Problems months after colon resection surgery: What Helps?

Posted by joyce1 @joyce1, Feb 25, 2017

Three months after colon resection I had a severe stomach cramp this morning and have not had a bowel movement yet. This is the first time this has happened. So far things have been good.

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Talk to your doctor to see if you should try: Metamucil 1 Tbs with 1/2-1 cup of water along with 1 prescription Imodium pill before meals. The Metamucil will bulk up your stool and the Imodium sliws transit to stop diarrhea. I still sometimes get diarrhea but not as much so using this combo.


Talk to your doctor to see if you should try: Metamucil 1 Tbs with 1/2-1 cup of water along with 1 prescription Imodium pill before meals. The Metamucil will bulk up your stool and the Imodium sliws transit to stop diarrhea. I still sometimes get diarrhea but not as much so using this combo.

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My husband uses a similar strategy, but it takes 3 immodium pills before meals and a benefiber tab after meals to successfully slow things down and bulk up. He has experimented with dosages a lot and this seems to be the regimen that works for him after his right colon resection nearly a year ago. Different for everyone so you have to experiment with this on your own.... Docs can't tell you for sure what will work. He was close to having a colostomy but colorectal surgeon at Mayo indicated one can take a much bigger immodium dose than we were initially told so he tried more and it worked to curb the constant diarrhea - surgery averted!


I think it is hard to find someone with similar situations because all of our situations are unique. I get sad and depressed but I keep thinking I am lucky to be alive. We all strive for the day of no pain and discomfort. Keep moving forward. We are all in this together.......

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That you for the words of encouragement. That is all we can do is take it one day at a time. If only they informed of us of all the possible side effects maybe this would be easier to deal with.


I haven’t experienced what you have , but I did have the sigmoid resection also . They also took 18 inches of my colon out because of diverticulitis. It really took me a long time to get over it because I had scar tissue which is extremely painful . I really hope you get better soon ...just take one day at a time and get through it . Maybe someone else can relate better than I . Still wish you the best !

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I had nine inches of my sigmoid removed along with the repair to the bladder. Came home with catheter for nine days. Maybe that it way all of this is taking so long to heal. I try to stay busy and walk everyday just to take my mind off the discomfort. Some days are better than others. I guess it is the healing process.


I was wondering if anyone has had experience with use of the antidepressants for chronic pain following partial colectomy. I know that they use low doses of the tricycliclics like amitriptyline but given that I tend toward constipation and the TCA's can cause constipation, I have been considering a trial of duloxetine(Cymbalta) an SNRI which might be helpful. Has anyone had experience with this?

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First, you should not develop chronic pain after surgery. If pain persists after six weeks, check with your doctor concerning causation of pain. Antidepressants do not treat pain (at best, they make you a bit numb and distance you emotionally from psychic pain), and it becomes very hard to withdraw from the SSRIs and SNRIs, so better never to start them. The older tricyclic antidepressants in very low doses cause you to be sleepy and thus help with sleep. (Other sleep meds are often addictive, so this is a good choice if pain is making it hard to sleep.) Of course, all medications should be discussed with your doctors. Remember that they are often quick to prescribe and slow to deprescribe.


Had sigmoid removed 4 months ago with open surgery. I have diver throughout entire colon. 2 months in I got that old familiar pain on lower left side. Had a scan No infection found however I know for a fact my surgeon did not even look at colonoscopy to see how much he could remove to give me a better quality of life.He told me he didn't need to see it! What do I do now? He is finished with me! Do I need to have more removed? I am a very active 69yr old woman run an estate sale company which requires physical work! 4 month!!! I can't believe it!! The pain never goes away! But it is only a level 2! Fiber makes it worse. I watch everything I eat..diabetic and lactose intolerant. I need help!!!


Had sigmoid removed 4 months ago with open surgery. I have diver throughout entire colon. 2 months in I got that old familiar pain on lower left side. Had a scan No infection found however I know for a fact my surgeon did not even look at colonoscopy to see how much he could remove to give me a better quality of life.He told me he didn't need to see it! What do I do now? He is finished with me! Do I need to have more removed? I am a very active 69yr old woman run an estate sale company which requires physical work! 4 month!!! I can't believe it!! The pain never goes away! But it is only a level 2! Fiber makes it worse. I watch everything I eat..diabetic and lactose intolerant. I need help!!!

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Have you considered a second opinion? See where that leads you?


