Caregiving: Anyone else doing this alone?

Posted by nhbfan @nhbfan, Dec 21, 2024

I'm the last of our surviving family and I'm no spring chicken.

I have a friend that was in a similar situation with 6 other siblings, 7 total. Each one took 1 day a week.

I'm a little envious.

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Thank you for your response. Sadly, my husband passed away on Sunday Feb 23 at the hospice Good Samaritian House. I drove him there on Wednesday, got to visit with him on Friday and we were planning to up on Sunday when I got the call that he had passed. So I never got the chance to tell him good bye. I knew before he went there that he was nearer to the end. I did not want him to die at home and I wasn't able to give him the care he needed. The Good Samaritan house were able to give him more pain meds to keep him comfortable, and they could bathe him and he had to have a catheter in. This place had 10 beds but he was the only patient there at that time. So he had the undivided attention of the nurses. They were so kind and had a wonderful faith in God. He could not have been in a better place. We had the funeral yesterday and it went well. As well as a funeral could go. Today, I am just sitting in my pajamas feeling rather numb. I know there will be lots of paperwork but with the Lord's help, I will get through it. Thank you again.

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So sorry for you loss! Hugs!


So sorry for you loss! Hugs!

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Thank you,


When you are the care giver and the person you are carding for does not acknowledge any problem you are trapped. I have a helper 8_5 every day to help me with my PT. My wife will not let her help her. She clings to me so I can not go anywhere by myself.


Thank you for your response. Sadly, my husband passed away on Sunday Feb 23 at the hospice Good Samaritian House. I drove him there on Wednesday, got to visit with him on Friday and we were planning to up on Sunday when I got the call that he had passed. So I never got the chance to tell him good bye. I knew before he went there that he was nearer to the end. I did not want him to die at home and I wasn't able to give him the care he needed. The Good Samaritan house were able to give him more pain meds to keep him comfortable, and they could bathe him and he had to have a catheter in. This place had 10 beds but he was the only patient there at that time. So he had the undivided attention of the nurses. They were so kind and had a wonderful faith in God. He could not have been in a better place. We had the funeral yesterday and it went well. As well as a funeral could go. Today, I am just sitting in my pajamas feeling rather numb. I know there will be lots of paperwork but with the Lord's help, I will get through it. Thank you again.

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I am so sorry for your loss

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