Cholangiocarcinoma Bile Duct Cancer: Want to share experiences?
Anyone currently battling bile duct cancer? I would love to speak to discuss your experiences. I was just recently diagnosed in June.
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I was also diagnosed with hilar cholangiocarcinoma in June 2024. In 9 months I still have no positive test showing cancer and yet I had 7 ECRP's with brushings for biopsy, 5 CT scans with and without dye, 2 MRCPs, ENDUS, Colonoscopy, left and right lower lobe external biliary drains and exchanges over the past 9 months... all testing comes back negative for CANCER. I went from 135# down to 90# in a matter of a few months. As a retired RN, at 65 yrs I am sad to know this is my journey at this time. Transplant and resection are not an option and they wish to start me on chemo. After the first presumptive diagnosis from one hospital, I checked with two others, only to come up with the same conclusions. Since I understand what my short future holds for me, I am getting my affairs in order and have decided to donate my body to science. Maybe they can find useful information with the next person whom is dx with bile duct cancer / hilar cholangiocarcinoma.
Deb RN
Deb, this post made me cry. My mother was 64 when diagnosed and she died at 65. She refused chemo because she also had an autoimmune disease (she also just didn’t believe in chemo), but I have been reading more and more success with using the chemo than before. My mother never tested positive for bile duct cancer even though we were told she had it by three major hospitals. Her CA19 levels were elevated though (they went back down after radiation). The bile duct cancer did not really spread, but eventually she died of kidney failure. She had many pre-existing conditions, but she required many bile ducts stents that essentially led to so many organs not working (she of course, had many pre-existing conditions that ultimately led to her poor prognosis. I am rambling on, but basically what I want to say is do the chemo and fight. If you have children, write down all the family recipes. Say the things you want to say. We cared for my mother every day, but we never wanted to face the reality that she might die so there were many things I wish I had asked. We were waiting on God to provide a miracle that never came, but it doesn’t mean that it can’t happen for somebody else. I will keep you in my prayers.
Thank you so much! I was 64 in June, when they told me I have hilar cholangiocarcinoma, and turned 65 this past 29th of December. I start chemo this coming Wednesday. Wish me luck!
Happy to hear your going to try chemo and its not easy
for me handling side affects but most people tolerate it ok and i hope it works.
@djjnurse, how are you doing on chemo? How are doing today?
small side effects....more tired....little numbness in fingers....but had extra pain more than normal of RUQ
Good luck. My spouse had resection of the liver and on chemo for 6 months. He has 2 months of chemo left. Patient at Mayo and great team of doctors and PA’s. Testing every 2 months which next appointment is this week on 1/23, blood work, CT Scan and MRI then appointment to review results with PA. So far, no recurrence. The malignant tumor was on his liver on the left lobe which was respected in June 2024. Testing will continue on current schedule for 2 years and then testing for the following 3 years will not be as often.
You should definitely go on the chemo.🙏🙏
Yes I started chemo last wednesday, Jan 15th, 2025. No side effects until 3rd day where I was nausious, have mouth sores, and more pain. Hoping the pain is due to the chemo destroying the cancer
Most of my spouse’s side effects, diarrhea, bottom of feet peeling, now his finger tips are cracking open. He was on 2000 mg twice a day, had to reduce it to 1500 mgs twice a day. He is able to tolerate it better. Kinda like a twofer too, his arms, back and face broke out in sores, chemo killing the skin cancer.
Hang in there. Chemo is killing all the cancer cells your body may have.
I apologize my English is limited. I been sharing my situation. I wish that would be telephone connections would be easier
With the bile duct cancer,tumor in the liver.4 months ago I went trough Y90 treatmentmy tumor shrink a little and the liver grown some. Now I culified for surgery callROUX-EN-Y HEPATICOJEJUNOSTOMY (RYHJ) ,or I can try a Y90 with chemo. If anyone has any information abaut this surgery please respond d. Thank you.