Anyone with LC 4 years
I have been living with LONG COVID going on 4 years. The day I got my second vaccination, I was walking out of the place sideways, since that day, april14 was my second shot was fine with the first. I actually got covid october 2021 have lost all my energy. I cannot clean my house.I have an aid 30 hrs a week I run out of breath very quickly. I can't walk upstairs. I just turned 60 years old. And I never had any problems like this. I had a very active life went on vacation.all the time now, I don't even want to go out to dinner. It's too much of a hassle, it's a hassle. To take a shower I can't stand feeling sick anymore. I had to get someone to come in and clean my house. I moved into my apartment 3 years ago. And its still not unpacked, I can't do it. I am so down about having this vaccine. I didn't want it but my mother-in-law had cancer. So I got it to keep her safe. They have to come up with some kind of cure for this, because this is not living. I mean I know there are people that are bed-bound, I know there are people That had to quit their jobs. This is the most discouraging thing that has ever happened to me. I just can't take it anymore. My energy is at a 0 level. I see a therapist that does nothing for me But give me antidepressants and benzos . I go to my reg doctor, I request all kinds of tests he does.. They better come out with something soon. It's not fast enough for me. I have 3 grandchildren that I can't even watch because I'm too exhausted. I'm gaining weight like crazy. My hair's falling out my teeth. Went too garbage?My skin is so dry it feels digusting So now I have dentures. I have headaches, I have muscle aches.Diagnosed with fibromyalgia hashimotos ibs sjogrens empty seller syndrome hypothroidism fatty liver gallbladder removed. I've been diagnosed with hydrentitus supertiva . I had some kind of crazy Vasil, vagel heart problem. And was in the hospital, 2 weeks with what I thought was a heart attack. Then I was told it was a vazo vagal attack, never heard of it plus there was tropenine in my blood, which usually only happens when there is a problem with the heart. I'm sorry, this is so long. I'm frustrated. I have no faith in any all anymore..they knew it was bad..I wish NY could sue Pfizer. I will not even getva flu shot..My trust in Drs is gone. Please tell me what you guys are going through. Because I feel so alone. Everybody in my family doesn't even understand they think I'm just lazy because its on the inside..if they cant see it..its not there, and it's the furthest thing from the truth. My head wants to do a million things, but my body will not follow. Thanks for listening Tracey
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@chuckstran reading your post made my day. So glad you found the strategies helpful and took action by printing and posting in common places you spend time. Proud of you! Way to focus on the things you have control over. Let me know how it goes!
I did not go into every detail when I wrote my intro..I have all the same things you have..I h ope we all get through this and get our lives back
This is what worked for me/my family to stop a long term virus. The symptoms were of extreme fatigue like mono. Went to see Dr. Tent in Michigan. He put me on 500 mg of lysine twice a day and 12.5 mg of iodine once a day. After 5 days on the lysine and iodine I started to feel much better, however was told that I needed to take this combination for three weeks more. Doctor said I need to put the virus in remission as it resides in the spinal cord and crops up when one is sick/weak. This also works for long term covid.
Your list is a concise summary of what I do for myself. Of course, 'life' happens and everything we try to do goes out the window, but on average this is what works. Thanks for bringing this to readers on this forum, I am sure it will help many! It's hard to do when in the 'feel good' part of the 'feel good-go out and do everything-crash-feel good again' rollercoaster. Remaining conscious of symptom management, pacing, delegating, enforcing rest periods for yourself is essential.
I am so sorry for all your suffering and struggles. Yes, I have had long covid since I got the original variant in March of 2020. My life is divided into before and after. I don't expect to live long, given I have declined every single year since. You are not alone.
Oh @tdiamond how your words I so related to. First I am so sorry you have endured so much and hopefully your travels have brought you to the meant to be healing and best life in your future place! My neurologist actually said I would be fine, his doctor colleague able to live several years before brain mass became excruciating requiring surgery, and I could outlive the covid created mass without surgery🙃
I do not wish this on my worst enemy yet think healthcare professionals we all rely on need a very quick dose of this to enable the understanding/ proactive mindset to fight within the systems for healing/life adaptive care for us. Quickest healing to all🌈
Most people just don’t understand. I’ve been told I need to accept aging! This is NOT aging! I try to remember people usually mean well, but sometimes it’s very hard.
Or they say they are tired too, but you know they are on their way to dinner and a movie. They just don’t understand what some of us are enduring.
@rinadbq thank you. Glad you have these self management tools in your back pocket. I can really relate to the impulse to “make up for” days when I’m a “noodle” by overdoing it when I feel ok- even if my former self wouldn’t have considered those tasks overdoing it. Finding the middle path is the work and also incredibly challenging. Sending lots of love and encouragement you way.
I wish there was a term different from 'fatigue' to descibe this- this is NOT staying up too late watching Netflix fatigue! It is overwhelming, incapacitating, leaden exhaustion. People who were part of my before-covid life don't understand, much less simply accept, I have 4-6 hours in my day now, not the 12-14 I had living in BC, Before Covid, partly because I look & sound exactly like I did living in that old life.
My friends are starting to understand I have days when I stay up until 2 pm and some days I am back in bed at 1130 am. If I don't lay down and rest, I have no energy left to make dinner and go to bed early. But it does mean a lot of missed plans.