MAC lung cavitary disease: Looking for success stories

Posted by alyssa999 @alyssa999, Aug 28, 2024

Hello everyone just wanting to hear some similar stories to mine some positive ones as all I'm seeing is negative mortality rates etc at 25 is quite scary.
In may was hospitalized as I had phnemonia and couldn't breathe, following a CT scan they had found quite a large
lung cavity 9.2 by 9.2 cm. Suspected tuberculosis. Turned out to be MAC Lung disease the cavitary form. I have 2 kids I want to be around for so I'm quite anxious about everything. Started antibiotics but breathless from damaged lung tissue has worsened I think it's that or my anxiety from overthinking. Has anyone had any success story's of overcoming this disease and living a normal long life....

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.


If you are considering the surgery, I would suggest you watch this video of a presentation by Dr Mitchell. It made me feel much better about the surgery

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Thank you. I have seen that video. No doubt he is the best. Did you by chance have surgery?


No but I have cavity disease and it has been suggested I may end up there


I hope you don't! Take care

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