Staying Motivated for the Long Haul

Posted by LindaF @fessmom, Jun 29, 2017

My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight is a seemingly invisible "switch" that goes on and off in my brain. When it's "on" I am in the zone and can avoid the most decadent temptations and will exercise faithfully. But, about a year to 15 months into my healthy lifestyle, the switch turns to "off" and I lose focus and revert to my bad habits of poor food choices (both in what I eat and how much I eat) and I become more sedentary. I am at that point now and I feel a slow panic building as the number on the scale inches upward. I know what I should do, but I am at a loss as to how to get my mojo back. Suggestions, anyone!?

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@parus @ihatediabetes @rosemarya @2011panc @contentandwell
Found it!

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@contentandwell It is in most grocery stores where they sell organic products. Teresa


@parus @ihatediabetes @rosemarya @2011panc @contentandwell
Found it!

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Dear Teresa @hopeful33250  A favorite quote of mine from Emerson. is below (with cutting guides for cutting 🙂  Basically live in daytight compartments.   Marcus Aurelius said-  (paraphrase) --you can take anything right now, as long as you don't add to it in imagination (i.e. regrets from the past, fears for the future).  This practice of living in "day tight compartments" helped me when I was bed ridden with a broken neck for several months (if I moved toO much I would become paralyzed for life)    Here is the Emerson quote- I am making  into a bookmark to remind me on a daily basis.  Dr. Ron Rubenzer  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you
could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as
you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a
spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~ 




My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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Thanks. We are all in this together


I follow diaTribe - Making Sense of Diabetes. Especially Adam Brown. As an example he has recently posted a series of 3 articles titled How To Change Any Diabetes Habit parts 1, 2 and 3. The 3rd one in particular applies to me as advice given to me often is you have to do this now to avoid complications in the future. The future is not here yet so all my ready made excuses come into play often such as: Just this one time won't make a difference! Except when I do those exceptions over a period of years they very likely will make a difference and all my other effort will be wasted. I highly recommend this site and Adam Brown in particular as he has diabetes so much of his stuff is based on his own experience. I do have an increasing concern however as he uses a CGM and I don't and they also spend time on the latest developments which are somewhat interesting but I'm not there yet and may never be!

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I am taking this class - living well with diabetes. I like having a class format and being with other people. I don't think people can go it alone. Even doctors call all the providers around me my "treatment team." They always say treatment team. I think that's so they aren't alone either.


I agree, @ihatediabetes, we all need a team. We all live in community and our community is what keeps us strong.

As one of our new Mentors, @mamacita, said recently, "We are better together!"



My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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@jodeej, Thanks, I have fallen away from my healthy pattern, and I need to get with it again. I like the "optimal’ and the "less optimal" labels for food choices. Rosemary


All of us Together, are smarter than anyone of us alone. A community of caring. I always told my college students - everything you use in life was developed/made by someone else. It gives a better perspective on interdependence. Dr Ron


My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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@user_cha272278, "Why ME?" That is what I said when I was diagnosed with a liver disease that would cause cirrhosis. A disease with no identified cause, and no cure except transplant. My answer - follow the advice of my doctors (whom I respected) and to do everything in my power to stay healthy. I had many many family members and friends who thought I was crazy to listen to my doctors.
In April 2009, I received my liver and kidney transplant. Today I am living a healthy and normal life.


I have become a big believer in probiotics. I do think taking antibiotics and other medicine can affect own gut health. My husband and I have been drinking kombucha every day and it helps us both. He does not drink beer anymore and I find it helps me not crave sweets.


My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight, is that the medications make me want to eat; so it's just a self-fulfilling prophesy! I'm also tired of trying to eat healthily, when i may? have experienced a stroke at age 40, 6 and one-half months after my Mother passed away! I guess I just don't honestly really care anymore!! If "Professional Providers" DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MY LIFE, THEN WHY SHOULD I CARE NOW? I'M TIRED of being LABELED as "THE BAD PATIENT!!!!!" I have decided against TRUSTING ANY PROVIDERS in MASSACHUSETTS PERIOD!! I'll get my information online from now on and forget about PHYSICIANS, PERMANENTLY!!!!!" It's so ENJOYABLE for MYSELF to finally say "NO" to Healthcare, and to just ask for advice online when needed!
Take care!

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@rosemarya You made very wise choices to listen to your doctor, Rosemary and you are living proof that it works I so admire you! Teresa

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