This and That and Talk - My Transplant

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Apr 9, 2017

As our Mayo Connect community grows, I am constantly meeting organ transplant members on a wide variety of forums with a wide range of issues that are not directly transplant specific. However, because we are all transplant recipients, we have a special connection: a unique journey and best of all - a new life! We don't always need help or advice. Many times we just want to chat with someone like us! That is my purpose in starting This and That and Talk.

Drop in and say 'Hi'. You are welcome anytime.

What do you want t to talk about? What words can you offer to someone who is on the journey? Do you have any questions for another recipient?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


@contentandwell, How is your knee recovery coming? Been thinking about you. Did you dance?
I'm getting over a head cold/sinus/congestion sort of thing that has become a real nuisance! I hope you are doin g better than that!

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So glad your cold is better have a merry christmas and a happy new year


@contentandwell, How is your knee recovery coming? Been thinking about you. Did you dance?
I'm getting over a head cold/sinus/congestion sort of thing that has become a real nuisance! I hope you are doin g better than that!

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Thanks:-) Me too. I am fortunate to not have the heavy congestion and stomach bug that is hitting our area. However, I take precautions as soon as I feel something coming on, which is something that many people do not do. I also gave myself extra time because we were having family Christmas here at our house this past Sunday.

Glinda, ( Can I call you that? Is that your name?), Do you have to be extra-extra careful since your transplant because it was a cold that caused your heart failure? Or is your new heart not as sensitive to that?


@contentandwell, How is your knee recovery coming? Been thinking about you. Did you dance?
I'm getting over a head cold/sinus/congestion sort of thing that has become a real nuisance! I hope you are doin g better than that!

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Yes you can call me glinda and yes I am extra extra cautious and I do always take extra extra precautions at all times I even get strange looks and nasty comments from some people on the city bus because i wear a mask year round but i also get more people curious about why i wear the mask and rhey ask me about it and I tell them my story getting sick really scares me especially a cold


@contentandwell, How is your knee recovery coming? Been thinking about you. Did you dance?
I'm getting over a head cold/sinus/congestion sort of thing that has become a real nuisance! I hope you are doin g better than that!

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@glinda, What a great opportunity to promote organ donation!
Gotta run, I'll check back later tonight:-)


All summer long we have enjoyed some friendly conversation over a glass of iced tea. Now I suggest we change to a cup of hot chocolate of hot cider, and maybe a homemade cookie. How about an extra log on the fire for those late night chats when you have something on your mind, or just can't sleep!

We all have some sort of transplant related connection. And we have learned from each other and shared with each other, nd supported. And now I want to introduce all of you to @glinda, who has been actively sharing in the Heart Transplant Discussion Group.

Also, I want to remind you that I am always on the lookout for a new discussion topic to post.

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I have never heard of Rishi Tumeric Ginger Chai Tea myself I do love and drink Spiced Chai but would lime to ask if rhe Rishi Tumeric Ginger Chai is good and where would i be able to buy it as i love ginger but have never had tumeric thank you


@glinda, I have very limited grocery stores in my town, so I doubt if I can find it either. I will look next time I am in the grocery store. I will let you know what I find. I do think that I have seen the Spiced Chai, though. I might give that one a try! So far I have relied on varieties of decaf tea. Rosemary


@glinda, I have very limited grocery stores in my town, so I doubt if I can find it either. I will look next time I am in the grocery store. I will let you know what I find. I do think that I have seen the Spiced Chai, though. I might give that one a try! So far I have relied on varieties of decaf tea. Rosemary

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I drink herbal teas myself and the spiced chai that I drink is called Tazo decaf chai tea latte I like the Tazo better then the oregon spice chai the tazo has more spice and as i am THE ONLY TEA DRINKER IN MY FAMILY I love my tea


@contentandwell, How is your knee recovery coming? Been thinking about you. Did you dance?
I'm getting over a head cold/sinus/congestion sort of thing that has become a real nuisance! I hope you are doin g better than that!

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@glinda, Several weeks ago when I was grocery shopping I passed a man and his wife several times in the aisles. He was wearing a mask. We were stuck in a crowded aisle, and I asked him if he was a transplant recipient. To my surprise, he replied that he had received a heart transplant in July of this year! He thanked me for saying something and we had a very interesting visit. He was thrilled to meet another transplant recipient! I did invited him to join the Mayo Connect discussion.


@contentandwell, How is your knee recovery coming? Been thinking about you. Did you dance?
I'm getting over a head cold/sinus/congestion sort of thing that has become a real nuisance! I hope you are doin g better than that!

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@rosemaya 39, I'm glad to here that he was happy you asked about the mask and if he was a transplant patient and you invited him to join the group. I hope he does. I met a young man today that asked me the same question as to whether I was a transplant patient and if I was immunosuppressed as his mom just had a kidney transplant and i was surprised that he would recongnize why I was wearing a mask


@contentandwell, How is your knee recovery coming? Been thinking about you. Did you dance?
I'm getting over a head cold/sinus/congestion sort of thing that has become a real nuisance! I hope you are doin g better than that!

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@glinda, Glinda, That is neat! I think it is amazing how many of 'us' are out there!

My husband thinks that I am being 'nosey' when I ask people if they have had a transplant. I only do this when I see them wearing a transplant t-shirt, or green donate life bracelet, and occasionally a mask. I try to ask in a caring manner, and I have never had a negative response. How do you 'feel' when somebody (like the man today) who sees you with a mask, asks that question?

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