Need advice with heart issues

Posted by jadillow @jadillow, Apr 25, 2019

I have posted numerous times and everyone is so friendly and helpful. I have sinus bradycardia and for months I have had many days randomly filled with lightheadedness bouts and pains all in left side (arm, chest, hip, legs). Had stress and Ecco done 4 months ago and many ER visits saying heart was fine. I am now wearing an event monitor to keep checking things. Today for example my resting rate, sitting at my desk my normal job, was in the 40s. Most days it stays in 50s and today I have felt lightheaded air. Even at times feeling my limbs were cool.

I juts needs some advice. I’m 36 with a side and kids and I just want to make sure I am doing all I can to ensure I see them through the years and make sure something’s tragic doesn’t happen to me. Any advice or anything similar from anyone? Thanks a lot for the continued help.

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I like your term, Catmom...'the helpless victim role'. That is exactly how I felt for most of the 2 years I suffered from barely controlled Afib. It was the drug, Sotalol at the highest dose possibly that made me feel weak and exhausted. Without it, of course, I would have been in constant Afib. The cardiologist said that the drug itself at such a high dose could cause 'heart block'. Strangely enough this didn't worry me...maybe because I was fairly young with kids still at home and figured it would never happen to me.
I only learned the valuable lesson of abandoning the 'helpless victim role' when I pulled myself up by the bootstraps and took charge of my own health. No more...'Yes, doctor. Whatever you say, doctor.". There was no internet then so I spent time in the library researching and reading books. According to a book on heart conditions in women, I first tried estrogen therapy....which I convinced my doctor to prescribe...although I was far from menopause. It worked! The very hard to control Afib stopped and I got (slowly) off the beta blocker. Not only did I feel well again, I felt like I had single handedly slayed a dragon. I felt empowered! It was an important life lesson. But the gynaecologist insisted I take progesterone with the estrogen because one must not take 'unopposed estrogen'. The Afib returned but it could be controlled with half the dose. Still, with that surge of success, I realized I needed to be stronger than I had ever been if I wanted to have my old self back with a renewed independence.
Still undeterred, I continued my research and read that aerobic exercise could strengthen and steady the heart. As you know, I joined a gym and went on the treadmill every day but Sunday for 35 minutes for 4 months. Inside a month, I was totally off the beta blockers. For the sake of anyone new reading this, the cardiologist said that it was not possible to 'cure' Afib and that I would soon be back on beta blockers. Here I am 24 years later at age 70...and but for a 2 day bout last year of blips during a period of stress, I have been fine. As you know, I avoid like the plague ANY and ALL stimulants. (coffee, tea, chocolate, alcohol, ephedrine in dental drugs or decongestants etc..).
If I could give anyone advice, it would be to beware of falling into the 'helpless victim' trap. It can feel like a safe and secure place, withdrawing from the world because one is too 'sick'. I urge anyone who feels the lure of helplessness, to fight against it; to look outward instead of inward; to adjust one's focus on others and what one can do to contribute to the world.
Because I learned to take charge of my Afib , I applied it to other areas of my life. As we age, we all have our crosses to bear. I happen to suffer from recurrent UTIs and have had to take many, many rounds of antibiotics which destroy the gut biome where 80% of the immune system resides. Again, through my own research, trial and error and visiting 4 specialists for their input and consulting with a naturopath, it has been an uphill battle, often discouraging, but I finally beat the UTIs.. Had I known at the beginning what I know now...
And again, as in my battle with Afib I am 'the master of my fate and captain of my soul'. Invictus!

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Good for you! I've refused to abdicate responsibility for my health to others also. There is so much information available now that one can make better informed decisions. Changing your own lifestyle has such an impact on your own wellbeing! After my Brady cardio episode, I was actually advised to 'take it easy'. Had I taken that advice, I would no longer be enjoying the life I am now. There are so many steps we can take on our own to improve things.


My heart sometimes hurts really bad. This has been going on for the past 4-5 years (i am now 16.) The other day I was playing basketball, and I stay active and work out most days so moving around is not a rare occurrence, but my heart started beating insanely fast. I thought I was having a heart attack or that my heart was literally going to explode. It was extremely scary. I have asthma, but my breathing was fine; it was just my heart. I stopped and calmed down for a minute and it went back to normal, but I have been a lot more intensely active before and that has never happened. Could a doctor please answer this? It scares me that I may have a heart problem. When it first started back when I was 11-12, my mom took me to the doctor twice and they just said a muscle around my heart was growing, but they never did any tests and I never thought they were right about it but my mom belived them. Now at 16 and done growing, it still happens. Do any doctors know what this could be?

