Any others diagnosed with MS after Covid?

Posted by acnickel1 @acnickel1, Jan 9, 2024

I had my first and only Covid infection starting on Christmas 2022. I have never been so sick. I tested positive for 16 days and had a fever of over 103 for many days. I haven’t had a good health day since. After months of seeing doctor after doctor, I started to have blurred vision in and off. So, my PCP sent me for a brain MRI since it was rather sudden. That led to them finding multiple brain lesions. That lead to a neuro visit, 2 more MRIs for my cervical and thoracic spine, and a lumbar puncture. More lesions in my cervical spine were found plus indicators in my spinal fluid for MS. Has anyone else had this happen? Some infections like Epstein Barr Virus are known to trigger MS in some people, I just wonder if Covid may end up being one of those.

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I am so sorry you are going through this! I have had a similar experience from my 1st bout with Covid in June 2022, post Covid shingles in August, then September 30, my right side from above my breast to my toes went numb--when I touched my leg it felt like I had a sheet covering my skin. I felt off balance often then, as well. I've had 5 brain, T and lumbar spine MRIs since and I do have lesions on my corpus callosum and spine that have not changed. Initially, during 4 days in the hospital, along with the first MRI I had a spinal tap where they found no Epstein Barre, Meningitis, Ensephalitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Multiple sclerosis was in question, but my neurologists are doubting this. I have one Oligoclonal band, and was treated in the hospital with IV Steroids. I have had numerous blood tests that found nothing significant but a low B12 score; they are not concerned with that and I've started taking supplements.
Recently there have been changes in my right eye vision causing a little blurryness and will be scheduled for an optic nerve MRI. My current symptoms are: Numbness between two toes, and the inside of my right lower leg. As well as an off balance feeling occasionally that I can "right" by touching a wall while walking or lifting my right arm as if I'm on a balance beam. Their current diagnosis: It was an opportunistic infection that attacked my spine while my immune system was compromised by Covid and post-covid shingles. BUT every time I go to see my Neurologist, she looks from a possibility of MS. I stopped receiving vaccinations after the first booster because of the unknown, and since I'm an event manager, I've had Covid 5 times. UGH! I had never considered this Long- Covid until I started reading these comments.


I am so sorry you are going through this! I have had a similar experience from my 1st bout with Covid in June 2022, post Covid shingles in August, then September 30, my right side from above my breast to my toes went numb--when I touched my leg it felt like I had a sheet covering my skin. I felt off balance often then, as well. I've had 5 brain, T and lumbar spine MRIs since and I do have lesions on my corpus callosum and spine that have not changed. Initially, during 4 days in the hospital, along with the first MRI I had a spinal tap where they found no Epstein Barre, Meningitis, Ensephalitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Multiple sclerosis was in question, but my neurologists are doubting this. I have one Oligoclonal band, and was treated in the hospital with IV Steroids. I have had numerous blood tests that found nothing significant but a low B12 score; they are not concerned with that and I've started taking supplements.
Recently there have been changes in my right eye vision causing a little blurryness and will be scheduled for an optic nerve MRI. My current symptoms are: Numbness between two toes, and the inside of my right lower leg. As well as an off balance feeling occasionally that I can "right" by touching a wall while walking or lifting my right arm as if I'm on a balance beam. Their current diagnosis: It was an opportunistic infection that attacked my spine while my immune system was compromised by Covid and post-covid shingles. BUT every time I go to see my Neurologist, she looks from a possibility of MS. I stopped receiving vaccinations after the first booster because of the unknown, and since I'm an event manager, I've had Covid 5 times. UGH! I had never considered this Long- Covid until I started reading these comments.

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Do you know why they aren’t concerned with a low B12? That’s sort of a biggie according to my neurologist and he ordered immediate daily sublingual doses. I had a marked improvement in some symptoms. I have post covid syndrome too, so…..I can’t be sure what is causing what. But, the B12 was a factor.

Good luck with everything.


Do you know why they aren’t concerned with a low B12? That’s sort of a biggie according to my neurologist and he ordered immediate daily sublingual doses. I had a marked improvement in some symptoms. I have post covid syndrome too, so…..I can’t be sure what is causing what. But, the B12 was a factor.

Good luck with everything.

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I had always assumed they didn't consider B12 as a factor because it wasn't low enough. I'm going to ask her.

Thank you!


I had always assumed they didn't consider B12 as a factor because it wasn't low enough. I'm going to ask her.

Thank you!

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Mine was pretty low. And, apparently I don’t absorb the regular pills, so take sublingual.


