Pudendal Nerve Entrapment/Neuropathy/Damage
Hello from a new member. Am wondering if anyone suffers from the monster Pudendal Nerve Entrapment/Neuropathy/Damage? I do. And I'm very alone in it. It is a very uncommon condition, and because of its personal nature, one that many people may not be comfortable opening up about. There seems to be a more vocal/visible presence of patients in the US, AUS and France. I hope, I need, I want - for it be made more aware of here in Canada. If there is any one who suffers from it, or who thinks they might, please feel free to open up about it. Please join me in advocating for ourselves in this horrible condition.
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I would like to know about this.
This info might be helpful.
A pelvic therapist can help you.
My son had pudental nerve entrapment! He was a huge mountain bike cyclist! The pain was terrible! It was brought on by exaggerated stress! We live in Alabama, but he went to a physical therapist in Boulder, Colorado. He had to have some type of manipulation which required going through the anus! His PT in Colorado faced time with his PT here in Alabama! It took close to 2 years to completely recover! He was still afraid of getting on his bike! His PT told him he was well and needed to get back on the bike! His first ride was an extremely difficult ride, but he was so focused on the ride, that he didn’t even think about pain! This was about 5 years ago and he has never experienced this problem again since leaving PT!
He also read a book called the
, The Mindbody Prescription , healing the body, healing the pain by John E Sarno, MD. You should try to find a Dr that understands PD! Most urologist don’t even know anything about this real problem! It’s just in your head. This is what he heard from several dr’s! Do not have surgery! Many times it just makes the problem worse! Good luck and I hope you find a PD DR that can help you!
Just wondering if you have tried lyrica (pregabalin). My neurologist said it is the best drug for nerve pain. Yes all meds come with side effects (this one dizziness and overall slow reactions). But it does help with pain.. not so much RLS. But some people are on a cocktail of drugs. Are you being seen at a pain management clinic. At least there they seem to know what drugs work in what problem. That said forgive me if this comes off as preachy which is not meant. We all feel your pain and want you to st least have that at bay.
Yes I haven’t found a specialist yet. I have postoperative neuralgia from a bad surgery Then I had a diagnostic injection that hit a nerve. With the physical problems and fear of being harmed again I really don’t know where to turn 😕Afraid to do anything
I am thinking my rectal problems are related to a fungal infection.
anyone out there who has had anal or rectal infection possible fungal.
We are trying to make a appointment with Mayo right now. Your information means a lot. I am so sorry for your son. Where is the best place to go for the best help ?
this uses radio frequency waves to ire and stun the nerve - not burn the nerve. Simply disables it for 8 months or more. Each time it came back it was less intense