Treatment for chronic Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)

Posted by cummings3 @cummings3, Jan 23, 2017

My son has been suffering with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) for over a year. I have taken him to an immunologist and infectious disease doctor with no answers. He is always tired and never feels well. He has relapsed with Mono twice in the last 10 months.

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You can buy bulk elderberries on line and make your own easily. I used honey to sweeten mine

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@ginadoo I use to make Eldeberry Pie for my husband just because he loved them


Hello everyone, having a really hard time these last few days so thought I would vent on here. Currently experiencing a really dull ache/feeling of fullness behind my right rib, I’m guessing it’s my liver? Along with nausea/vomiting and headache. I’ve noticed my urine is unusually yellow/dark also despite fluids so perhaps high levels of bilirubin? Doctors still look at me as though I’m making all of these symptoms up as they differ from one day to the next. Has anyone got any advice to offer or share their personal experiences?


Hello everyone, having a really hard time these last few days so thought I would vent on here. Currently experiencing a really dull ache/feeling of fullness behind my right rib, I’m guessing it’s my liver? Along with nausea/vomiting and headache. I’ve noticed my urine is unusually yellow/dark also despite fluids so perhaps high levels of bilirubin? Doctors still look at me as though I’m making all of these symptoms up as they differ from one day to the next. Has anyone got any advice to offer or share their personal experiences?

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@smcivor94 it does sound liver related. Of course I can't diagnose though. If these ae new symptoms that have not been evaluated by a doctor, you should be seen or at least call your doctor so they can order some tests. Dark urine can be from dehydration as well. Have you had your ID appointment yet?


@mrmie thank you for replying. My ID appointment is this upcoming Wednesday 23rd jan, so I’m assuming my doctor will be reluctant to order any further testing since I am there so soon. Just don’t feel as though I am getting any better. All tests so far haven’t shown up anything concerning which is great as I don’t want to be ill. But there must be a reason for my current ailments. It’s so frustrating 🙁 sorry to whine on! Hope you’re well?


Hello everyone, having a really hard time these last few days so thought I would vent on here. Currently experiencing a really dull ache/feeling of fullness behind my right rib, I’m guessing it’s my liver? Along with nausea/vomiting and headache. I’ve noticed my urine is unusually yellow/dark also despite fluids so perhaps high levels of bilirubin? Doctors still look at me as though I’m making all of these symptoms up as they differ from one day to the next. Has anyone got any advice to offer or share their personal experiences?

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@smcivor94 Your symptoms can be your gallbladder also so are you going to a G I Dr? A Liver condition your eyes would be yellow Dehydration can cause dark urine If your not seeing a Gastrointestinal Dr Maybe be a good idea to see one.Good luck keep us posted


@mrmie thank you for replying. My ID appointment is this upcoming Wednesday 23rd jan, so I’m assuming my doctor will be reluctant to order any further testing since I am there so soon. Just don’t feel as though I am getting any better. All tests so far haven’t shown up anything concerning which is great as I don’t want to be ill. But there must be a reason for my current ailments. It’s so frustrating 🙁 sorry to whine on! Hope you’re well?

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@smcivor94 No need to apologize! You are not whining! Keep us posted. 🙂


@smcivor94 Your symptoms can be your gallbladder also so are you going to a G I Dr? A Liver condition your eyes would be yellow Dehydration can cause dark urine If your not seeing a Gastrointestinal Dr Maybe be a good idea to see one.Good luck keep us posted

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@lioness I never actually thought about my gallbladder however I have bowel issues so perhaps it would be useful to see a GI doc. It’s so hard to fit it all into my schedule I go from one appointment to the next! Thank you for the suggestion I’ll be sure to follow up with it. @mrmie will check back in with you guys next week after my appointment hopefully with some answers!


@lioness I never actually thought about my gallbladder however I have bowel issues so perhaps it would be useful to see a GI doc. It’s so hard to fit it all into my schedule I go from one appointment to the next! Thank you for the suggestion I’ll be sure to follow up with it. @mrmie will check back in with you guys next week after my appointment hopefully with some answers!

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@smcivor94 Glad I suggested it hope your appt goes well and you get some answers The pain from gallbladder will radiate in back on right side I,ll be following you in post


Ive commented before on here about a remedy that has helped me. I too struggled for years with the EBV. I came across something on another forum and it helped me, I went from wanting to die to having a life again in less than 2 months. I hope this will help...

MONOLAURIN- a very mild herb. It has the same properties as coconut milk and breast milk, 0 side effects. It attacks the shield around the virus and leaves it vulnerable. You have to start low and increase over time, something about killing the cells of the virus and the body cannot process them quick enough and makes you feel bad. Has to be gradual. I took one capsule a day(500mg) for a week than 2x day for another week then 3x...etc.

REI-SHI MUSHROOMS-a it's also mild with 0 side effects. It's an extract that boosts the immune system and attacks the virus that was weakened by the monolaurin.

IT WORKS. I had a second test done a month after I started these herbs and it showed the EBV was still present but the virus was all DEAD cells. From live active cells to dead cells in one month. It's been 3 months now and I haven't had but a handful of BAD days.
The past year I haven't had a handful of GOOD days.

I hope this helps anyone with these terrible disease.

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You've said you up the dosage per week with the Monolaurin. After you get up to 3 a day, do you take more the next week, and how many weeks do you take it? Plus how much of the Rei-shi mushroom do you take?
Thank you!


So my appointment with the ID specialist didn’t go too well - the general vibe I picked up was that he thought I was totally bonkers describing all my ailments and blamed anxiety for most of them. He said I was run down bla bla. He’s ordered tests for EBV, CMV, coeliac disease, hepatitis and HIV to reassure me more than anything. Results due in a couple of days so I will post an update then. He said no further action required assuming the results are all fine. What do I do now?! I have lost all faith in the medical system. Someone help!

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