Problems walking after covid

Posted by hopefuliny @hopefuliny, Apr 27, 2024

My mother caught covid for the first time in the hospital after surgery a couple of months ago (don’t get me started on how lax hospitals are with covid protocols) and since that time she has problems walking. She either has to use a Walker or wheelchair depending on the day. Her legs will suddenly feel heavy or like “jelly legs” and give out on her. Has anyone else had this reaction. She had the same reaction after the first couple of moderna vaccines but they went away after a day.

Thank you all.

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Three years and three months ago I had the Moderna booster. Immediately I was unstable walking, which got worse as days went on. I kept waiting for it to go away, used a walker sometimes, and was very fatigued. A year and a couple months later I saw a neurologist and had a nerve conducive test. He said it appeared that I had guillaine barre syndrome. Nothing was recommended or prescribed. I continued with physical therapy and rest thinking my life was about to end this way, I had retired just five months before the booster. Then in this last July, I read about nattokinase, and began taking it twice daily. In just a couple weeks I noticed a difference! Now it is six months later and I feel 80-85 percent improved! Am so excited to think I have some life left.


It's incredibly sad to hear about the severe complications covid has caused in people's lives.

Were you advised to take any medication?

My son has been struggling to walk for the last 3 years and has numerous blood tests and mri's but no one seems to come up with any kind of medical diagnosis. He recently met with a panel of neurologists and other medical professionals.
They ruled out what they thought it was and sent him on his merry way. Very disappointing as they must have some idea that this is related to covid.
He recently had a ketamine infusion and this has helped with the pain. Other than that he is on a strict diet to help with inflammation.
Too many similar stories and not enough medical professionals taking this seriously

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No research to date has found a"cure". Relief of some particular symptoms has been reported by some individuals, but that's it. This is worldwide. No vaccine can truly prevent getting it, nor transmitting it. We are just trying to adjust to a permanent new reality the best we can. God bless you all.


I've survived it 4times.(barely on the 4th) I have good days and bad days too. Once a dancer, I now have such bad equilibrium, that I'm labeled a 'fallrisk'. I share her pain. In my long covid treatment program, I've been taught to do only one thing a day, then rest. Lots of water and proper nutrition (hard without smell or taste) but I pay when I don't follow their orders. I hope shestarts having more good days and less setbacks.. just go slow and steady that's best...


I am so sorry. I too have long Covid and though I cannot relate to the leg muscle issues, I have other issues that do not show up in bloodwork, etc., and are chronic.

Praying for you as well. Hugs & Blessings....

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Jello and cement- quite familiar to me. Mostly cement and tingling these days (4yrs later)Ivig treatments-3 yrs. Pt in my facility has been helpful but it’s still wheelchair or bed for me. Diagnosed with CIDP 3yrs ago through a spinal tap. I’m progressing but have plateaued and not sure what comes next. Not fair!


Thank you, John. We are seeing her neurologist next week but she has been getting home PT and so far it hasn’t helped. So far, no one can figure it out. Seems par for the course for long covid!!

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Cannot agree more. Lots of stats etc., BUT, no updates on actual, effective remedies, cures.

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