Kidney recipient

Posted by coastalgirl @coastalgirl, Jun 28, 2016

Hello fellow transplant friends!! I am years post kidney transplant and doing well. Have learned a lot on this journey. Happy to share any knowledge I have sndv encourage you through this process!!

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Hello All,
this is my 5th week after the transplant surgery. I am back home now and need to ask about those days that I experience lately low energy during some days. I monitored glucose in blood, it is not the reason based on the diabetic nurse. I asked the transplant nurse she said it is normal after the transplant . I don't really believe so as right after the surgery my energy was better almost in all days. So now I monitoring blood pressure but don't see any alarming readings. I will appreciate if anyone experienced this low energy in random days to share the experience and what was done about it.

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Hi, Magda.
First of all, congratulations on your recent kidney transplant! 🎉🎊
It is very common to experience episodes of low energy and fatigue after a transplant and any other major surgery. Your body is working hard to heal and recover, and it needs rest. You are only 5 weeks post transplant, and your body is currently trying to get used to your new kidney...and your new kidney is trying to get used to its new home. Also, you are on immunosuppressant medications, and fatigue is a known and common side effect. It's going to take some time for you to get back to a normal energy level. You'll have some days where you feel like superwoman, and others where you might feel like you were just run over by a truck. But, in time, it'll all balance out. For any major surgery it could even take up to 6 months to a year. I am 15 months post kidney transplant and still have days here and there where my energy gets depleted. So, hang in's still early in the healing process. It'll get better. And I'm sure that others on this thread can attest to that based on their experiences. In the meantime, take it easy...don't overdo it...and rest when your body is telling you it needs rest. Again, congratulations on your transplant!


Magda, congratulations! I am going on 6 months after kidney transplant and I still have low energy days. I think its great that you are monitoring your vitals, its good info. Just try to remember your kidney is new, trying to acclimate and your body is trying to fight it. None of this is apparent, at least on the surface, but this is a huge deal. Be kind to yourself and try to do things you enjoy. Best wishes!


Hi there. I'm new to this group and I just received a kidney transplant 9 days ago! My concern is weight loss. Since being discharged, I've lost about 8 pounds. I'm urinating a lot (after not urinating for close to 3 years) and, I have a call in to my case manager but she hasn't gotten back to me as of yet. Any thoughts? Concerns??

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I am 5 months post and I too lost weight at first but it leveled off ok. Hopefully you’re urinating a lot cos you’re drinking tons of water? That is good 😊
I suggest you study the side effects of the drugs, so some things don’t come as a surprise. I had been told 5-7 years, if ever, so had done zero research on what happens after a transplant, when I got the call after only 13 months on the list. This support group is the best thing ever. Always answers to all questions. Nothing off limits…it’s a shared experience. Lots of luck on your recovery.


Hello All,
this is my 5th week after the transplant surgery. I am back home now and need to ask about those days that I experience lately low energy during some days. I monitored glucose in blood, it is not the reason based on the diabetic nurse. I asked the transplant nurse she said it is normal after the transplant . I don't really believe so as right after the surgery my energy was better almost in all days. So now I monitoring blood pressure but don't see any alarming readings. I will appreciate if anyone experienced this low energy in random days to share the experience and what was done about it.

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A side effect of transplant is anemia, and anemia means cold, tired and low energy. Your doc should be doing at least weekly bloodwork including CBC. Good Luck.


Magda, congratulations! I am going on 6 months after kidney transplant and I still have low energy days. I think its great that you are monitoring your vitals, its good info. Just try to remember your kidney is new, trying to acclimate and your body is trying to fight it. None of this is apparent, at least on the surface, but this is a huge deal. Be kind to yourself and try to do things you enjoy. Best wishes!

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Thank you m44 and Ln. your responses are reassuring. I appreciate it. I totally forgot the anemia. Yes I do have anemia but because some days I felt normal and others out of the blue I had no energy even for opening a drawer in my dresser. All I did was to throw myself on the bed and stayed there. That worried me, but now I am reassured it is part of the healing. Thanks again.


@future - Congratulations on your recent kidney transplant. And Welcome to Connect. It is good to hear that you are at home and able to sleep in your own bed!

My experience is as others have shared - that this is a normal part of recovery during your body's adjustment to the new organ and to tour medication. Take comfort in having frequent labs because your transplant team will be monitoring for any pattern or out of range results that could indicate a concern or a need for a medication adjustment. During the early months after my transplant, I needed to add an iron supplement until after my levels stabilized. I'll also add that it is OK to grab a nap when you are tired. I actually needed a daily nap after my liver/kidney transplant almost 15 years ago, because my body was so worn out after a complicated pre transplant experience. I feel that I could almost copy the comments by @my44, @lngnglr, @maggieinfp because they are similar to my own experience.

