Oh, I am so sorry!! This comment is for several people here. I have non-diabetic polyneuropathy and a couple of cervical spine fusions, which may or may not be related. I have been treating neuropathy with medications for over a decade, and none of the pharmaceuticals provide enough relief to make it worth the horrible side effects.
I get the most relief from eliminating the foods known to irritate nerves (gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, brown rice) and taking supplements like (NAC, 5-HTP, Co-Q10, R-ALA, magnesium glycinate) and natural herbal remedies that support and calm the central nervous system and help nerves recover (tinctures of milky oat, ashwagandha, ginkgo, gotu kola, hops, and California poppy).
I use NOW Solutions magnesium chloride flakes for burning in hands and feet and for sensitive, tender areas of skin. Magnesium chloride has a higher magnesium level and is more readily absorbed than the magnesium sulfite of Epsom Salt. The easiest way to use it is by filling a spritzer bottle half full of magnesium flakes and then filling the bottle with room-temperature filtered or distilled water. Spray it on, rub it in, absorb it for 20 minutes, and then rinse it off. The magnesium needs 20 minutes to absorb. After that, leaving it on has very little benefit and is pretty sticky. You can also add magnesium chloride to your bath or a foot soak.
Other things to address the neuropathy include PT weekly (for 13 years), regular chiropractic adjustments (activator method only), and acupuncture. I do moderate exercise as tolerated, use Indica edibles for sleep, and take a very low dose of Gabapentin as needed (100-200mg), and occasionally 5mg of oxycodone when I can't take it anymore.
I am always looking for better tools and have an appointment with another new neurologist next week.
I have non diabetic neuropathy also and it is getting worse. Prior spin fusions and positive test for SF neuropathy. I am interested in what to do for relief - I have no answers
I have non diabetic neuropathy and was excited to see stimulators for feet. Ended up with not one but two scams through NOORO. Reluctant to try another. Has anyone had success with feet stimulators from other companies?
I have non diabetic neuropathy also and it is getting worse. Prior spin fusions and positive test for SF neuropathy. I am interested in what to do for relief - I have no answers
I have non diabetic neuropathy and was excited to see stimulators for feet. Ended up with not one but two scams through NOORO. Reluctant to try another. Has anyone had success with feet stimulators from other companies?