Does anyone regret having a septal myectomy and if so why?

Posted by acarla @acarla, Jan 22 12:04pm

Preparing for surgery. I want to be fully informed. What issues have people experienced after a septal myectomy? Thank you for your help?

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You are so welcome! I had Dr Bagameri as lead surgeon and the super skilled Dr Dearani as his side kick. Dr Bagameri was kind of in training when I had mine...and I was a bit nervous about that. But knowing Dr Dearani was standing by gave me confidence.
You got some terrific advice from other members. It really does help. You don't feel so alone or forsaken.
I am happy to hear your surgery is at the Mayo. The nurses, doctors, lab techs, housekeeping, x-ray techs, just so kind, helpful, considerate and they are stellar at their jobs.
There is nothing wrong with being scared, but you sound like you have a wonderful attitude. That's exactly what you need to face this surgery. No sugar's a tough one. But look at you! You made the hardest decision already. You decided that your life is worth living the best you can without this ridiculous HOCM!
Have you planned for your hotel stay yet? Mayo has a concierge service that can help with any travel arrangements or answer questions.
If you have been there before, you may already have a hotel in mind. I stayed directly across the street from St Mary's at the Marriott. It was super handy for my guy, as he just had to walk across the street. We also decided to stay a few days after discharge just so I could be close to the hospital if I had a scare about something. I flew home with no problem and had a three hour drive from the airport to my house. It wasn't fun, but totally doable.

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I am all ready with my Mayo clinic.T shirt - the comeback is bigger than the setback! When did you have your surgery if you are comfortable sharing?

Sent from Proton Mail Android


I am all ready with my Mayo clinic.T shirt - the comeback is bigger than the setback! When did you have your surgery if you are comfortable sharing?

Sent from Proton Mail Android

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Four years ago. It seems like it was not that long because I remember so much!
I got a tee shirt too! Mine said "All patched up and ready to go" with a band aid over a heart.


I don't regret it. However, I have had to Hypertrophic return in the lower part of my heart So I will be doing a 2nd surgery. That was not in the plan.

My pain was mainly in my back. It hurt more than my chest did. Lidocane patches (prescription 5%) and a custom creme with gabapentin helped a lot.
Before surgery, I used nair on my arms a couple of nights before surgery. It helped with the adhesives coming off later. However, I wish I had used it on my chest and neck as well, as you will more than likely have main line IV in the neck and of course the incision on your chest. Last time they sent me home with the bandage still on down my sternum, I spent an hour in the shower at the hotel trying to get it off (They suggested the warm humidity was the best way). However, the heat wore me down quickly and was totally exhausted afterwards. Thankfully I had a shower chair I could sit in, but the heat was fatiguing. This next time, I will insist it be removed before my departure from the hospital.

All of the clothing advice that was previously stated was super helpful! I used button up shirts, the first couple of weeks, after that I was able to work my way into some loose t-shirts and tanks instead of bras. Also a shower chair is helpful for the first week or so.
We drove back home to Arkansas, a couple of days after surgery. My husband had the foresight to ask for a temporary handicap parking permit. That was a big help also, as there were a couple of times it came in handy driving home. First few nights was rough at home. I slept in a recliner for a couple of nights. Afterwards I slept using a wedge with pillows on top. The wedge itself was hard and uncomfortable, so I used about 3 pillows overlapping horizontally, then my regular pillow on top of the very top pillow. I am working to prefect this a bit for the second go around.

Definitely a helper at home is a must! There are things you just can't do by yourself the first few weeks. My husband was mine. He was helpful for the medications as well, as I was not custom to taking many meds and the after surgery brain fog, my sense of timing was off. I was lucky that by the time we got home, I had family, friends and neighbors that brought meals to us which was awesome. My husband can cook a mean steak or on meats on the grill, but that's about it. (HAHA).

At home, I set an alarm for every hour to get up and walk. Started with just a couple of minutes and then worked my way up to 10 minutes at least 3 times a day prior to cardiac rehab. (If you can do that I would highly suggest it if at all possible). I think most insurances and medicare will pay for a certain number of hours/sessions.

I wish you the best of luck. I know it's scary, but remember you are having the surgery done in the best place possible if you are doing it at the Mayo. I know you are in good hands.

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Twentythree, I enjoyed reading your informative post and wish you a speedy recovery for the second go around. I wonder how many HCM patients do have the need for a second surgery, my cardiologist was unsure. It's interesting to learn how we differ in which parts of recovery are easier and more difficult. I could not get into cardio rehab for 6 weeks, nothing available till then. Meanwhile, starting the day after getting home, I was able to walk slowly up and down our 110' driveway, I quickly became a fixture with my walker in the neighborhood. This part of recovery was ok, I had always been a walker. The owners of the gym that I belong to used to work in cardio rehab, they gave me appropriate exercises. By the time I did go, I went 3 times and I did not need to be there. Many find this challenging. Please let us know how you are coming along!


Twentythree, I enjoyed reading your informative post and wish you a speedy recovery for the second go around. I wonder how many HCM patients do have the need for a second surgery, my cardiologist was unsure. It's interesting to learn how we differ in which parts of recovery are easier and more difficult. I could not get into cardio rehab for 6 weeks, nothing available till then. Meanwhile, starting the day after getting home, I was able to walk slowly up and down our 110' driveway, I quickly became a fixture with my walker in the neighborhood. This part of recovery was ok, I had always been a walker. The owners of the gym that I belong to used to work in cardio rehab, they gave me appropriate exercises. By the time I did go, I went 3 times and I did not need to be there. Many find this challenging. Please let us know how you are coming along!

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Dr Geske at Mayo says Im in the 1% that have to have a second surgery. Yeah me!!

It is very interesting to read all the stories and learn from others similar experiences.

Thank you, I just got word- April 7 is my surgery date. Ill keep in touch.


Good morning to all. How long before you could drive? Was your thinking cloudy for a while?


You are in my thoughts and prayers. Carla


Good morning to all. How long before you could drive? Was your thinking cloudy for a while?

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It was 4 weeks for me. The reason given was that if you are in an accident (Heaven forbid), your healing sternum could easily be injured. I hated to depend on my husband and friends, but it was necessary. I don't remember cloudy thinking, but was told to make no major life or financial decisions for an unremembered period of time.

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