Epstein Barr Nuclear AG AB IGG result of over 600

Posted by lsh @lsh, May 3, 2020

Hello, I am searching for information and also input because of my hideously high lab results for EBNA Nuclear AB IGG. My result was given as over 600. The range is less than 18 is negative. Over 22 is positive. To restate, my lab result is over 600.

I am 52. I did have mono at age 11. For at least four years I have complained on numerous times to my PCP of fatigue. We suspected thyroid but that has been treated and I still have suffered from bouts of fatigue, feeling like I was coming down with a bug, dizziness, etc for 3 or 4 days out of just about every month for the last eighteen months. I finally saw a naturopath who tested me for EBV.

I love my Naturopath, but I am wondering if I should be seeing a specialist because of this high lab result.
I am on a treatment plan of antiviral supplements, and immune supporting vitamins and supplements which she said will probably need to be taken for at least three months.

Has anyone else had numbers this high? I am having trouble finding much information on reactivated EBV.

Thank you!

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Thank you. I didn’t know that. For the first two weeks after New Year, I was sleeping probably around 16-19 hours a day. I have another appointment this week. I will ask him about this. Thanks again


My doctor has me on valtrex daily high vitamin d, lisine and monolaurium. Stay away from nuts they contain l-arginine and the virus feeds off it. Try to get at least 8-9 hours of sleep. These have helped mine. It usually tests over 750.

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What type of specialist treats EBV?


Thank you. I didn’t know that. For the first two weeks after New Year, I was sleeping probably around 16-19 hours a day. I have another appointment this week. I will ask him about this. Thanks again

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Let me rephrase that you need at least 8-9 hours a sleep a night. If your body has you sleeping more I am not saying don’t sleep. Please always check with doctor on supplements and any meds


Let me rephrase that you need at least 8-9 hours a sleep a night. If your body has you sleeping more I am not saying don’t sleep. Please always check with doctor on supplements and any meds

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I know. I just couldn’t stay awake. Hopefully I will be on the uphill end pretty quick. I get tired of being tired. I’m going to call my doctor in the morning. Thank you again


It is very evident that my EBV is related to drops in estrogen. My levels have also been that high. Lately, they've been at a lower level, perhaps because of Valacyclovir. When I have the EBV it causes pancreatitis, which increases my estrogen. This is the only time this monster deactivates.


What type of specialist treats EBV?

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My thyroid doctor is treating me. Many doctors don’t recognize it as an active virus that can do so much damage. Infectious Disease
Doctors should be a good source.


It is very evident that my EBV is related to drops in estrogen. My levels have also been that high. Lately, they've been at a lower level, perhaps because of Valacyclovir. When I have the EBV it causes pancreatitis, which increases my estrogen. This is the only time this monster deactivates.

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That makes sense to me because I forgot my estrogen and then I had a bad flare up.

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