I just looked through the reports from October 2022 hospital visit and they mentioned that B12 was not low. Regardless, I've taken a supplement with foliate ever since--just in case. Yesterday I had a strange flare-up. I've had a cold for a week and over the past couple of months I had a cold sore that tempted to appear a couple of times, but I had a stash of Valtrex (outdated since I rarely get them) that I took Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Yesterday I woke up with a burning sensation all over my face. Frustrated with their lack of follow-up, I contacted my doctor with the following note on February 26, 2025:

"I've had a visual evoke test and have heard nothing (February 7). Dr Givre is not responding. She also recommended MRI to focus on my optic nerve and hasn't scheduled. One of her staff members referenced a test, but then no response. Today I woke up with pain in my face. 4 days ago I had what I thought was a cold sore so I took outdated (2023) Valtrex. The "cold sore" continued to grow longer (unusual - typically a spot). I've had random throbbing in my right shoulder for a couple of weeks- similar to shingles/cold sore flair-up. Considering the pain in my face, the "cold sore" and the pain in my shoulder, This may be a flair up of shingles. The pain is mostly on the left side of my face, as is the breakout. Apologies for the lengthy note, but I feel I'm out here diagnosing myself and need feedback."
You at 10:12 AM
She responded "Sandy, it certainly is possible that this is a flare up of your shingles. I am on hospital duty this week so I cannot have you come to the office. You can have your PCP look at it if there is a rash or lesions to see. Otherwise I would suggest a strong course of the Vltrex full strength x 10 days the 1 per day for another month. I wild send this in to your pharmacy. WE can use lyrica if needed for the nerve pain, I will send that it to the pharmacy as well.
S GLenn"
I started taking the Valtrex yesterday

I called Telehealth before she responded and they told me to go to the er which was packed full and I waited 3 hours when told that I was number 15 in line and that could change due to the seriousness of the people coming in. PCP tells me to ask Dr. Susan Glenn about my care-plan and I have no follow ups. I just don't know what to do next! This is a great place to vent. 🙁


How are you doing, ANickell? < 3


I had Covid 4x and after the 2nd time my neurologist did an MRI and found several lesions on my brain and suspected MS. My symptoms are like yours. But I have extreme body aches that are debilitating! My neurologist retired! UGG ! He had me in infusions and it boosted my immune system. Since his retirement I was sent to his colleague and he took me off of the infusions and then I caught covid 2 more times. He just thinks I'm crazy as hell. I can't stand to see him anymore. I have a rheumatologist appt in March that I have been waiting foe foe 9 months! I just want the pain to go away. The insomnia, fatigue, brain fog, depression and anxiety all to go away! Mayo clinic does not take Medicare advantage plans bc I was referred and they states that they do not accept ANY MA plans??? I feel your pain!


Oh @lowrymal50 I am so sorry! Is your neurologist with Mayo Clinic? Mine is in Raleigh, NC.
She just prescribed 10mg 48count 10 day prednisone. I do hope my vision/blurriness calms down!!!!! The rash is gone, as is that strange pain in my shoulder. I think it's headed in the right direction. I am extremely grateful that my symptoms do NOT include body aches.
When I start feeling anxious, I really try hard to identify it as such, and not just another symptom, but I think I gained 3 lbs this past week while sick, because I'm anxious eating. I know that's so not good for me.
My sister in law is experiencing the same. I'm in Raleigh, she's in Kansas, and her Neurologist is telling her the lesions are scar tissue and will not go away and that she will need to do things to create new neuropathways to help with her symptoms. That gave me some peace, but now I'm trying to figure out ways to improve my eye vision using these exercises. I think that focusing on something that will help me is occupying my brain and helping me chill, too.
Sending a hug.


Oh @lowrymal50 I am so sorry! Is your neurologist with Mayo Clinic? Mine is in Raleigh, NC.
She just prescribed 10mg 48count 10 day prednisone. I do hope my vision/blurriness calms down!!!!! The rash is gone, as is that strange pain in my shoulder. I think it's headed in the right direction. I am extremely grateful that my symptoms do NOT include body aches.
When I start feeling anxious, I really try hard to identify it as such, and not just another symptom, but I think I gained 3 lbs this past week while sick, because I'm anxious eating. I know that's so not good for me.
My sister in law is experiencing the same. I'm in Raleigh, she's in Kansas, and her Neurologist is telling her the lesions are scar tissue and will not go away and that she will need to do things to create new neuropathways to help with her symptoms. That gave me some peace, but now I'm trying to figure out ways to improve my eye vision using these exercises. I think that focusing on something that will help me is occupying my brain and helping me chill, too.
Sending a hug.

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I will say that prednisone does help but it will make me eat and gain weight. They didn't want me on it for a long term due to the side effects. If it is working at least that tells me that it's inflammation. I live in SC. I was referred to the Mayo clinic but they didn't take my Medicare Advantage so they wouldn't see me. 🙁
I see a rheumatologist in 3 weeks so fingers crossed. Maybe some answers soon. I hope u start to feel better


GAH! I'm so worried about gaining weight... I've gained too much since this all started already! I hope that your rheumatologist gives you answers, too! < 3 @lowrymal50
I think we are all in a unique boat and science is trying to catch up.

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