University of Colorado Medical Center

Posted by freedancer69 @freedancer69, Feb 19 11:38am

Have any of you had your Septal Myectomy at the University of Colorado Medical Center in Aurora Colorado? If so, what was your experience? What can you tell me about the heart/lung machine? When did they remove your breathing tube? Did any of you have a Centeal Port? My surgery is in April.

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I think another person going to that hospital for surgery asked questions, perhaps it was you. The heart lung machine - you will never see it and you will be experiencing deep anesthesia during the time you are hooked up to it - you will have no memory. Yes, there was a Central Venous Catheter. That was a bit freaky while it was healing, but it did, quickly. I woke up about 4 hours after surgery and my breathing tube was removed soon after. Remember, everyone is different and every hospital has its own protocols.


Did you have alot of discomfort with the breathing tube being removed? I get bad panic attacks from anything being placed over my face. It is caused by my PTSD. Can they take it out before you wake up?


Hi @freedancer69,
@walkinggirl is right on with her assessment. Open heart surgeries have a number of routine protocols that include a variety of lines, tubes, devices that are all part of your pre and post-op experience. The endotracheal tube is a vital piece of this picture and how long this tube remains depends on your recovery after the surgery itself is over.
Just like @walkinggirl, I was extubated (had the breathing tube removed) right around 4 hours after surgery. I was awake and remember this well. They are trying to get your body temperature up, get you breathing on your own, get you waking up, and some of the lines can start to come out.
There is no pain with the tube coming out, it's important to listen to their instructions, however.
Knowing that you have a tendency to panic is something to discuss with your surgical team ahead of time. Let them know you are prone to panic attacks. They will do all they can to alleviate pain, discomfort and anxiety.
I am not familiar with septal myectomies at the University of Colorado, but I am pretty sure most all open heart surgeries have many similar protocols.
Were you referred to U of C as your first choice? Have you had a chance to learn how many septal myectomies their surgeons perform each year?


Did you have alot of discomfort with the breathing tube being removed? I get bad panic attacks from anything being placed over my face. It is caused by my PTSD. Can they take it out before you wake up?

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Karukgirl and I had mostly similar experiences. I was writing a message on my husband's palm- What time is it? I was awake and aware, it was deemed time for it to be removed. The nurse told me to cough and Voila! It was out! There was a slight feeling of soreness for a couple of days.


Hi @freedancer69,
@walkinggirl is right on with her assessment. Open heart surgeries have a number of routine protocols that include a variety of lines, tubes, devices that are all part of your pre and post-op experience. The endotracheal tube is a vital piece of this picture and how long this tube remains depends on your recovery after the surgery itself is over.
Just like @walkinggirl, I was extubated (had the breathing tube removed) right around 4 hours after surgery. I was awake and remember this well. They are trying to get your body temperature up, get you breathing on your own, get you waking up, and some of the lines can start to come out.
There is no pain with the tube coming out, it's important to listen to their instructions, however.
Knowing that you have a tendency to panic is something to discuss with your surgical team ahead of time. Let them know you are prone to panic attacks. They will do all they can to alleviate pain, discomfort and anxiety.
I am not familiar with septal myectomies at the University of Colorado, but I am pretty sure most all open heart surgeries have many similar protocols.
Were you referred to U of C as your first choice? Have you had a chance to learn how many septal myectomies their surgeons perform each year?

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I am a Veteran and this is where the VA is sending me. I requested Mayo but they are not in the VA system.


I am a Veteran and this is where the VA is sending me. I requested Mayo but they are not in the VA system.

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So if the mayo is not covered by VA try the cleveland center or ask a mayo dr what other facility or dr they would recommend.
I understand Septal Myectomy is done effectively by only a hand full of surgeons!
Choose wisely

Best of luck


I am going to the Colorado University Hospiral in Aurora Colorado. My surgeon is Dr. Cleveland. My surgery is on the 11th of April.

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