B12 too high?

Posted by siouxzan71 @siouxzan71, May 17, 2024

I’ve been a laryngectomee for 24 years . I have Graves Disease, no thyroid, fibromyalgia, connective tissue disease, COPD, & osteoporosis. Now my Dr is concerned about my B12 level. It’s 2000. It’s been that since 2021. She doesn’t know what’s causing it. Any ideas will help. Thanks!

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Well, you’re now in the normal range according to typical lab values. Every lab has a slightly different range but a 200-900 range is typical. My doc says he like his patients around 500-600.

I’m guessing here, but I suspect your neurologist gave you high-dose B12 injections or oral supplements to get your levels up. He now may likely suggest a lower dose oral supplement to help you maintain your level so your levels don’t drop.

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I guess. I’m waiting his instruction. I apparently don’t absorb it well. Neither does my mom and brother. Genetic or autoimmune. B12 deficiency is a lot more complicated than I ever thought. It’s serious too. I’m very concerned about the damage it’s caused me.


It’s relatively easy to raise B12 levels by injection and/or oral supplements. The somewhat harder part is maintaining your now normal level of 700. I suspect your doctor will retest your B12 level in a few months to see if it stays normal or not. If it drops too low again you may need to consider daily oral B12 supplementation or periodic injections.

Many people don’t absorb B12 from foods for a variety of reasons. Low stomach acid, lack of intrinsic factor, lack of B12 in foods from vegetarian/vegan diets, certain medications that block B12 absorption (proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers, antacids, etc.) to name a few.


No one mentioned liver disease or leukemias Not likely to be the most common cause but worth noting if you have other health issues


Oh 2000 level.
Usually the B12 is eliminated via kidneys.
I have taken too many daily nuggets and got over 1000 but I simply stopped taking them and it went down quickly.

For those who are deficient I take SOLGAR B12 1000ug. 5 days week 1 nugget. . Sublingual so take under tongue.
I have to buy them from NATRUIS NZ and the last lot came via SPAIN. 3 x bottles 250 and $16.50 courier came in 3 weeks. $64 bottle.

Something about USA stopped them.
Never take B12 orally by water as B12 is terrible about absorbtion. No gall bladder as it had deteriorated. Surgically removed the bits! 6 portholes and removed through tummy button.

cheri jOY. (tuckie)


I am taking large doses of b12 supplements because, after many years I was not taking any. I was feeling weak, immensely tired, and had a hard time breathing. Also Ii had intense tingling in my legs and hands. It was discovered I had a b12 deficiency. After 6 months I feel wonderful now. But if I go to lower doses I begin to feel weak and tired again, and the tingling starts and disrupts my sleep. Yet my bloodwork shows that my b12 level is 2000. What would you advise?


I read excess B12 is elininated. Recently I was taking too much daily 1000mcg B12 SOLGAR sublingual nuggets.
I simply stopped and restarted on 5 days week. Now down at 535 I wsh to get to 700 at my age of 76.
Are you taking STATINS. Stop.
You should not take more than 1000mcg B12 daily. Sublingual - dissolves under the tongue. Straight into blood stream.
Once you arrive at what you want the B12 level to be... try and calculate how much B12 you should have .. as simple as that.
Taking some meds alter your B12 requirements.
cheri JOY. 76. (NZ)


I read excess B12 is elininated. Recently I was taking too much daily 1000mcg B12 SOLGAR sublingual nuggets.
I simply stopped and restarted on 5 days week. Now down at 535 I wsh to get to 700 at my age of 76.
Are you taking STATINS. Stop.
You should not take more than 1000mcg B12 daily. Sublingual - dissolves under the tongue. Straight into blood stream.
Once you arrive at what you want the B12 level to be... try and calculate how much B12 you should have .. as simple as that.
Taking some meds alter your B12 requirements.
cheri JOY. 76. (NZ)

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No, I am not on statins. Will not go that way. Since I have had my bloodwork taken, I have managed to lower my dosage of b12. Eventually hoping to get it down to 1000 daily. I was extremely deficient in it and was slowly dying. Was going to all the specialists there are, and nobody diagnosed b12. Discovered it myself when I got sores in my mouth. i know it takes up to a year to correct. So far it’s been 6 months. Tried to lower it before and started to feel like my health was going south again. Knew I was dangerously high, but I am gradually lowering it now. Thank you for your advise in this.


I was diagnosed when B12 blood test as an 'on its own' test. Away from your normal blood tests.
I cant remember why I was tested. I think it was leg tremor.

Solgar 1000ug sublingual I chose to test out. Injections alot of B12 at once running down. Didn't sound to me to be helpful.

So by taking 1 nugget daily it took only 3-6 weeks to get to 300 level. Then I read older folks should have a higher level. 1000 sounds too high but your body will rid excess.

Straight into your blood is better than through your stomach don't you think?

Your stomach digestion is the reason that you are B12 deficient. Try and have 'liver' at least once a fortnight. I love it sold cooked with bacon and onions.

cheri JOY. (Tuckie)

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