Klonopin taper

Posted by dawgbone @dawgbone, Jul 31, 2017

I have been on some kind of benzo for almost 40 yrs. I am trying to taper from 1.5-2 mgs of klonopin daily . Began in mid may 2017 and my last cut was very small on 7-2-17 to get to 1mg. Honestly feels like i am dying. I also take trazodone 75 mgs and 4 drugs for high blood pressure. I have been researching gabapentin and seroquel to help with the withdrawal symptons. Please offer any suggestions or help. I am 69 yrs old and cant even leave my house to visit my kids and grands. Thank you for any help!

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As I read your words I was reading your fears. There are times our fears can overtake and consume us. I understand and even feel your fears. All you can do is your best. Not everyone experiences difficulties in weaning off of benzodiazepines. Oft we only hear about the negative things. Try to do something you enjoy to help you get through this time. A hard thing to do with the not knowing what to expect.

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I would love to hear some success stories about tapering off a benzo. Is it hell for everyone? Has anyone tapered off easily?


I would love to hear some success stories about tapering off a benzo. Is it hell for everyone? Has anyone tapered off easily?

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I have tapered down to .25. That has been the best I have been able to do right now


Hi, I tapered my adult son off Clonazepam (generic of Klonipin) very slowly by using CBD tincture approximately taken every 4-5 hours. He was taking 1 mg twice a day of clonazepam previously when we first started the taper. . It took months but he is now just taking an SSRI and has reduced the atypical antipsychotic by more than half the dose of what he previously was on and no more clonazepam and Guanficine. . The CBD is 18:1 ratio and I am using a brand that was recommended by a reputable marijuana dispensary. Tapering was also done under the guidance of a psychiatrist. The CBD should be lab tested and be a reputable brand. . He suffered no side effects and this ration of CBD to THC does not make one high ie it is not psychoactive. I slowly increased the CBD dosage while decreasing the clonazepam. Would recommend reducing only 1 psychiatric drug at a time and going very slowly . I am hopeful that I can get him off all psychiatric drugs since I believe the atypical antipsychotic started impacting his liver and also his bone density. There have been no side effects with the CBD so far.


I would love to hear some success stories about tapering off a benzo. Is it hell for everyone? Has anyone tapered off easily?

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Hi @sears ,
I have been tapering from 1.25mg since September of last year. I decided to taper slower than the different tapers usually recommend. I have done great! I have had very minor symptoms, such as mild muscle spasms off and on, and some jerky movements (myoclonic jerks). But nothing that has changed my life. I am down to almost 0.25 where you are. Wonderful looking back that I am off 1mg! I am hopeful that I will continue to do well, but I will slow down a little more as I get close to the end. Praying you and everyone here does well!


Hi @sears ,
I have been tapering from 1.25mg since September of last year. I decided to taper slower than the different tapers usually recommend. I have done great! I have had very minor symptoms, such as mild muscle spasms off and on, and some jerky movements (myoclonic jerks). But nothing that has changed my life. I am down to almost 0.25 where you are. Wonderful looking back that I am off 1mg! I am hopeful that I will continue to do well, but I will slow down a little more as I get close to the end. Praying you and everyone here does well!

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I’m impressed
At the end is when I took an infinitesimal dose well that’s an exaggeration, but a very small dose. Someone who actually understands what slow means. Good for you.


I’m impressed
At the end is when I took an infinitesimal dose well that’s an exaggeration, but a very small dose. Someone who actually understands what slow means. Good for you.

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Thanks Jake! I take clonazepam for Exaggerated Sleep Myoclonus-.a reaction to a medication called Reglan. When I found out after all these years that a side effect or tolerance effect of Klonopin was...…. myoclonic jerks, I realized it was time to try weaning off and see if was Klonopin or my body causing the jerking. Glad I did. It's starting to look like the original Myoclonus has resolved after all this time.


I would love to hear some success stories about tapering off a benzo. Is it hell for everyone? Has anyone tapered off easily?

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No problem at all. My taper was uneventful but long. You have to do it slowly. If your having symptoms your going to fast.


I've been on Klonopin for decades. I have Spasmodic Torticollis with inner shakiness, head tremors, head turning, and enough electrical activity in my brain to light up NYC. I will be on Klonopin my entire lifetime. It's helped me live a normal life. Yes, I've heard getting off Klonopin is worse than getting off Heroin. That's from Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac the band. Some days I take 2 mg or when my neck goes wacko, I take 4 mg. I hate taking drugs, but Klonopin is necessary.


Hi there,
I don’t know anything about Georgia, I’m from California and it is amazing what the medical profession is allowed to get away with. A nurse came to my Mentally Handicaped cousin’s apartment and confiscated all his medication knowing he was coming to my house for Heart surgery.
If your doctor does stop your Klonopin make sure he stops it slowly. That was the most difficult drug I ever came off of. I hope you have better luck getting off of it than I did. If it comes to that.
May I ask why your taking it and what dose?
Is the medication helping you? Why does the doctor want you to stop it?
I’m with you in spirit, wishing you hope, health & happiness.

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Leonard, are there any laws in California? It appears California has become an Anarchy state. No laws, rules or regulations. Not getting into politics, but I know I could never live in California.


Leonard, are there any laws in California? It appears California has become an Anarchy state. No laws, rules or regulations. Not getting into politics, but I know I could never live in California.

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Hi there,
Can’t walk down the street without tripping over a law, rule or regulation.

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