Treatment for chronic Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)

Posted by cummings3 @cummings3, Jan 23, 2017

My son has been suffering with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) for over a year. I have taken him to an immunologist and infectious disease doctor with no answers. He is always tired and never feels well. He has relapsed with Mono twice in the last 10 months.

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Eat these Foods Rich in Lysine (and low in arginine)
Most cheese (and other dairy products)
Apples, mangoes, apricots, pears (and many other fruits).
Fish (especially flounder)
Most poultry and meat
Avoid these foods rich in Arginine (and low in lysine)
Most nuts
Most seeds
Many grains (including oats and wheat).
In addition, some experts recommend an alkaline diet, which consists of foods that are low in acid. Here’s a list of acidic and alkaline foods.

Eat these alkaline foods:
Most fruits (including lemon, believe it or not).
Peppers, asparagus and parsley
Avoid these acidic foods:

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I’ve never thought of beef as acidic. I was told for him to not eat pork or chicken. Do do you know why? I want him to have a normal life and he’s flexible with diet if he can feel better and have enough energy to go back to school. I’m concerned he’s getting depression. The other day he said “I don’t feel good. Not like I’m sick. Just like I’m sad and angry at the same time.” I think this is a lot for a 7 year old to digest.


@momnxtdr I think a child should be free to eat all food groups and types unless they of course show an allergic reaction. All meats, all veggies, all fruits, whole grains and even pizza (unless actually allergic to wheat). Even dare I say a dessert once in awhile. At my age (I am 61!!!) I am trying to eliminate some foods to help my chronic EBV but it is not proven that a restrictive diet helps. Lots of vitamins for sure and lots of fruits (don't worry about the sugar from fruits) and veggies.


Three years ago I was diagnosed with chronic to acute EBV virus. A week later I was diagnosed with CLL as well. Both around the Christmas holidays which has changed my outlook on December.

What has worked Best for me is getting an LDI injection every 6 to 7 weeks - 5 weeks if I really need it sooner in which case my doc does not charge me for the injection. LDI- Low Dose ImmunoTherapy. I can't tell you whats in it. Only that it works. Perhaps some else here can say what the mix is? IF I go beyond 7 weeks I feel like crap and can hardly get out of bed. This was driven how this past August when I was traveling out of state. I went to long and it took a wheelchair to get me into the airport and onto the plane. I then slept for 5 hours and got a wheelchair to take from the plan to the car. I now never miss a dose.

I think of it as an allergy shot - but have been told that is not quite the right way to think about. For about 12 hours after the injection I need to rest, then it kicks in and I have energy enough that it allows me to work a 40 hr week - but not a straight job. Luckily I consult to NGO's and nonprofits on grants and strategic planning - so I make the work fit around my diseases.

My suggestion is to speak to a good naturopath in your area and add another member to your son's care team.

Wishing you all the best.

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Is this a biological drug like a low dose of chemo?


Is this a biological drug like a low dose of chemo?

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@sherryntn - I think of it more as an allergy shot - so its not like chemo.....My doctor has me on the injections once every 7 weeks - and I can come in earlier if I am really feeling bad with low energy at five weeks. As I have CLL and EBV I have had a oncologist suggest that I get a cortisone shot to give my body and immune system a break. Something he saw while in residency in Portland OR. I have yet to find Alopathic doctor/family physician who will give me one. - I am finding I have better luck getting relief with a Naturalpathic physician.

The other thing we did was bring in an expert to find and treat black mold in our house - which was found is a few places behind the wall board - and we removed all wall to wall carpeting. Both helped. I find I feel the best when I am next to the water with few allergy stressors on my system.

For LDI - Here is a better description that I found @

"Low-dose allergy (LDA) therapy and low-dose immunotherapy (LDI) are safe and effective treatment options for a variety of symptoms caused by food and environmental allergies. In addition, infections can trigger immune dysfunction and autoimmune diseases. Allergies and autoimmune conditions have been on the rise for the past 30 years.
How does LDA and LDI Work

LDA and LDI use extremely low doses of antigens in conjunction with the enzyme beta glucuronidase to down regulate an inappropriate immune response. This is also known as increasing immune “tolerance.” LDA and LDI are better tolerated than conventional allergy therapy, as well as being more convenient and effective. Conventional treatment with escalating doses of allergens often require twice weekly injections for 4 to 6 months, then continued at extended ongoing intervals. Low-dose therapy injections are only given every 7 weeks, and frequency is reduced over time as a patient’s symptoms improve. Contrary to conventional allergy injections, LDA and LDI doses are much lower, and there has never been a reported case of anaphylaxis.
Conditions Treated

LDA and LDI treat a wide range of immune dysfunction including food and inhalant allergies, chemical sensitivity, autoimmune conditions and symptoms triggered by infections such as Lyme disease.

