I’m being interviewed by NBC Chicago on long Covid this week. Help

Posted by ericy210 @ericy210, 1 day ago

NBC Chicago is doing some segments recognizing the five year “anniversary” of Covid. One segment is on long Covid. The Principal Director of the RECOVER studies Dr. Nirav Shah will speak of his research and I was asked to be interviewed as a participant.

I’m going and will publicly disclose my medical issues to bring awareness to long covid. Are there short comments I should consider mentioning about life with long Covid?

They will probably edit it down to fit their story, but I’d like to answer questions with all your long Covid experiences in mind.

I speak again with the PR person tomorrow for more info.


Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

You are the HERO of millions of us who became ill with Covid!!! The list of symptoms is as long as there are people affected. If possible, your mentioning what Is obvious to many of us but is often unknown to doctors and those unaffected…namely the sadness, isolation, lack of answers and lack of definitive helpful treatment. Many of us are treated as lab animals because care givers also either never heard of Covid or will not admit they simply do not know what might be helpful. Hopefully, at least one medical professional is documenting wold-wide findings to provide answers and treatments for the next generation…if not sooner. Those of us senior citizens are unlikely to see a true cure, but we are hopeful for the those who follow. Our lives have been altered beyond description. May you get MORE than “five seconds!”


You can lose your job your house and everything. We are the millions of forgotten victims of the pandemic that no one wants to remember.

Say that if you only have five seconds thank you

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I think this is a good statement:
“ . We are the millions of forgotten victims of the pandemic that no one wants to remember.”


On the bright side, I’m a long COVID 2020 victim who is finding help from Dr. Jordan Vaughn in Birmingham,AL. I’m being treated for microclots and seeing very significant improvement in my symptoms after 7 months of treatment. There are some physicians who are trying to help us.


ericy210, I would write down the main things that Long Covid have changed in your life so it will be fresh on your mind. Samples in how it changed mine are listed below. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, just some thoughts.

Covid changed my life. Long Covid changed it even more.

I battle extreme fatigue daily.

Long Covid has affected my memory.

I have chronic asthma.

I am more prone to asthmatic bronchitis & pneumonia.

It exacerbated my Fibromyalgia, CFS & Arthritis.

It greatly affected my immune system.

I have never gotten my taste back for coffee.

It changed my life socially when an uptick in COVID hits each year as I mask up and will not go in a large crowd.

God Bless you. I am so proud of you for doing this and will be praying for you. Blessings & Prayers.....

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And after answering on the interview, may you ask them where and how we possibly can go for intervention.


Thanks, ericy210 for being our spokesperson. It'll take a lot of energy and I hope you're getting some rest to prepare. I agree with all the other comments and would add this: From what I've learned (since dx in 2023), one of the hardest parts is the gaslighting and lack of understanding, not just from doctors(!) but from close friends and family. Many people just don't get it and say stuff like "You LOOK good, so how can you STILL be sick? Maybe you need some lavender aromatherapy cuz that works for me ..." etc. etc. Much more information needs to be blasted to the general public since we can't be explaining this over and over... it takes too much energy. I'll be watching all week and thanks for taking this on for the rest of us! (Bottom line: More publicity, please!)


I don't know what you're particular ongoing symptoms are, but I applaud you for doing this. Just be yourself, trust yourself, you know these symptoms are real and you were not like this before covid. Some of us have had other exposures before covid that have weakened our system: mold exposure, Epstein Barr, etc. We are mor prone to having a more severe reactions to the next assault on our immune system then others. It can be difficult. But what you are experiencing is what you are experiencing, it's real, just be your authentic self. you will be fine. We need to be heard!

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