Looking to connect with people who have non-diabetic neuropathy

Posted by Ann broussard @user_ch98d0b5c, Aug 6, 2018

Would. Like to find people with this issue

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I am an 81 year old male with non diabetic neuropathy. I think it is from agent orange from combat in Vietnam. The neuropathy started to manifest itself in my late 60s. When I wear close toed shoes for any length of time my feet “burn” pretty badly. I like to play golf and that’s when that “burning” sensation really manifests itself. Does anyone have suggestions on good golf shoes and socks to wear to minimize the neuropathy pain. Also would like any suggestions on good walking shoes for my neuropathy condition. Mahalo for any suggestions. Aloha😀🌈

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Yes, same. I play golf & have some women’s Skechers Go Golf water repellent, wide toe box shoes. I bought 1 size too large & they are working great. I just wear ankle padded socks. Hope this helps.


I am an 81 year old male with non diabetic neuropathy. I think it is from agent orange from combat in Vietnam. The neuropathy started to manifest itself in my late 60s. When I wear close toed shoes for any length of time my feet “burn” pretty badly. I like to play golf and that’s when that “burning” sensation really manifests itself. Does anyone have suggestions on good golf shoes and socks to wear to minimize the neuropathy pain. Also would like any suggestions on good walking shoes for my neuropathy condition. Mahalo for any suggestions. Aloha😀🌈

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They make golf sandals…open toed…maybe that would help…google it.


I’m 82 and got Neuropathy from Chemotherapy for Stage 4 Lung Cancer.
I lived! BUT Neuropathy has now taken over my life. I HAVE TO USE A WALKER and/or Cain to Walk My HANDS are VERY STIFF! Very Hard to eat or do almost anything. ANY SUGGESTIONS? Was very active before. Very GLAD to have my Life. I’ve tried Chiropractic. Acupuncture. Massage. Red Light Therapy. Pills. HELP!


I’m 82 and got Neuropathy from Chemotherapy for Stage 4 Lung Cancer.
I lived! BUT Neuropathy has now taken over my life. I HAVE TO USE A WALKER and/or Cain to Walk My HANDS are VERY STIFF! Very Hard to eat or do almost anything. ANY SUGGESTIONS? Was very active before. Very GLAD to have my Life. I’ve tried Chiropractic. Acupuncture. Massage. Red Light Therapy. Pills. HELP!

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Welcome @3740, I'm almost 82 (next month) and I also have neuropathy. My hands are pretty stiff at times but warming them up helps a lot along with some arthritis creme or Voltaren gel. Since you mentioned your neuropathy is from chemotherapy I thought you might be interested in reading what other members have shared in this discussion:
-- Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?
If you aren't familiar with the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy, it has a lot of helpful information in navigating this terrible condition - https://www.foundationforpn.org/living-well/. You might also find the webinar they had on Chemo-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy helpful - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNkDf9ezXFo.

What's the most difficult symptom for you to manage?


I’m 82 and got Neuropathy from Chemotherapy for Stage 4 Lung Cancer. November 2022 Started Radiation then Chemotherapy the KEYTRUDA. ALL ended about June 2023. I LIVED! So from June 2023 till NOW.
BUT Neuropathy has now taken over my life. I HAVE TO USE A WALKER and/or Cain to Walk My HANDS are VERY STIFF! Very Hard to eat or do almost anything. ANY SUGGESTIONS? Was very active before. Very GLAD to have my Life. I’ve tried Chiropractic. Acupuncture. Massage. Red Light Therapy. Pills.


I’m 82 and got Neuropathy from Chemotherapy for Stage 4 Lung Cancer. November 2022 Started Radiation then Chemotherapy the KEYTRUDA. ALL ended about June 2023. I LIVED! So from June 2023 till NOW.
BUT Neuropathy has now taken over my life. I HAVE TO USE A WALKER and/or Cain to Walk My HANDS are VERY STIFF! Very Hard to eat or do almost anything. ANY SUGGESTIONS? Was very active before. Very GLAD to have my Life. I’ve tried Chiropractic. Acupuncture. Massage. Red Light Therapy. Pills.

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Hello @3740, You haven't mentioned Physical or Occupational Therapy -- have you been referred? Both have been indescribably valuable to me, helping me find solutions to care for myself, alleviate some of the pain, and find hope for being able to control bettering my physical wellbeing in order to stay independent. I definitely struggle with fatigue and energy issues, but the ability to live in my own home is worth any inconvenience of the use of a cane or walker. Please continue to ask, seek, and try the options that are available to help you to overcome the disabling effects of your neuropathy.


YES I should have included Physical Therapy.

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