LDA and LDI is effective at treating immune reactions including:

Infection – Lyme disease, bartonella, babesia, erlichia, mycoplasma, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), HHV-6, herpes, shingles
Digestive – food, allergies IBS, diarrhea, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, Celiac disease
Environmental – grasses, pollen, mold, pet dander, dust; multiple chemical sensitivity
Inhalant – asthma, hay fever (seasonal allergies)
Skin – eczema, acne, psoriasis, hives, vitiligo, alopecia
Autoimmune – inflammatory and rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune thyroiditis, ankylosing spondylitis
Neurological – headaches or migraines related to food
Conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, symptoms from candida/yeast and inflammatory arthritis

Dr. Maderis trained in LDA and LDI therapy, and uses it to treat a variety of conditions. Call Marin Natural Medicine Clinic if you would like to schedule an appointment for LDA and/or LDI."

Good luck.


Hi everyone, just a quick update - My blood test results have shown positive for EBV (as expected) so I guess that is the cause of all my ailments after 4 months of utter hell! Unfortunately I do not have a copy of the titre values - am I able to request these?


Hi everyone, just a quick update - My blood test results have shown positive for EBV (as expected) so I guess that is the cause of all my ailments after 4 months of utter hell! Unfortunately I do not have a copy of the titre values - am I able to request these?

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@smcivor94 Hi there. I don't see why you couldn't request a copy of those results. I request hard copies of all of my sputem tests for my lungs and I get them. I cannot imagine any reason to be denied that request. Best of luck to you!


@smcivor94 Hi there. I don't see why you couldn't request a copy of those results. I request hard copies of all of my sputem tests for my lungs and I get them. I cannot imagine any reason to be denied that request. Best of luck to you!

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Thank you for replying. Spoken with my doctor this morning and was told that I need to accept it is what it is and move forward. So basically refused a copy. I feel at a total loss. These last three months I’ve never felt so unwell and the healthcare professionals refuse to take me seriously (I have GAD) but I know something is a miss. Anyone else had similar experiences and advice as to what I should do next? I cannot continue feeling the way I do and the constant pain is debilitating. I’m only 24 years old and feel as though my life has completely stopped.


I'm sorry you are feeling this way and being mistreated in my opinion by the medical professionals. When I was your age, I had to change my primary physician 6 times to get someone to take me serious. I was told that I was a healthy young person with my life ahead of me and to put my energy into my career instead of being a hypochondriac. The 6th doctor said "if I'm the 6th, you must truly believe something is off and your coloring isn't healthy. I'm going to order an MRI since all your bloodwork is normal." Well, I had NINE tumors in my thyroid. They sent me to endocrinologist and they were malignant. The following day I had my thyroid removed and we started radiation treatment a month later. It wasn't in my head and I wasn't a hypochondriac. I'm not saying this is your issue. I'm simply sharing that you need to be your own advocate and keep getting new doctors until someone is willing to dig deeper. My son is 7. He's been sleeping 16-20 hours for 2 months. Same thing... "it may be in his head". Turns out he has EBV and TB.


Thank you for replying. Spoken with my doctor this morning and was told that I need to accept it is what it is and move forward. So basically refused a copy. I feel at a total loss. These last three months I’ve never felt so unwell and the healthcare professionals refuse to take me seriously (I have GAD) but I know something is a miss. Anyone else had similar experiences and advice as to what I should do next? I cannot continue feeling the way I do and the constant pain is debilitating. I’m only 24 years old and feel as though my life has completely stopped.

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Oh my goodness, I am so sorry @smcivor94 . That's ridiculous. You should have a right to your medical records. I'm not familiar with how things work in the UK though (that's where you are, right?). May you be able to find a naturopath, functional, or another doctor who can help. If not, there are some that work with clients over the phone/internet. Dr. Rodger Murphree is here in the States and works with folks all over the world helping them with CFS/fibromyalgia. I can't say if you fall into that category or not but you might since your EBV was positive. Please don't give up. You will have quite a story to tell and be able to encourage others when you are on the other side of this.


I'm sorry you are feeling this way and being mistreated in my opinion by the medical professionals. When I was your age, I had to change my primary physician 6 times to get someone to take me serious. I was told that I was a healthy young person with my life ahead of me and to put my energy into my career instead of being a hypochondriac. The 6th doctor said "if I'm the 6th, you must truly believe something is off and your coloring isn't healthy. I'm going to order an MRI since all your bloodwork is normal." Well, I had NINE tumors in my thyroid. They sent me to endocrinologist and they were malignant. The following day I had my thyroid removed and we started radiation treatment a month later. It wasn't in my head and I wasn't a hypochondriac. I'm not saying this is your issue. I'm simply sharing that you need to be your own advocate and keep getting new doctors until someone is willing to dig deeper. My son is 7. He's been sleeping 16-20 hours for 2 months. Same thing... "it may be in his head". Turns out he has EBV and TB.

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@momnxtdr Your son is lucky to have you fighting for him! Be persistent. Keep searching! 🙂

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