Neuropathy pills: How to avoid scams?

Posted by wideawakechas @wideawakechas, Oct 26, 2021

Has anyone heard of or tried a pill treatment called Vita Soothe Pro? Nerve Savior?

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I am new to this forum although I have been suffering with peripheral neuropathy for 2 years (none diabetic). Like most sufferers I have searched endlessly to find supplements that provide some relief and a possible cure. My search has proved how impossible this quest is and so expensive due to misleading adverts and down right scams.What would be really helpful if members posted their experiences with supplements they’ve tried , which were useless/helpful or obvious scams. I am sure there must be some helpful supplements out there and we would all benefit if these were posted on this forum.

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I watched a video by a doctor (supposedly) and even if he was a legitimate doctor doesn't mean that he's not out to take advantage of you.
He was talking a lot about possible amputation which to me was a scare tactic praying on desperate people.
I have had neuropathy for 40 years or more. Lack of blood flow, gangrene, and possible amputation, and other potential complications have crossed my mind, but it's not something I worry about. I ignore all commercials & infomercials and the like. I have just delt with the pain and currently only numbness without any treatments. I don't have confidence they work. If they did I think there would be a flood of positive results instead of so many people asking how to relieve neuropathy symptoms.
Take care,


I am new to this forum although I have been suffering with peripheral neuropathy for 2 years (none diabetic). Like most sufferers I have searched endlessly to find supplements that provide some relief and a possible cure. My search has proved how impossible this quest is and so expensive due to misleading adverts and down right scams.What would be really helpful if members posted their experiences with supplements they’ve tried , which were useless/helpful or obvious scams. I am sure there must be some helpful supplements out there and we would all benefit if these were posted on this forum.

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interested in neuropathy support group


Has Topamax and gabapentin affeted your vision?

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Jake taken it for about a month Gabapentin my left eye acts up with vision blurry. Don’t know why


I was having really sharp pain in my feet at night for about 2 years, then about 6 months ago the sharp pain stopped, but continued to have pain and tingling in toes, especially big toe. Diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. I don't want to use drugs so have been trying lots of creams, etc. with no luck. But someone in this group mentioned they had success with Ananda Professional CBD Topical Salve, so I ordered it.
Just this past week had so much discomfort I couldn't sleep so rubbed on some of the salve, fell asleep shortly and slept all night which is unusual for me. Did this for 2 nights and it was successful. The salve is about $25. I want to see if the magnesium creams that people recommend work and maybe a little cheaper, but if not at least I found something for relief.

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Hi Peg the cream works with know skin problems, itchy burning feelings.


interested in neuropathy support group

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Welcome @eeriwa, Here's a list of discussions currently in the Neuropathy Support Group -

What type of neuropathy and symptoms do you have?

In reply to @kidnurse1 "Pudendal pain" + (show)

Pudendal pain

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Welcome @kidnurse1, Here's what a quick search of Connect found for pudendal pain - Has your doctor provided any suggestions to help with the pain?


Can someone tell me if nerve forte helps with neuropathy

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According to their website the among the main ingredients are pyridoxine and niacinamide both of which are known to cause pain for peripheral neuropathy


I am new to this forum although I have been suffering with peripheral neuropathy for 2 years (none diabetic). Like most sufferers I have searched endlessly to find supplements that provide some relief and a possible cure. My search has proved how impossible this quest is and so expensive due to misleading adverts and down right scams.What would be really helpful if members posted their experiences with supplements they’ve tried , which were useless/helpful or obvious scams. I am sure there must be some helpful supplements out there and we would all benefit if these were posted on this forum.

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Hello, bigjohn, I have had SFN in the feet, legs, thighs, and beyond for 4 years, which they say is a side-effect of having ulcerative colitis for 30+ years (not sure I believe this, as no gastroenterologists seem to have heard of it). I am lucky in having only numbness, no pain or even tingling etc. but it feels unpleasant & affects my balance. I have tried various combinations of vitamins but no solid results. Recently saw a podiatrist for it and he put me on METANX, which he described as an algae-based, "beefed up B-12" (& has some other B's). It is expensive, but I'm trying it for 3 months to see if I get any results. I will report back here, if so. Just wanted to add one more possibility to the pile! Let's hope this is something that actually kicks in eventually. Keep hopeful... Cheers, Diane


I am new to this forum although I have been suffering with peripheral neuropathy for 2 years (none diabetic). Like most sufferers I have searched endlessly to find supplements that provide some relief and a possible cure. My search has proved how impossible this quest is and so expensive due to misleading adverts and down right scams.What would be really helpful if members posted their experiences with supplements they’ve tried , which were useless/helpful or obvious scams. I am sure there must be some helpful supplements out there and we would all benefit if these were posted on this forum.

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A number of seizure medications have visual side effects, some have actually caused blindness. Probably most notable is Sabril. I took gabapentin too but it wasn't effective for my neuropathy or seizures. Exactly why gabapentin causes visual problems isn't fully known.
You might want to be checked out by an ophthalmologist just to set your mind at ease. I have taken anticonvulsants for nearly 60 years now.

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