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You should see a electrophysiologist for a work up. At age 16 I do not know if you are still considered a "pediatric" person but none the less the description you detailed indicates that you have experienced some sort of arrhythmia. That you have experienced issues the past since your were 11-12 suggests that there might be an underlying issue. I would gander to guess what it is but move on to see a good EP for a work up.


My heart sometimes hurts really bad. This has been going on for the past 4-5 years (i am now 16.) The other day I was playing basketball, and I stay active and work out most days so moving around is not a rare occurrence, but my heart started beating insanely fast. I thought I was having a heart attack or that my heart was literally going to explode. It was extremely scary. I have asthma, but my breathing was fine; it was just my heart. I stopped and calmed down for a minute and it went back to normal, but I have been a lot more intensely active before and that has never happened. Could a doctor please answer this? It scares me that I may have a heart problem. When it first started back when I was 11-12, my mom took me to the doctor twice and they just said a muscle around my heart was growing, but they never did any tests and I never thought they were right about it but my mom belived them. Now at 16 and done growing, it still happens. Do any doctors know what this could be?

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I am not a doctor, but had same problem for 7 years starting age 14. Discovered it was from caffeine which some people like me can be extremely sensitive to it.

If you are drinking or eating anything containing caffeine, stop all and let us know what happens.


What's the suggested cause of the Bradycardia? Sometimes medications cause it, such as medications used to control the rate in Afib patients, or Certain Blood Pressure medications, etc. What has your doctor told you is the likely cause of your Bradycardia?

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angioplasty and stent insertion in right coronary artery


Do you go to a cardiologist? This is my problem. My family doctor said I don’t need to go to a cardiologist. But he doesn’t tell me anything except it’s nothing to be concerned about a lot of people have this. Everything I know is from reading on line. I feel like you I need someone to tell me what I should be doing to live a healthy life.


I am not a doctor, but had same problem for 7 years starting age 14. Discovered it was from caffeine which some people like me can be extremely sensitive to it.

If you are drinking or eating anything containing caffeine, stop all and let us know what happens.

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Include the sport drinks.
cheri JOY. (tuckie)


What meds are you on?
Have you AF?
Lightheadedness for me means ... BP too low and therefore meds need another evaluation.
A heart monitor will give an accurate picture of what is happening.
Dr tend to up Cardiologist's prescribed meds or their prescription rather than have a monitor.
I've just stopped Bisoprolol a BB Beta Blocker for Light Headedness and Vision problems.
Yes it was BP too low for me.
I take Diltiazem only for control BP and H/R - low dose 120mg CD in AM. Great.
Also BBs and CCBs need t be separated by 12 hrs.
I need rapidH/R Day control but Night my normal is 47avg. So OK. Diltiazem taken 8am runs out of strength during afternoon and rises to 80s.
cheri JOY. (Tuckie)


Include the sport drinks.
cheri JOY. (tuckie)

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Of course. They are very dangerous.


What meds are you on?
Have you AF?
Lightheadedness for me means ... BP too low and therefore meds need another evaluation.
A heart monitor will give an accurate picture of what is happening.
Dr tend to up Cardiologist's prescribed meds or their prescription rather than have a monitor.
I've just stopped Bisoprolol a BB Beta Blocker for Light Headedness and Vision problems.
Yes it was BP too low for me.
I take Diltiazem only for control BP and H/R - low dose 120mg CD in AM. Great.
Also BBs and CCBs need t be separated by 12 hrs.
I need rapidH/R Day control but Night my normal is 47avg. So OK. Diltiazem taken 8am runs out of strength during afternoon and rises to 80s.
cheri JOY. (Tuckie)

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I take no meds. I have reactions to meds because my body is used to none. I do not need to have a doc confirm what specifically is called to know when my heart beat is going too fast or jumping around like a ping pong ball. I investigate and take action to eliminate what is triggering it.


Good that you can get away with no meds.
I had no meds prior to stroke etc.
To hipe up H/R is more salt.
We have Organic whole OATS and I cook them in water.
Then I add fresh fruit kiwifruit, or blueberries, or banana.
The above lowers BP.
Cold glass of water could lower H.R.
Aches and pains can be arthritic or rheumatoid.
Have you ever had an ablation which can lower BP and H/R for life.

Supplements can interfere with body systems.

Thyroid problems can too. Get TSH, T3 and T4 checked.

and Level of B12. I am deficient so take a nugget under tongue 5 days week. Wish to keep kevel 700ish. I take Solgar. Tested by Dr.

Research says not to take Omega 3 in supplements. Take natural foods.

2 Brazil Nuts day for T3 health or sardines or Liver (Lambs Fry or Beef).

cheri JOY. (tuckie)

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