Anyone using Nicotine patches for Long Covid?
There is lots of discussion on Facebook Long Covid forums about nicotine patches helping with long covid symptoms after a few days of adjustment to the patches. Any thoughts on this?
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I have 2 friends with lung issues they feel are result of Covid, and myself included. They use the patches in sections like you described and they, too, have realized good results. I wanted to start as soon as I watched Dr. Ardis video but was going to have a couple days wait before order/patches would arrive; so I got the 4mg Nicorette gum and each day chew half (2mg) and my lungs have improved. Sounds crazy but after listening to Dr. A explaining that our bodies have receptors that can use and benefit (I guess same as the natural receptors our bodies have for cannabis.
I've had Covid twice, January 2020 before it was recognized and again in July 2020. I lost my taste and smell and have not gotten it back. I am desperate to try regain these. I heard about the nicotine patches and looking to try them but know nothing about the strength of patches to try and for how long. can anyone offer some help. 5 years and counting.
There is a book by a Dr. Ardis that details nicotine patch information. 1/6 of a 21mg. Patch (3 1-2 mg.) is the recommended size… to be used daily
Thank You, how can I get this book?
“Moving beyond the Covid-19 lies” by Dr. Bryan Ardis. Amazon is where I got it.
I had a mild case of Covid in December of 2022 and lost my taste and smell on day 2 of the virus. I haven’t gotten it back yet and it’s March 2025. Like you, I am desperate to regain them! Have you heard of the Stellate Ganglion Block Injections? They are suppose to bring back taste/smell. I’ve had 7 and still only can detect salty, sweet and bitter on my tongue. Can’t really smell anything, only a quick whiff now and then of my perfume or coffee in the morning. They are fleeting moments of smell, but not any flavors on my tongue. Also, have you seen an ENT? I live in the suburbs of Chicago and have recently gotten an appointment with a Comprehensive Long Covid Clinic through Northwestern in Chicago. I don’t know where you live, but I can share their phone number with you if you’re interested. Their number is 312-926-9900. I hope this will help you in some small way. Good luck and good health!
I have tried the nicotene patches. The first day I used a whole one (lowest dose) and felt super energized, so I started cutting them in half. Was not so sure it was doing anything. I wore them for two weeks while traveling but still experienced post-malaise from the trip. There was only enough for 2 weeks so I would like to learn more about what protocol to use. I will look up the link suggested in an earlier comment. I am planning to meet with my primary doctor this week to discuss the latest research.