Anyone with LC 4 years

Posted by traceyf @traceyf, Jan 24 5:52am

I have been living with LONG COVID going on 4 years. The day I got my second vaccination, I was walking out of the place sideways, since that day, april14 was my second shot was fine with the first. I actually got covid october 2021 have lost all my energy. I cannot clean my house.I have an aid 30 hrs a week I run out of breath very quickly. I can't walk upstairs. I just turned 60 years old. And I never had any problems like this. I had a very active life went on vacation.all the time now, I don't even want to go out to dinner. It's too much of a hassle, it's a hassle. To take a shower I can't stand feeling sick anymore. I had to get someone to come in and clean my house. I moved into my apartment 3 years ago. And its still not unpacked, I can't do it. I am so down about having this vaccine. I didn't want it but my mother-in-law had cancer. So I got it to keep her safe. They have to come up with some kind of cure for this, because this is not living. I mean I know there are people that are bed-bound, I know there are people That had to quit their jobs. This is the most discouraging thing that has ever happened to me. I just can't take it anymore. My energy is at a 0 level. I see a therapist that does nothing for me But give me antidepressants and benzos . I go to my reg doctor, I request all kinds of tests he does.. They better come out with something soon. It's not fast enough for me. I have 3 grandchildren that I can't even watch because I'm too exhausted. I'm gaining weight like crazy. My hair's falling out my teeth. Went too garbage?My skin is so dry it feels digusting So now I have dentures. I have headaches, I have muscle aches.Diagnosed with fibromyalgia hashimotos ibs sjogrens empty seller syndrome hypothroidism fatty liver gallbladder removed. I've been diagnosed with hydrentitus supertiva . I had some kind of crazy Vasil, vagel heart problem. And was in the hospital, 2 weeks with what I thought was a heart attack. Then I was told it was a vazo vagal attack, never heard of it plus there was tropenine in my blood, which usually only happens when there is a problem with the heart. I'm sorry, this is so long. I'm frustrated. I have no faith in any all anymore..they knew it was bad..I wish NY could sue Pfizer. I will not even getva flu shot..My trust in Drs is gone. Please tell me what you guys are going through. Because I feel so alone. Everybody in my family doesn't even understand they think I'm just lazy because its on the inside..if they cant see it..its not there, and it's the furthest thing from the truth. My head wants to do a million things, but my body will not follow. Thanks for listening Tracey

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I too feel the same way but it started after the vaccine and has gotten worse with each bout of Covid. I feel like a shell of who I was before. Sometimes some of the symptoms get better but they always return with a vengeance. Headaches body tremors erratic blood pressure lack of sleep digestive issues. Exhaustion. Doctors don’t know - don’t know which doc to see next. Need answers. Living but not living.

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I understand completely. Maybe because sometimes your symptoms improve that is a glimmer of hope?
I often say if my body doesn’t figure this out, no one else can!
I just try to manage symptoms. Which means I mostly stay home and rest. It is no kind of life at all.
After years go by it is hard to keep believing things will get better.
Good luck to you.


I don’t hear the anger I feel in these posts. My life was stolen from me three years ago! That makes me furious. It is perhaps that fury that has kept me alive.
I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I do think this was something created. If they could create it, where is the antidote? Why are we left to suffer for years?
I am losing faith in humanity. Whatever research was going on is apparently being discontinued with the new administrations cut backs.
I fear we are on our own and if our bodies cannot recover over time, we are stuck with these horrible symptoms until we die.
I am sorry to not post something uplifting, but frankly I just don’t see anything positive on the horizon.


Oh we are all very mad. I feel our government has done this to us. I have stopped taking the flu shot..Thank God I only got the first 2 shots. Never a booster. I lost all trust in our goverment...If all these countries knew what they were doing to us. How can we ever trust them or the experts at the WHO they lied...killed so many..I have a horrible fear as the years go by and new information keeps coming out..turbo cancers..fertility problems..heart problem ..which I did wind up in the hospital with..I just didn't go.into it. I feel none of our medical community is telling the truth. I'm just following along and hoping there will be something to help us..we are not stupid..we know things will keep c9ming out. So yes..we are outraged. I just chose in this platform to speak about my actual health not my deep seed anger in how we are going to keep reaching for info to help our bodies as this continues. I'm mad ..very. I hear you. We are being proactive by being on this platform. Anger isn't going to get us anywhere..but collective fact finding will. Let's keep talking to each other..sharing info..letting each other know we are not crazy..this is really happening to us keep sharing. God Bless us all.


