I have chicken pox and am supposed to go on vacation in a few days...

Posted by carcat @carcat, Nov 16, 2016

I am 10 and discovered the scabs last night (my mom confirmed it was chicken pox, and tomorrow I am going to the doctor), but am going on vacation in 3 days... there are only about 25-35 scabs and they hurt when I touch them. Other than the scabs hurting, I feel perfectly fine. No fever, no other symptoms. I am staying home from school, but we have been planning this trip for months and I have been really looking forward to it.

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I sympathize. It's disappointing to miss out on a vacation. When you go to your doctor, be sure to ask how long you will be contagious.Yours sounds like a mild case, but someone who catches it from you may not be so lucky. Good Luck!


Hi @carcat, welcome to Connect.
How frustrating to get sick just before the trip you were so looking forward to.

Carcat, when you signed up for Mayo Clinic Connect you were asked to read the Terms of Use .https://connect.mayoclinic.org/terms-of-use/ In the Terms of Use we ask that anyone under the age of 18 to use this website under the supervision of a parent. Did you let your mom know that you were posting a message here?
Thank you for using Connect safely. I'm glad that you didn't use your real name and you didn't say where you live or are traveling to. Good for you.

@trishj is right. Even if your case is mild, you can still be contagious. What did your doctor tell you today?


Thank you for coming to our Connect page. And a big thank you for your concern about the health of others. Some of us medical conditions and take medications which make us especially vulnerable to certain conditions.

Let us know what your doctor says.
Wishing you the best possible outcome!
Rosemary/transplant recipient

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