What's your life like after Brain surgery?

Posted by lisa88bloom @lisa88bloom, Mar 22, 2017

I had a 4 cm mengioma removed last year. It was in the skull base and was 14 hr surgery. I have a small regiment left, but watching with yearly MRIs....still have unbalance and numbness. I was curious if anyone else had a situation like this one. I spent a month in the hospital.

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Hi Lisa,
Was it a foreman magnum meningioma?


Anyone else suffer from long time effects of depression ?

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Welcome to Connect, @buc091274. Are you dealing with depression as a long-term side effects of brain tumor?


Is it a foreman magnum meningioma?


Hello everyone! I had a 3 cm cerebellar meningioma removed in Oct 2017. I went back to work in Jan 2018 only to be off now on medical leave since May 2018. I'm having major issues with imbalance, dizziness, headaches, and throbbing head pain. An MRI and Ct scan show encephelomalacia. The doctors assure me this is normal after brain surgery, however I'm curious to know if this could be causing all these symptoms? Anyone know anything about this?


I had 2 removed in 2005 with no problems until 3 years ago. Dr said it’s scar tissue and nothing can be done. I have fatigue and extreme dizziness now for 3 years it’s horrible.


I had 2 removed in 2005 with no problems until 3 years ago. Dr said it’s scar tissue and nothing can be done. I have fatigue and extreme dizziness now for 3 years it’s horrible.

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So encephelomalacia is scar tissue and is causing these symptoms?


So encephelomalacia is scar tissue and is causing these symptoms?

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In reply to @tiffanygal "Exactly" + (show)

Good to know! My doctors keep telling me it's normal after every brain surgery but haven't said my issues are caused by it. Now they want to check my heart thinking it is the cause of my dizziness. My blood pressure has also been high ever since the surgery. At this point I'm not sure what to do.


I had 2 removed and no problems for 10 years. Were you dizzy right after surgery?


I had 2 removed and no problems for 10 years. Were you dizzy right after surgery?

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I had surgery in Oct 2017 went back to work in Jan had normal pain from healing but in the end of May I woke up with severe head pain and dizziness. The pain is like a constant stabbing at the surgery site. They have me on Cymbalta for nerve pain. Dizziness is just not letting up.

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