Here is a support discussion that I want to share with all of you.
- It's just one of those days: Share your transplant recovery tips
@maggieinfp, I'm happy that you have found support and have felt comfortable to ask questions on Connect. I wish that Connect had been available when I was going thru my transplant journey.
@lngnglr - I want to emphasize your statement, "Be kind to yourself and try to do things you enjoy."
@my44 - You've got it! We learn to 'listen' to our bodies because they do tell us when something is just not right. That is when I contact my nurse coordinator!
@future, I love your online name! What are you looking forward to doin g in the future?


I am 5 months post and I too lost weight at first but it leveled off ok. Hopefully you’re urinating a lot cos you’re drinking tons of water? That is good 😊
I suggest you study the side effects of the drugs, so some things don’t come as a surprise. I had been told 5-7 years, if ever, so had done zero research on what happens after a transplant, when I got the call after only 13 months on the list. This support group is the best thing ever. Always answers to all questions. Nothing off limits…it’s a shared experience. Lots of luck on your recovery.

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I am six months post transplant. I wish I had found this group prior to my surgery. But I am here now. I too was told 4-7 years so I assumed I had time to do any type of in-depth research. Fortunately after 3.5 months I received my transplant, her name is Beanie! My six month checkup was yesterday, which went well and now I return to Orlando in August for her yearly checkup. So much to be thankful for 🙏🏽.


I am six months post transplant. I wish I had found this group prior to my surgery. But I am here now. I too was told 4-7 years so I assumed I had time to do any type of in-depth research. Fortunately after 3.5 months I received my transplant, her name is Beanie! My six month checkup was yesterday, which went well and now I return to Orlando in August for her yearly checkup. So much to be thankful for 🙏🏽.

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@beanie2024 - Congratulations and Welcome to Connect! I am always thrilled to welcome a new member who has received their organ transplant recently. It is always a joyful moment to be included in honoring this miracle.
You are now an expert by experience so I am looking forward to hearing about your surprise ‘earlier than expected’ transplant! Did you feel that you were prepared? What advice do you have for someone else who gets a transplant earlier than expected?


@beanie2024 - Congratulations and Welcome to Connect! I am always thrilled to welcome a new member who has received their organ transplant recently. It is always a joyful moment to be included in honoring this miracle.
You are now an expert by experience so I am looking forward to hearing about your surprise ‘earlier than expected’ transplant! Did you feel that you were prepared? What advice do you have for someone else who gets a transplant earlier than expected?

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Thanks so much Rosemary, happy I found your group. To your first question, I was absolutely not prepared. I was gearing up to start peritoneal training the following week and awaiting the supplies to arrive at my home. Remember all of the research, reading, webinars, support groups were mainly focused on dialysis because of the anticipated time frame. When the call came at 10pm the nurse asked if I was interested. As at that point it was a virtual match, there was a chance I could come home without a kidney. I first asked her could I sleep on it and get back to her tomorrow—WHAT WAS I THINKING? Of course I came to my senses quickly when I was told to be at the Transplant Institute by 1:30am, which was 1.5 hours away. So I packed my bathing suit and cover up—where was I going? Along with a bunch of unnecessary items. And the rest is history. My advice, make a list of what you will want and need to bring to the hospital and have those items ready to go. Who knows how long you will be there, you will want a few personal items. Thanks for listening.


I am six months post transplant. I wish I had found this group prior to my surgery. But I am here now. I too was told 4-7 years so I assumed I had time to do any type of in-depth research. Fortunately after 3.5 months I received my transplant, her name is Beanie! My six month checkup was yesterday, which went well and now I return to Orlando in August for her yearly checkup. So much to be thankful for 🙏🏽.

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Hi, @beanie2024,

Congratulations on your recent transplant and having completed the first six months on this new incredible journey! And I'm glad that things are going well. My experience is similar to yours in that I also didn't have time to do much research on kidney transplants. I received my first call just 26 days after being listed and was put on standby. I didn't get that kidney but that was okay because in no way was I ready. I received the final call 3 months later (which was 4 months after being listed). I still wasn't ready and had just touched the tip of the iceberg as far as my research was concerned. But I was thankful for this wonderful blessing. I am now 15 months post transplant, and am so grateful to a kind and generous donor and donor family for this awesome gift of life. After that first call, I made a list of things I'd need to take to the hospital with me if and when the next call came but had only packed a few of them.

What especially caught my attention in your post was your saying: "...her name is Beanie!" This struck me because I named my new kidney Maisha (which means life). I originally thought that I was the only person who named their transplanted organ but have been pleasantly surprised to learn that there are you. I am thrilled every time I meet someone else who has named their organ. I could be wrong, but did you name her Beanie because of kidney bean? I think that's pretty cool if you did. But please correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyway, Maisha and I wish you and Beanie all the best as you continue on this journey. 😊

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