irregular heart rate!
when taking my BP, I sometimes get the reading of "irregular heart rate". Even one glass of wine seems to trigger this. I'm 82 female and pretty healthy. on BP , 2x day and metro 1x, atorvastate 1x. I went for a month without any alcohol and had no problems but when I had one glass of wine, I woke up in the night with irregular heart rate. Feels like butterflys in my chest. Anybody else have this issue? wondering if its a valve issue.
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Same problem so I quit alcohol altogether. No Afib recorded or felt since giving it up. No morning fog either. Best decision I could make.
thanks for the reply...That's what I figured would be the solution...just makes going out with friends somewhat boring!!!
If I had to guess, the wine is the culprit, and not necessarily because of the alcohol. Unless you have an unfortunate history with alcohol, it sounds like you are a controlled imbiber, not someone who gets a snootful three or four times a month....correct? So, it still may be the alcohol, but red wine as we get older is often a no-no. It is full of tannins and histamines, both of which can cause sympathetic nervous system responses...meaning 'arousal' with more cortisol and more epinephrine production by the adrenal glands. In turn, this suppresses the Vagus nerve which is the 'spine' of the parasympathetic nervous system that regulates heart rate when at rest and when calm.
We live in different bodies, but many in my extended family, we aged siblings, and my parents, found they couldn't enjoy a decent evening after eating a meal with red wine. I get horrible indigestion, burning belches, until 0200 in the morning. Even if you manage to fall asleep because little of what I experience is what you experience after red wine, your stomach might have something else to say about it while you are unconscious.
There are members here who have learned, the hard way, that they simply can no longer tolerate certain regimens, drugs, chemicals, states of health, and so on. For example, lindy responds frequently to newcomers who ask questions about why they keep getting AF (atrial fibrillation) that she can't have any caffeine, and she makes no bones about stopping ingestion of any caffeine to see if the AF subsides...which it does in some people.
One other possibility is that your system is low in magnesium. Most N. Americans don't ingest enough magnesium in their diet, and they should supplement. I'm not suggesting that you are in this boat, but you COULD be. People with low magnesium often develop temporary arrhythmias. Your physician might agree to run an RBC test for magnesium for you to see if you're circling the drain too closely. If it turns out that you are low on MG, it's almost universally easily corrected with supplementation, but again you would follow any prescription given by your doctor.
Thank you for the information. Many factors to consider, but nice to know that we don't stand alone!! Interesting information on Magnesium. Definitely a possibility. Started on Heart Calm, but haven't been regulating my intake..meaning missing days or doses!! Your detailed response is greatly appreciated.
My 85 year old mother has the same issue when taking her BP. When that happens we suggest that she use her Kardia to see if it’s actually accurate as the BP cuff is great for BP but much less reliable for ecg readings. Sure enough when she tries to validate on the Kardia, she’s in normal sinus rhythm.
I use qardio BP cuff. When I get the strange feeling in my chest, like butterflies, It gives me a normal BP reading but states that my heartrate is irregular. Also, my Apple watch ECG shows normal reading, sometimes PAC's, but not everytime. Like I earlier stated, only happens after a glass or 2 or red or white wine...Seems like my days of having a Happy Hours have come to a halt!!!!! Thanks for your response. Hope your mom is doing well..
I thought so too after 40 years of sometimes being the “life of the party” after a few drinks and honestly I love good bourbon and red wine. But, I love my life with those friends and family and decided that was more important than a tumbler or wine glass in my hand. I have replaced that at home with a good non alcoholic IPA by Sam Adams brewery. I enjoy one or two before dinner while by wife enjoys her Merlot. It works. Try it and live your best life. God Bless.
So much appreciate your thoughts and comments. You don’t know what a blessing your knowledge has been to me as a Newby with Heart Disease. Thank you so much!
You are very kind to say so, 4aces4me. I love learning, and I like to help others to reduce fear and mystery in their lives, especially when they are coincident and rob them of peace.
I would say a glass of wine issue. Sometimes we have to give up something we love for our health. I do not like wine, but love coffee and chocolate. Cannot have any or have heart rate issues. The best thing you can do is give up the wine. Or, you can run back and forth to the doc for meds that make your health worse. Your choice.