Where do you turn when you've tried many Fibromyalgia medications?
I’ve been prescribed many things and tried so much for my pain which is unbearable. Can anyone share what works for them best?
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I was prescribed Naltrexone .25 mg, and it's helped so much. I haven't had a full-blown flare up in so long. I can feel when one is coming on, but it never becomes overwhelming where I'm in bed for days at a time. I believe it has lessened the pain but not taken it away completely. I also take 10 mg Baclofen which is a muscle relaxer. Both of these I take at bedtime, they make me sleepy which helps with the sleep issues.
Now, do jump all over me. I’ve had Fibro for 25 years, tried all meds +. I’m not able to take NSAID’s, but I want to have a life. SO? 90% of the time, I take nothing and try and work through it for the day resting as needed. When I WANT to go somewhere ; see grandkids, Bible study, visit a friend or light travel. I take 1/2 Norco. I know it is a major controversy and I understand it, but that is the only way I can enjoy an event. For me, it does nothing but relieve the pain to some degree. I am very disciplined with it and thankful my doctor works with me. 10 per month and never use all of them. Gentle hugs 🤗
I am glad to hear that naltrexone works for you. I was in the original naltrexone study at Stanford and it works just the opposite on me than it did everyone else. I guess you can say I’m one of a kind.😄
I have been prescribed Lyrica, Cymbalta, gabapentin, e-gabalin (I forget the spelling), and a variety of other drugs, none of which worked, some of which made me much sicker (Cymbalta, which my PCP now lists in my chart as an allergen for me). I wish I'd find the targeted medication for fibromyalgia because all these others are broader-scope drugs that can cause quite damaging effects. We call them "side," but they're frontal.
That's exactly what I do! Works like a charm. Just 1/2 Percocet when absolutely needed, no more than 2 halves per day, and not more than 2 or 3 days in a row.
May take 1/2 before babysitting the grand kids this evening!
Yes, took so many and “side effects “ make life worse. Work with your doctor to see if just a pain med works ONLY AS NEEDED. CA will prescribe 10 a month for some. I know OR only want you to take cannabis I’ve been told.
I'm 76 years old and I have experience the same side effects that you are all talking about. I just can't take some of the pills. I had a wonderful doctor allow me to take xanax, and I would take half of a .25 when I really needed it, and it would head off some of the worst pain. At my age, nobody will give me the medication I need for pain and it's very frustrating.
I understand. I tried all the meds they gave me and couldn’t tolerate them (and have a life). One doctor told me HE didn’t want me to have the Norco. I’m afraid I went ballistic on him and among other things asked (so the drug addicts van have it, but I can’t? It was him and not the Insurance he works for. He retired and I went to another doctor who asked who authorized Norco. Turns out the old doctor was the go-to doctor to ok meds. You have to fight for yourself and what is right for you. I’m past your age. I really do Understand the opioid concern, but don’t put me in that box.