@gcesar hi. Yep. Sounds like my surgeon. Once the surgery is over, on going care is your responsibility. Need to find someone who will see you ongoing. I don’t know if you need more surgery, but getting a second opinion is something you can take charge of. I was having problems a few months, went to the ER. Afterwards I requested a GI referral. Not sure what you should do, but surgeons are surgeons, period. Virgo


Hi everyone! I thought I would give you an update since may last post. I have been continuing to struggle with abdominal pain since my partial colectomy for colonic inertia in early December.
Since I tend toward constipation, I tried adding Citrucel with minimal improvement (previously Benefiber made my pain worse), then added Miralax. The Miralax pushed me in the other direction with diarrhea and cramping so I am now trying a low dose, starting with just ¼ of the recommended daily dose. Interestingly, when I tried Miralax and several motility drugs before my surgery, they had no effect so I guess my remaining GI tract is more sensitive. I've noticed however that even when I get relief from the constipation such as from the Miralax, or earlier from a Fleets enema, it doesn't reduce the pain. In fact, it may temporarily increase the pain due to irritating my bowel. Although I have been keeping a food diary, the pain doesn't seem to correlate much with what I eat.

Recently I had an MRI and a HIDA scan because of sludge noted in my gallbladder on earlier CT scans. Unfortunately, the results show multiple gallstones, delayed filling and only a 27% ejection fraction suggesting chronic cholecystitis. I discussed this with my gastroenterologist. He said since I was not having clinical symptoms of gall bladder disease at this point and my pain was not gall bladder - like, he was in no rush to suggest surgery. This was a great relief to me because I didn't feel I could face another surgery at this point, still dealing with the aftermath of the partial colectomy in December.
My weight remains low having lost about 30 lbs before and after the surgery. I haven't been able to regain weight probably because I try not to eat too much fearing making the pain worse although I try to snack more frequently. I am also restricting fat because of the gall bladder issues so that also makes it hard to gain weight. When I tried adding a supplement like Ensure earlier, it caused diarrhea and cramping. This has all gotten a bit overwhelming!

I also just started taking a low dose of antidepressant to see if that will help the pain. Usually they use a low dose of a tricyclic antidepressant like amitriptyline(Elavil) but since a side-effect of these is constipation, I asked if I could try duloxetine (Cymbalta), an SNRI used for other pain that may be helpful for GI pain as well, but doesn't risk constipation so I am starting on just 20 mg/day. If duloxetine doesn't work, I might re-consider the amitriptyline. I keep hoping I will find a way to reduce the pain either medically or with time but at times it is hard to feel hopeful about that.
I am keeping my fingers crossed!


Hi everyone! I thought I would give you an update since may last post. I have been continuing to struggle with abdominal pain since my partial colectomy for colonic inertia in early December.
Since I tend toward constipation, I tried adding Citrucel with minimal improvement (previously Benefiber made my pain worse), then added Miralax. The Miralax pushed me in the other direction with diarrhea and cramping so I am now trying a low dose, starting with just ¼ of the recommended daily dose. Interestingly, when I tried Miralax and several motility drugs before my surgery, they had no effect so I guess my remaining GI tract is more sensitive. I've noticed however that even when I get relief from the constipation such as from the Miralax, or earlier from a Fleets enema, it doesn't reduce the pain. In fact, it may temporarily increase the pain due to irritating my bowel. Although I have been keeping a food diary, the pain doesn't seem to correlate much with what I eat.

Recently I had an MRI and a HIDA scan because of sludge noted in my gallbladder on earlier CT scans. Unfortunately, the results show multiple gallstones, delayed filling and only a 27% ejection fraction suggesting chronic cholecystitis. I discussed this with my gastroenterologist. He said since I was not having clinical symptoms of gall bladder disease at this point and my pain was not gall bladder - like, he was in no rush to suggest surgery. This was a great relief to me because I didn't feel I could face another surgery at this point, still dealing with the aftermath of the partial colectomy in December.
My weight remains low having lost about 30 lbs before and after the surgery. I haven't been able to regain weight probably because I try not to eat too much fearing making the pain worse although I try to snack more frequently. I am also restricting fat because of the gall bladder issues so that also makes it hard to gain weight. When I tried adding a supplement like Ensure earlier, it caused diarrhea and cramping. This has all gotten a bit overwhelming!

I also just started taking a low dose of antidepressant to see if that will help the pain. Usually they use a low dose of a tricyclic antidepressant like amitriptyline(Elavil) but since a side-effect of these is constipation, I asked if I could try duloxetine (Cymbalta), an SNRI used for other pain that may be helpful for GI pain as well, but doesn't risk constipation so I am starting on just 20 mg/day. If duloxetine doesn't work, I might re-consider the amitriptyline. I keep hoping I will find a way to reduce the pain either medically or with time but at times it is hard to feel hopeful about that.
I am keeping my fingers crossed!

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I am so sorry to hear that you are in such distress. Have ever thought about acupuncture? I am thing about giving it a try to see if it relives any of my pain.

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