HCM-ers: Introduce yourself or just say hi

Welcome to the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) group on Mayo Clinic Connect - a place where you can connect with others, learn about living HCM, share experiences and exchange useful information.

I invite you to follow the group. Simply click the follow icon image-f6386d0357e2 on the group landing page

I'm Colleen, and I'm the moderator of this group, and Community Director of Connect. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members.

Why not start by introducing yourself here?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) Support Group.

Just saying hi here. Diagnosis back in April 2024 and it's taken me this long to find this group! Thanks for everyone sharing their stories and information.


Hi everyone! Lora here. Very happy to learn that this Group/community exists. I will be following it closely. TY


Hi everyone! Lora here. Very happy to learn that this Group/community exists. I will be following it closely. TY

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Hello @lora711, I'm very happy you found this group!
I hope by reading the stories on here, you are inspired and learn information that can help you.
I am assuming, since you posted in the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy group, you have HCM?


Hello @lora711, I'm very happy you found this group!
I hope by reading the stories on here, you are inspired and learn information that can help you.
I am assuming, since you posted in the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy group, you have HCM?

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No doubt you will find helpful information from others who have HCM


Hello @lora711, I'm very happy you found this group!
I hope by reading the stories on here, you are inspired and learn information that can help you.
I am assuming, since you posted in the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy group, you have HCM?

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Yes. I have obstructive HCM


Hello @lora711, I'm very happy you found this group!
I hope by reading the stories on here, you are inspired and learn information that can help you.
I am assuming, since you posted in the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy group, you have HCM?

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Yes, I have obstructive HCM



Just found this group. I was diagnosed with HOCM in May last year. I look forward to meeting others and sharing tips on living with this diagnosis. 🙂


Hi Connect HCM-ers
@cynaburst @lynnkay1956 @PatMattos @Sensation @ronaldpetrovich @rmcmillan @lepadelford @catiemorris @wandikarnadi @barbararickard @FrancineFafard @lisa7 @lucindag @23273333 @predictable @li @margie11 @fishinglady @uptodate68 @wandikarnadi @lisa7 @Komalin
@quinn @mistymopps3 @bibi12 @woodywood @lisab62 @debcrawford

I'm tagging you on this message to invite you to follow the new Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) group on Connect. Please drop a note to say hi and introduce yourself.

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1birdhouse, I have unobstructive hypertrophic cardmyopathy and would like to discovery what other patients experience as far as symptoms angina etc. Have a good morning.


1birdhouse, I have unobstructive hypertrophic cardmyopathy and would like to discovery what other patients experience as far as symptoms angina etc. Have a good morning.

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Hi birdhouse,
I have non-obstructive HCM (I have Apical HCM). I was not diagnosed until I was 78. Had no symptoms except palpitations when diagnosed. About nine months later Atrial Fibrillation presented as persistent. My cardiologist and EP at Mayo both said it was there but never showed on holter monitor as AF does not start as persistent. This is the only problem I have had . It took six months of consist AF sometimes with as high as 175 before it was under control. Rate meds did not work, so am now on Dofetilide (Tikosyn) for rhythm control. Has worked except for some breakthrough episodes in the past nine months.



Just found this group. I was diagnosed with HOCM in May last year. I look forward to meeting others and sharing tips on living with this diagnosis. 🙂

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Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect @dnorberg, I am glad you found this online support group. Have you had a chance to read some of the posts here?
Since your diagnosis last May, have you started any form of treatment, or are you still in the early testing phase?

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