Pain in upper thighs

Posted by marie @mariemarie, Mar 8, 2017

I was diagnosed one month ago. Mayo in Florida said i had mild Parkinson Syndrome. Said must exercise 2 1/2 hours a week. No meds now. Does anyone experience pain in upper thighs? I'm in the BIG program for Parkinson. It's an hour of stretching. Program developed just for Parkinson folks. Maybe the pain is from this program. I have no other pain. It's four days/week for four weeks.

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I was diagnosed 5 months ago. Did BIG with no pain in my thigh but did hurt my hip. It healed but I had to avoid some exercises for a while. Talk to your physio - you could be doing something wrong.

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Hello @pjsammy, It's been a while since I've heard from you. I hope you are doing well and adjusting to this new diagnosis of PD. Drop us a note and let us know how you are progressing. Teresa


Welcome to the Parkinson's group on Connect, @pjsammy. I hope you'll pop over to this discussion, meet the rest of the gang, and tell us a bit more about yourself.

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I take Peddling for Parkinson three times a week at my fitness center. Very good exercise. I still do BIG exercise s every morning at home. I also have stationary bike at home. Saw neurologist for 3 month checkup last week. Said I still do not need any meds just exercise. So we shall see.


Welcome to the Parkinson's group on Connect, @pjsammy. I hope you'll pop over to this discussion, meet the rest of the gang, and tell us a bit more about yourself.

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@mariemarie I'm so glad to hear that you are doing so well. Exercise does seem to be a key to success with PD. Teresa


Welcome to the Parkinson's group on Connect, @pjsammy. I hope you'll pop over to this discussion, meet the rest of the gang, and tell us a bit more about yourself.

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I still have stomach upsets but think due to post nasal drip due to allergies. I take allegra but not very effective. Any suggestions?


Welcome to the Parkinson's group on Connect, @pjsammy. I hope you'll pop over to this discussion, meet the rest of the gang, and tell us a bit more about yourself.

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Hi @mariemarie I live in Michigan where we all have post nasal drip. I use a prescription nasal spray, however, I think that it is now available without prescription. I prefer the spray to using a pill as it does not affect heart rate, blood pressure, etc. There are a few other allergy meds that are OTC that you could try. Often when one allergy med fails to work effectively you can switch off to another one. Teresa


Welcome to the Parkinson's group on Connect, @pjsammy. I hope you'll pop over to this discussion, meet the rest of the gang, and tell us a bit more about yourself.

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Thanks teresa. I will look for sprays. Hope u are doing well.


Welcome to the Parkinson's group on Connect, @pjsammy. I hope you'll pop over to this discussion, meet the rest of the gang, and tell us a bit more about yourself.

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@mariemarie Yes, I am doing well, thanks for asking! Teresa

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