Does THC, Delta 8 and or Delta 9 gummies effect heart rhythm?

Posted by chuckiepoo1 @chuckiepoo1, 3 days ago

I recently had an episode where I was unconscious for seven or eight minutes was rushed to the hospital and underwent numerous tests as a heart attack with suspected. However, there was no evidence of that, but it was believed that due to a left bundle branch block and other electrical based issues I experience syncope. A visit with my cardiologist brought up the fact that I use THC Delta 8 and Delta 9 gummies for sleep, and I was advised that recent studies indicate that THC in any form has been known to cause problems with the heart electrical system. Anyone heard of this or experienced issues related to the THC? I do not smoke it.

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I had not heard of it but found this reference and a few others using Google Scholar -

-- Severe Outcomes in Suspected Pediatric Delta-8-THC Exposures
Here are the search results if you want to scan through the list. You can also sort them by year at the left. Some are free for viewing but a lot are through institutions for a fee -,24


This is purely anecdotal, but I've found that indulging in a Delta9-containing gummy will bring about an episode of A-fib every time. That's the beginning of the side effects, including light-headedness, nausea, and just a feeling of being looped- similar to the reactions I've gotten to dilaudid ( given to me following abdominal surgery- once, I refused it after that). I tried1/2 of one of a delta gummy twice, just to see if the A-fib was coincidental, but apparently not. I shouldn't have been surprised, I have a long history of arrhythmias, and energy drinks will do the same thing. It looks as though I've gotten more sensitive to these triggers as I got older.

From some of the studies quoted in the above linked articles, it seems that those with underlying cardiac or cardiac arrhythmia issues may well have varying A-fib, SVT or even bradycardia incidents with the use of cannabis. I guess I was a little surprised, though, with my reaction to even the small amounts of THC in the gummies I took.


I have used a Delta 8 product, a tincture, for sleep issues for over a year and have never had any reaction from my PSVT. Maybe gummies have a stronger dosage? My dosage does not illicit any high or buzz whatsoever and I am a petite female.

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