Scoliosis - Introduce yourself and meet others

Let's talk about living with scoliosis.
As a community moderator of the Bones, Joints & Muscles and Spine Health groups, I've noticed several members talking about scoliosis, but those discussions were scattered throughout the community. I thought I would start this discussion to bring us all together in one place.

Get comfortable in your favorite spot, grab a beverage of your choice, and let's chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?

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@leslie324. What is the alternative? I absolutely wish I had an answer. Wouldn't surgery in one's 70's be too hard on the body? I walk but my hips start hurting. I excercize until the pain is too much then I excercize for one more minute hoping my muscles get stronger. I get frustrated, however, I try to balance my time by lying flat once or twice a day. When I started this I found I liked laying down because I had less pain. But then I realized I wasn't living life. Oh my, it is hard to live with pain yet work on finding some sort of balance. May I suggest we communicate more often - we just might find some answers.

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Thank you for the advice. Will try the walk one more minute and see if I can do better than 900 steps. Have gotten several ideas to try from this group. I felt so alone this summer. Leslie324


Thank you for your support. I am 75 but have been told I am in good physical shape except for bone and joint issues. I have 2 replaced knees and can do anything I want now involving knees It's just the back that's slowing me down. Will try several ideas from this discussion group. Leslie324


Just found this today. Thank you! No idea when I developed scoliosis but was only diagnosed at 70. My first cousin had the same experience. Am now wearing a lift in my right shoe for it. I also have spinal stenosis and sciatica with constant pain going down my right leg. Two shots in my back at a pain clinic only stopped the pain briefly. Physical therapy also failed. Just had an MRI. Do I have any alternative except for surgery? LOM

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I have that same 5lb swing.. eat nothing and up it goes. I hogged into a bag of licorice allsorts the other day and stood on the scales to find I had actually lost another 2 lb.. [dont worry it will find me] And knowing that there are others with twisting silly spines, I attacked the fallen branches out in my farmlet and had a good burn up.. Oh gosh it was past grumpy last night could hardly walk to get the last hot drink for the night, and getting out of bed this morning was a sight to behold. !! But I feel good,for the achievment, just going to walk a little funnily for the first part of the day.
It is tough on the muscle structure as they need balance, and when the foundation of the skeleton isnt straight, they have to carry that stress of forcing it. to move in a semblance of balance


Just found this today. Thank you! No idea when I developed scoliosis but was only diagnosed at 70. My first cousin had the same experience. Am now wearing a lift in my right shoe for it. I also have spinal stenosis and sciatica with constant pain going down my right leg. Two shots in my back at a pain clinic only stopped the pain briefly. Physical therapy also failed. Just had an MRI. Do I have any alternative except for surgery? LOM

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You are so right! Our bodies are lopsided. You also raise a major point we need to remember. A sense of humor is a huge coping tool! Thanks for reminding me. Licorice allsorts aren't bad either! Hope that 2 lbs never finds you. Leslie


@leslie324. What is the alternative? I absolutely wish I had an answer. Wouldn't surgery in one's 70's be too hard on the body? I walk but my hips start hurting. I excercize until the pain is too much then I excercize for one more minute hoping my muscles get stronger. I get frustrated, however, I try to balance my time by lying flat once or twice a day. When I started this I found I liked laying down because I had less pain. But then I realized I wasn't living life. Oh my, it is hard to live with pain yet work on finding some sort of balance. May I suggest we communicate more often - we just might find some answers.

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I have the sciatica and the spinal stenosis, but not the scoliosis; therefore, I'm not sure my comment will help. I'm 78 and in the last four months, the pain increased to the point where I could barely walk and could only sleep in one position on my left side. My physical theorists forbid any unnecessary walking, but encouraged me to ride a bike, which has truly been a lifesaver!! Don't know if scoliosis prevents bike-riding, but note no one mentions it.


My husband just had surgery for sciatic, stenosis and bulging disc's. It's been 7 months since surgery and he is finally feeling better. I have scoliosis. I broke my tailbone dilivering both of my children- therefore, riding a bike is painful for me. Yet, I would think that would be a good way to excercize. Thanks for sharing @trishanna.


@JustinMcClanahan thanks for starting this group. I'm lillgrizz and you will see me all throughout this site. I'm so glad I found it. I suffer from so many health issues it really gets me down. but I'm already seeing that by discussing things that others can relate to is going to be therapeutic. Wish I would have found this site a long time ago. I was first diagnosed with scoliosis in 2nd grade and was put into a brace that I wore 20 hours a day. It was called a Milwaukee brace and it had a chin rest on it and pads on the back to hold my head straight up. it had a steal rod in front and 2 in back that all lead down to a very not at all flexible girdle that came to the top of my thighs. I remember the other kids use to call me Frankenstein. So in 2nd grade my scoliosis was so severe I only got out of it long enough to go to swim team practice and shower. And being called Frankenstein sent me home crying a lot of days after school. I wore the brace till I was in 6th grade until they got it down to a 12 degree curve. I remember feeling so free when I got to throw that brace away. and now I am back in one at 50 but luckily it is only for 6 months due to 2 back surgeries. boy I guess I just don't know when to shut up. have a lot more to say but will save some for later, hello to everyone and I look forward to making some new friends and hearing your stories.


I. Had surgery. In. The. 70s. I'm 56 I. Can't. Do. Anything normal. Without. Having. Pain. I'm. My. Right leg. And. My. Back. Feels. Stiff. And. Heavy. My. Harrington. Rod. Is. Broken midsection. And. Hooks seen. At. L4-5and T9-10 I. Am. So. Scared. To. Have. Surgery. Or. Do. Anything. But. I'm. Living. In. Pain. Every. .3. Hours. Or. Do. And. I. Can't. Straighten. Up. Did. Anyone. Have. This. Problem. Please. Let. Me. Know


Sorry to read that you are one of those that have major problems after surgery.
I am presuming you have been offered further surgery to try and replace or fix the broken Harrington rod.
you must be in so much pain that really it would be hard to refuse surgery.
Wishing you all the best


Sorry to read that you are one of those that have major problems after surgery.
I am presuming you have been offered further surgery to try and replace or fix the broken Harrington rod.
you must be in so much pain that really it would be hard to refuse surgery.
Wishing you all the best

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Thank. U. I. Will. Ho. Back. To. The. Dr. Next. Week. I. Have. Been. Putting. Off. Going. Back. To. The. Dr. But. I. Got. To go. Just. Afraid. If. These. Things.

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