Problems walking after covid

Posted by hopefuliny @hopefuliny, Apr 27, 2024

My mother caught covid for the first time in the hospital after surgery a couple of months ago (don’t get me started on how lax hospitals are with covid protocols) and since that time she has problems walking. She either has to use a Walker or wheelchair depending on the day. Her legs will suddenly feel heavy or like “jelly legs” and give out on her. Has anyone else had this reaction. She had the same reaction after the first couple of moderna vaccines but they went away after a day.

Thank you all.

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I will do that. My appointments are March 20 and 21. They think it might be Parkinson’s without most of the symptoms or something else. I really think it is long COVID. I hope to find out, but I doubt I get a firm diagnosis in Cleveland. I wil for sure share my results.though.

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Thank you. I look forward to hearing more about your appointment. Good Luck! Debra


I will do that. My appointments are March 20 and 21. They think it might be Parkinson’s without most of the symptoms or something else. I really think it is long COVID. I hope to find out, but I doubt I get a firm diagnosis in Cleveland. I wil for sure share my results.though.

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My mother was finally diagnosed with Parkinson’s after experiencing severe problems walking after covid. The Levadopa has helped her. The movement disorders doctor said covid can “unmask” Parkinson’s that might not have otherwise presented for a few more years.


Three years and three months ago I had the Moderna booster. Immediately I was unstable walking, which got worse as days went on. I kept waiting for it to go away, used a walker sometimes, and was very fatigued. A year and a couple months later I saw a neurologist and had a nerve conducive test. He said it appeared that I had guillaine barre syndrome. Nothing was recommended or prescribed. I continued with physical therapy and rest thinking my life was about to end this way, I had retired just five months before the booster. Then in this last July, I read about nattokinase, and began taking it twice daily. In just a couple weeks I noticed a difference! Now it is six months later and I feel 80-85 percent improved! Am so excited to think I have some life left.

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Hello, I am very interested in knowing more about nattokinasa. Can you please share the brand, the amount you take? I am so tired of encountering a medical community that offers no guidance when it comes to long COVID.


Mayo Clinic long covid testing revealed my leg muscle issues were result of communication deficit between my small nerve system in legs & my brain. Not detectable with standard Neurologist testing EMG. Covid brain inflammation destroyed normal information pathways. Physical therapy for the legs does not fix, however it can keep important blood flow. The communication with the brain has to develop new routes.

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Hi. How did they diagnose this? I have leg muscle weakness, soreness, negative muscle biopsy, but inflammation marker elevated.. dizziness, especially turning my head, the fatigue and weakness... Help


Hello, I am very interested in knowing more about nattokinasa. Can you please share the brand, the amount you take? I am so tired of encountering a medical community that offers no guidance when it comes to long COVID.

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The one I am taking is 570 mg and the brand is, oops I can’t see it. I will try and add to this post. I take one morning and night. Along with bromalain with quercetin. My naturopath says you can’t take too much. If anyone knows differently, please post. Thank you, and good luck. P.s. I could not turn my head while walking until the three year mark, (have now been taking it for 8 months and am about 85% improved)which was three months after starting the protocol…..Complete Natural Products in Utah


The one I am taking is 570 mg and the brand is, oops I can’t see it. I will try and add to this post. I take one morning and night. Along with bromalain with quercetin. My naturopath says you can’t take too much. If anyone knows differently, please post. Thank you, and good luck. P.s. I could not turn my head while walking until the three year mark, (have now been taking it for 8 months and am about 85% improved)which was three months after starting the protocol…..Complete Natural Products in Utah

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I thank you so much for sharing. I am at a loss as to what I can do for how I am post COVID. Debra

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