Flying with an ascending aortic aneurism

Posted by bill0327 @bill0327, Feb 27, 2024

I am a 75 year old, 5' 11' male who weighs 188 pounds, does not smoke, exercises regularly, is otherwise healthy and only drinks wine occasionally. A year ago I was told I have a 4.2 cm ascending aortic aneurysm. I was then prescribed Carvedilol 6.25 mg twice a day and Irbesartan 75 mg once a day. Since taking these two medicines, my BP now stays below 120/80 when I take my BP first thing in the morning.
Is it safe to fly commercially from California to Texas and back?

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Hi... can you fly with an ascending aortic aneurysm? Personally, mine is 4.2. Recently diagnosed.. genetics.. I don't have high blood pressure I do not smoke or drink cholesterol is 183. Thank you!


Hi... can you fly with an ascending aortic aneurysm? Personally, mine is 4.2. Recently diagnosed.. genetics.. I don't have high blood pressure I do not smoke or drink cholesterol is 183. Thank you!

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When I was first diagnosed I had this same question as I was scheduled for a vacation. My cardio said flying was not a problem and I have flown many times since then without any difficulties.

I know how horrifying it is to receive this diagnosis but it takes a lot of time for the aneurysm to grow to a level likely needing repair. I've had my aneurysm diagnosis for over 15 years and it has grown only slightly larger, is still considered small and I am hopeful at this rate of growth I will not ever need surgical repair.

However, all that said, be careful lifting that suitcase. For me, I was told not to lift more than 25 lbs.



Hi... can you fly with an ascending aortic aneurysm? Personally, mine is 4.2. Recently diagnosed.. genetics.. I don't have high blood pressure I do not smoke or drink cholesterol is 183. Thank you!

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Thank you Donna.. I appreciate your time in replying. Yes I have made some modifications such as lifting etc. I feel so much better with your response. Happy New Year! Best to you!!


Hi Billo327. So have you ever had any cardiac related symptoms during flight or upon landing? I have cardiac symptoms of unexplained origin during decent, and upon landing. They were severe with my most recent flight. I recovered after three days. My aneurysm is stable at 4.3. Has anyone else experienced this, or something similar? I am interested in Billo327's question because I love flying, and now I am very very apprehensive about doing it. Thanks for the question Billo327.


Hi Billo327. So have you ever had any cardiac related symptoms during flight or upon landing? I have cardiac symptoms of unexplained origin during decent, and upon landing. They were severe with my most recent flight. I recovered after three days. My aneurysm is stable at 4.3. Has anyone else experienced this, or something similar? I am interested in Billo327's question because I love flying, and now I am very very apprehensive about doing it. Thanks for the question Billo327.

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I would check with your physician or cardiologist. Best to be safe with an eased mind.


I am shy of age 73 and have flown several times with my TAA (4.3). I had no issues. I am getting ready to fly again at the end of this month. I never experienced any issues during or after my flights including flying cross country west to east and back. Everyone is different. I cruise at least once a year as well.


I’m new to the group😊 I was recently diagnosed with a 4cm ascending aortic aneurysm. I have an appointment with a cardiologist but have a trip planned prior is it okay to fly? I received no direction or advice from my PCP. I did stop HIT workouts and heavy lifting at the gym for now….that part is HARD😩 I’m only 55 and VERY active!

Thank you for your thoughts❤️


I’m new to the group😊 I was recently diagnosed with a 4cm ascending aortic aneurysm. I have an appointment with a cardiologist but have a trip planned prior is it okay to fly? I received no direction or advice from my PCP. I did stop HIT workouts and heavy lifting at the gym for now….that part is HARD😩 I’m only 55 and VERY active!

Thank you for your thoughts❤️

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There have been many postings and answers to your question about flying you may want to do a search in the forum. In general, I believe with the size of your aneurysm you should be fine, things don’t start getting critical until the size approaches 5.0cm. My suggestion, keep staying active and work out (sensibly), you want your body to be in top shape if you ever require surgery. Mine was discovered after a bike accident at 5.2 cm and I was 54 yrs old, I had surgery 3 months later, I was very active and that helped my recovery be very fast, 5 days in the hospital, 3 weeks back to work. Also make sure your cardiologist is experienced in aneurysms, not all of them are, it makes a world of difference. Also, Keep your BP in check, exercise helps with that too


There have been many postings and answers to your question about flying you may want to do a search in the forum. In general, I believe with the size of your aneurysm you should be fine, things don’t start getting critical until the size approaches 5.0cm. My suggestion, keep staying active and work out (sensibly), you want your body to be in top shape if you ever require surgery. Mine was discovered after a bike accident at 5.2 cm and I was 54 yrs old, I had surgery 3 months later, I was very active and that helped my recovery be very fast, 5 days in the hospital, 3 weeks back to work. Also make sure your cardiologist is experienced in aneurysms, not all of them are, it makes a world of difference. Also, Keep your BP in check, exercise helps with that too

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Thank you so much for your feedback. I moved to a new state 2 years ago. I am a nurse, but not familiar with ANY cardiologists in my new state. My background is neuro/neurosurgery. I think docs think I already know things because I’m a nurse, so fail to inform me properly. I’ll admit, I know very little about this topic….just enough to be worried😏 This group is super helpful🥰


Thank you so much for your feedback. I moved to a new state 2 years ago. I am a nurse, but not familiar with ANY cardiologists in my new state. My background is neuro/neurosurgery. I think docs think I already know things because I’m a nurse, so fail to inform me properly. I’ll admit, I know very little about this topic….just enough to be worried😏 This group is super helpful🥰

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I found that is the same case for Drs, just because they are Drs doesn't mean they know about aneurysms specifically, even amongst cardiologists. I was lucky to find one whose research is on aortic diseases, including aneuryms. He is also a geneticist which helped me a lot since there seems to be a family propensity. I also had a brain aneurysm (more in your field of work) which was also repaired, (part of the family propensity). Having someone knowledgeable makes a world of difference. I see him once a year, I also have a BAV (which contributed to the aneurysm) that needs to be checked every year and he orders MRI/MRAs of the complete aortic path (groin, abdomen, thorax) and head every 5 years to make sure I am not developing new ones. I think that level of care comes from someone who really understands the subject.
Again, you are at 4.0, I wouldn't be too worried about things right now, but getting the right help can help you get more peace of mind.
All the best to you!!!

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