioned it when I said the toilet was clogged. 🙁

At NJH, I did do some sort of lighter version where I drank a bit of barium and also some carbonated beverage and was tipped on a table. Did you have that at NJH? This is when they said I had severe motility issues (which the latest tube test did not show). It was actually done at St. Joseph in Denver because whatever they used at NJH was broken at the time. But I guess a little GERD or a lot of GERD doesn't really matter when it comes to treatment. Any GERD will do. 🙂 Dang!


So....FYI...... although I have only mild reflux I had asked the doctor two questions via the portal. 1. Is mild reflux normal for someone my age? 2. Is there a possibility that I am aspirating stomach contents? Her reply: "It is not normal to have reflux and you may be Aspirating stomach contents." So I will still be following the GERD rules. Also will be making an appointment to go see her to discuss more.

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@jenblalock , Hey Jen, did you raise the head of your bed up six inches too?


Results: Motility - Normal! GERD - mild that I probably don't feel. Take two chewable Gaviscon daily. Wow! Totally different than the dire diagnosis I received from NJH. I'll send results to NJH and see if I get any feedback.

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@jenblalock, I am surprised they do not test for GERD there. Gerd does frequently go hand in hand with bronchiecstasis and mAC.


Back home from having catheter placed. The first test Esophageal manometry, was very gaggy and uncomfortable. They use a bigger tube for this than the one for the 24 HR. PH test. Putting in the smaller tube for the 24 hr ph test wasn't bad. I find it very uncomfortable to wear however. I'm trying to eat like normal but swallowing causes it to move around and I think my nose is really sensitive after having that larger catheter in it. Or I'm a wimp. Either way, not fond of it and I find it painful in my nose. Managed to choke down some toast for breakfast but not looking forward to when I have to eat again. I'm glad I took my husband with me to drive because I just wasn't comfortable turning my head or anything. It's going to be a long day but it's only one day and I'm sure other have endured much worse. I haven't ever had surgery or really anything invasive other than the PICC line so I think I tend to be a bit of a wimp. The results will be worth it (keep saying this to myself). 🙂

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@jenblalock, I had that same test done last year. You are not being a wimp, it is a miserable tests to go through. I asked my dr if I could drink a little wine with the tube test. He said it was ok to have two glass max. With the discomfort I was having, I was all about that wine! The 24 hour tube felt like I had a toothpick stuck sideways in my throat. It annoyed me constantly until the tube was removed. Like you, I reminded myself that there are worse things that others must endure than what I was experiencing. I had mine done for pre-qualifying for possible lung transplant.

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