I got Covid in March 2020 and my life changed. I've battled Long Covid in a multitude of variations since. I wet through hell and somewhat back. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Fortunately, after 3 1/2 - 4 years, my central nervous system began to re-regulate and normalize but I still endure pain daily. I now have what my doctors call Central Sensitization Syndrome in my torso which means that, something that would typically not cause pain to others causes me pain and things that would cause light pain to others cause me a great deal.


I got Covid in March 2020 and my life changed. I've battled Long Covid in a multitude of variations since. I wet through hell and somewhat back. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Fortunately, after 3 1/2 - 4 years, my central nervous system began to re-regulate and normalize but I still endure pain daily. I now have what my doctors call Central Sensitization Syndrome in my torso which means that, something that would typically not cause pain to others causes me pain and things that would cause light pain to others cause me a great deal.

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This isn’t CSS, they try to give it that like it is something in your head. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but I truly think this stuff has impacted our DNA and changed something in our ability to metabolize.. may not be affecting nuclear DNA but definitely seems something mitochondrial DNA. 3 years out from the vax in my case and I am now having all over muscle wasting and atrophy, neuropathy across whole body, losing hair by the hand fulls.


Nearly 5 years since first catching covid-19 and early persistent symptoms related to cardiovascular system have remained…most disabilitating to me being postural hypotension as can barely walk or do anything standing. I am about to embark on vagus nerve stimulation having bought a NeuroTrac Tens device ( just waiting ear clip)…Will try very very slowly but will keep this forum informed if any improvements ( or not)….


Nearly 5 years since first catching covid-19 and early persistent symptoms related to cardiovascular system have remained…most disabilitating to me being postural hypotension as can barely walk or do anything standing. I am about to embark on vagus nerve stimulation having bought a NeuroTrac Tens device ( just waiting ear clip)…Will try very very slowly but will keep this forum informed if any improvements ( or not)….

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I agree there’s mitochondrial impact. I saw a peer-reviewed study showing mitochondrial improvement using 1666 mg L-Arginine + 1000 mg liposomal vitamin C twice/day. Not sure how long a situation is needed but will try this. It can’t hurt!


I got Covid in March 2020 and my life changed. I've battled Long Covid in a multitude of variations since. I wet through hell and somewhat back. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Fortunately, after 3 1/2 - 4 years, my central nervous system began to re-regulate and normalize but I still endure pain daily. I now have what my doctors call Central Sensitization Syndrome in my torso which means that, something that would typically not cause pain to others causes me pain and things that would cause light pain to others cause me a great deal.

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@uget1shot, several members here have discussed central sensitization syndrome and the principles of treating CSS have helped with their long COVID recovery.

You might be interested in this video explanation of CSS with Mayo Clinic's Christopher Sletten, Ph.D., ABPP and Director of the Pain Rehab Center (PRC) at Mayo Clinic's Florida campus.

There are several discussions about CSS that you can find using the search funtion:

Like this one for example:
- Central Sensitization - please share your stories

@uget1shot, have your doctors recommended a treatment approach such as a pain rehab center?


@uget1shot, several members here have discussed central sensitization syndrome and the principles of treating CSS have helped with their long COVID recovery.

You might be interested in this video explanation of CSS with Mayo Clinic's Christopher Sletten, Ph.D., ABPP and Director of the Pain Rehab Center (PRC) at Mayo Clinic's Florida campus.

There are several discussions about CSS that you can find using the search funtion:

Like this one for example:
- Central Sensitization - please share your stories

@uget1shot, have your doctors recommended a treatment approach such as a pain rehab center?

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Thanks you for these resources! I wasn't aware there were others like me out there. It was my pain management center that diagnosed me. I was there for a celiac block as a diagnostic for a Median Arcuate Ligament compression syndrome - also newly diagnosed since Covid, for which I had surgery last July. I was hoping they were wrong and the surgery would remove all my pain but unfortunately, no.

I'll review these discussions and see what I can learn from this group. Thanks again for taking the time to provide these links for me.


I got Covid in March 2020 and my life changed. I've battled Long Covid in a multitude of variations since. I wet through hell and somewhat back. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Fortunately, after 3 1/2 - 4 years, my central nervous system began to re-regulate and normalize but I still endure pain daily. I now have what my doctors call Central Sensitization Syndrome in my torso which means that, something that would typically not cause pain to others causes me pain and things that would cause light pain to others cause me a great deal.

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I didn’t know there was a name for it. I know what you mean. I haven’t sought out any answers because I don’t feel anyone takes me serious or is willing to try to figure it out. It takes more energy to try and go to the doctors then just to try and deal with it. My nervous system definitely hasn’t been the same since Covid. I had it at the end of November 2020. That was no ordinary virus. They will NEVER convince me otherwise.

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